4 research outputs found

    Color degree and color neighborhood union conditions for long heterochromatic paths in edge-colored graphs

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    Let GG be an edge-colored graph. A heterochromatic (rainbow, or multicolored) path of GG is such a path in which no two edges have the same color. Let dc(v)d^c(v) denote the color degree and CN(v)CN(v) denote the color neighborhood of a vertex vv of GG. In a previous paper, we showed that if dc(v)β‰₯kd^c(v)\geq k (color degree condition) for every vertex vv of GG, then GG has a heterochromatic path of length at least ⌈k+12βŒ‰\lceil\frac{k+1}{2}\rceil, and if ∣CN(u)βˆͺCN(v)∣β‰₯s|CN(u)\cup CN(v)|\geq s (color neighborhood union condition) for every pair of vertices uu and vv of GG, then GG has a heterochromatic path of length at least ⌈s3βŒ‰+1\lceil\frac{s}{3}\rceil+1. Later, in another paper we first showed that if k≀7k\leq 7, GG has a heterochromatic path of length at least kβˆ’1k-1, and then, based on this we use induction on kk and showed that if kβ‰₯8k\geq 8, then GG has a heterochromatic path of length at least ⌈3k5βŒ‰+1\lceil\frac{3k}{5}\rceil+1. In the present paper, by using a simpler approach we further improve the result by showing that if kβ‰₯8k\geq 8, GG has a heterochromatic path of length at least ⌈2k3βŒ‰+1\lceil\frac{2k}{3}\rceil+1, which confirms a conjecture by Saito. We also improve a previous result by showing that under the color neighborhood union condition, GG has a heterochromatic path of length at least ⌊2s+45βŒ‹\lfloor\frac{2s+4}{5}\rfloor.Comment: 12 page

    Rainbow C_4's and Directed C_4's: the Bipartite Case Study

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    In this paper we obtain a new sufficient condition for the existence of directed cycles of length 4 in oriented bipartite graphs. As a corollary, a conjecture of H. Li is confirmed. As an application, a sufficient condition for the existence of rainbow cycles of length 4 in bipartite edge-colored graphs is obtained.Comment: 9 pages, accepted by Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. So

    Long rainbow path in properly edge-colored complete graphs

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    Let GG be an edge-colored graph. A rainbow (heterochromatic, or multicolored) path of GG is such a path in which no two edges have the same color. Let the color degree of a vertex vv be the number of different colors that are used on the edges incident to vv, and denote it to be dc(v)d^c(v). It was shown that if dc(v)β‰₯kd^c(v)\geq k for every vertex vv of GG, then GG has a rainbow path of length at least min⁑{⌈2k+13βŒ‰,kβˆ’1}\min\{\lceil\frac{2k+1}{3}\rceil,k-1\}. In the present paper, we consider the properly edge-colored complete graph KnK_n only and improve the lower bound of the length of the longest rainbow path by showing that if nβ‰₯20n\geq 20, there must have a rainbow path of length no less than 34nβˆ’14n2βˆ’3911βˆ’1116\displaystyle \frac{3}{4}n-\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{\frac{n}{2}-\frac{39}{11}}-\frac{11}{16}.Comment: 12 page

    A note on heterochromatic cycles of length 4 in edge-colored graphs

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    Let GG be an edge-colored graph. A heterochromatic cycle of GG is one in which every two edges have different colors. For a vertex v∈V(G)v\in V(G), let CN(v)CN(v) denote the set of colors which are assigned to the edges incident to vv. In this note we prove that GG contains a heterochromatic cycle of length 4 if GG has nβ‰₯60n\geq 60 vertices and ∣CN(u)βˆͺCN(v)∣β‰₯nβˆ’1|CN(u)\cup CN(v)|\geq n-1 for every pair of vertices uu and vv of GG. This extends a result of Broersma et al. on the existence of heterochromatic cycles of length 3 or 4