5 research outputs found

    Collision Resistance of the JH Hash Function

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    In this paper, we analyze collision resistance of the JH hash function in the ideal primitive model. The JH hash function is one of the five SHA-3 candidates accepted for the final round of evaluation. The JH hash function uses a mode of operation based on a permutation, while its security has been elusive even in the random permutation model. One can find a collision for the JH compression function only with two backward queries to the basing primitive. However, the security is significantly enhanced in iteration. For c≤n/2c\leq n/2, we prove that the JH hash function using an ideal nn-bit permutation and producing cc-bit outputs by truncation is collision resistant up to O(2c/2)O(2^{c/2}) queries. This bound implies that the JH hash function provides the optimal collision resistance in the random permutation model

    MJH: A Faster Alternative to MDC-2

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    Abstract. In this paper, we introduce a new class of double-block-length hash functions. Using the ideal cipher model, we prove that these hash functions, dubbed MJH, are asymptotically collision resistant up to O(2n(1−)) query complexity for any > 0 in the iteration, where n is the block size of the underlying blockcipher. When based on n-bit key blockciphers, our construction, being of rate 1/2, provides better provable security than MDC-2, the only known construction of a rate-1/2 double-length hash function based on an n-bit key blockcipher with non-trivial provable security. Moreover, since key scheduling is performed only once per message block for MJH, our proposal significantly outperforms MDC-2 in efficiency. When based on a 2n-bit key blockcipher, we can use the extra n bits of key to increase the amount of payload accordingly. Thus we get a rate-1 hash function that is much faster than existing proposals, such as Tandem-DM with comparable provable security. This is the full version of [19].

    Concurso NIST. Análisis del concurso (2007-2012)

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es dar a conocer el concurso SHA-3, concurso que ha transcurrido durante los últimos años y que ha promovido el Instituto Nacional de Estándares y Tecnología, también conocido como NIST, con el objetivo de encontrar el nuevo algoritmo criptográfico de función resumen SHA-3 que se utilizará de estándar de aquí en adelante. Con este fin se ha realizado un estudio sobre criptografía en general y sobre algunos de los algoritmos criptográficos de función resumen existentes hasta el momento, además de un análisis detallado del concurso, de sus fases y de sus finalistas. Además se ha hecho un breve resumen de los problemas existentes en la actualidad referentes a seguridad y de los escándalos concernientes a ello de todos los tiempos en la sociedad norteamericana.Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestió