5 research outputs found

    Dynamic Chromatic Number of Regular Graphs

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    A dynamic coloring of a graph GG is a proper coloring such that for every vertex vV(G)v\in V(G) of degree at least 2, the neighbors of vv receive at least 2 colors. It was conjectured [B. Montgomery. {\em Dynamic coloring of graphs}. PhD thesis, West Virginia University, 2001.] that if GG is a kk-regular graph, then χ2(G)χ(G)2\chi_2(G)-\chi(G)\leq 2. In this paper, we prove that if GG is a kk-regular graph with χ(G)4\chi(G)\geq 4, then χ2(G)χ(G)+α(G2)\chi_2(G)\leq \chi(G)+\alpha(G^2). It confirms the conjecture for all regular graph GG with diameter at most 2 and χ(G)4\chi(G)\geq 4. In fact, it shows that χ2(G)χ(G)1\chi_2(G)-\chi(G)\leq 1 provided that GG has diameter at most 2 and χ(G)4\chi(G)\geq 4. Moreover, we show that for any kk-regular graph GG, χ2(G)χ(G)6lnk+2\chi_2(G)-\chi(G)\leq 6\ln k+2. Also, we show that for any nn there exists a regular graph GG whose chromatic number is nn and χ2(G)χ(G)1\chi_2(G)-\chi(G)\geq 1. This result gives a negative answer to a conjecture of [A. Ahadi, S. Akbari, A. Dehghan, and M. Ghanbari. \newblock On the difference between chromatic number and dynamic chromatic number of graphs. \newblock {\em Discrete Math.}, In press].Comment: 8 page

    Colorings of complements of line graphs

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    Our purpose is to show that complements of line graphs enjoy nice coloring properties. We show that for all graphs in this class the local and usual chromatic numbers are equal. We also prove a sufficient condition for the chromatic number to be equal to a natural upper bound. A consequence of this latter condition is a complete characterization of all induced subgraphs of the Kneser graph KG(n,2)\operatorname{KG}(n,2) that have a chromatic number equal to its chromatic number, namely n2n-2. In addition to the upper bound, a lower bound is provided by Dol'nikov's theorem, a classical result of the topological method in graph theory. We prove the NP\operatorname{NP}-hardness of deciding the equality between the chromatic number and any of these bounds. The topological method is especially suitable for the study of coloring properties of complements of line graphs of hypergraphs. Nevertheless, all proofs in this paper are elementary and we also provide a short discussion on the ability for the topological methods to cover some of our results

    Rainbow paths with prescribed ends

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    It was conjectured in [S. Akbari, F. Khaghanpoor, and S. Moazzeni. Colorful paths in vertex coloring of graphs. Preprint] that, if G is a connected graph distinct from C7, then there is a χ(G)-coloring of G in which every vertex v ∈ V (G) is an initial vertex of a path P with χ(G) vertices whose colors are different. In [S. Akbari, V. Liaghat, and A. Nikzad. Colorful paths in vertex coloring of graphs. Electron. J. Combin. 18(1):P17, 9pp, 2011] this was proved with ⌊ χ(G) 2 ⌋ vertices instead of χ(G) vertices. We strengthen this to χ(G) − 1 vertices. We also prove that every connected graph with at least one edge has a proper k-coloring (for some k) such that every vertex of color i has a neighbor of color i + 1 (mod k). C5 shows that k may have to be greater than the chromatic number. However, if the graph is connected, infinite and locally finite, and has finite chromatic number, then the k-coloring exists for every k ≥ χ(G). In fact, the k-coloring can be chosen such that every vertex is a starting vertex of an infinite path such that the color increases by 1 (mod k) along each edge. The method is based on the circular chromatic number χc(G). In particular, we verify the above conjecture for all connected graphs whose circular chromatic number equals the chromatic number