5 research outputs found

    Context Aware Pre-Crash System for Vehicular ad hoc Networks Using Dynamic Bayesian Model

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    Tragically, traffic accidents involving drivers, motorcyclists and pedestrians result in thousands of fatalities worldwide each year. For this reason, making improvements to road safety and saving people’s lives is an international priority. In recent years, this aim has been supported by Intelligent Transport Systems, offering safety systems and providing an intelligent driving environment. The development of wireless communications and mobile ad hoc networks has led to improvements in intelligent transportation systems heightening these systems’ safety. Vehicular ad hoc Networks comprise an important technology; included within intelligent transportation systems, they use dedicated short-range communications to assist vehicles to communicate with one another, or with those roadside units in range. This form of communication can reduce road accidents and provide a safer driving environment. A major challenge has been to design an ideal system to filter relevant contextual information from the surrounding environment, taking into consideration the contributory factors necessary to predict the likelihood of a crash with different levels of severity. Designing an accurate and effective pre-crash system to avoid front and back crashes or mitigate their severity is the most important goal of intelligent transportation systems, as it can save people’s lives. Furthermore, in order to improve crash prediction, context-aware systems can be used to collect and analyse contextual information regarding contributory factors. The crash likelihood in this study is considered to operate within an uncertain context, and is defined according to the dynamic interaction between the driver, the vehicle and the environment, meaning it is affected by contributory factors and develops over time. As a crash likelihood is considered to be an uncertain context and develops over time, any usable technology must overcome this uncertainty in order to accurately predict crashes. This thesis presents a context-aware pre-crash collision prediction system, which captures information from the surrounding environment, the driver and other vehicles on the road. It utilises a Dynamic Bayesian Network as a reasoning model to predict crash likelihood and severity level, whether any crash will be fatal, serious, or slight. This is achieved by combining the above mentioned information and performing probabilistic reasoning over time. The thesis introduces novel context aware on-board unit architecture for crash prediction. The architecture is divided into three phases: the physical, the thinking and the application phase; these which represent the three main subsystems of a context-aware system: sensing, reasoning and acting. In the thinking phase, a novel Dynamic Bayesian Network framework is introduced to predict crash likelihood. The framework is able to perform probabilistic reasoning to predict uncertainty, in order to accurately predict a crash. It divides crash severity levels according to the UK department for transport, into fatal, serious and slight. GeNIe version 2.0 software was used to implement and verify the Dynamic Bayesian Network model. This model has been verified using both syntactical and real data provided by the UK department for transport in order to demonstrate the prediction accuracy of the proposed model and to demonstrate the importance of including a large amount of contextual information in the prediction process. The evaluation of the proposed system delivered high-fidelity results, when predicting crashes and their severity. This was judged by inputting different sensor readings and performing several experiments. The findings of this study has helped to predict the probability of a crash at different severity levels, accounting for factors that may be involved in causing a crash, thereby representing a valuable step towards creating a safer traffic network

    Non-Line of Sight Test Scenario Generation for Connected Autonomous Vehicle

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    Connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) level 4-5 use sensors to perceive their environment. These sensors are able to detect only up to a certain range and this range can be further constrained by the presence of obstacles in its path or as a result of the geometry of the road, for example, at a junction. This is termed as a non-line of sight (NLOS) scenario where the ego vehicle (system under test) is unable to detect an oncoming dynamic object due to obstacles or the geometry of the road. A large body of work now exist which proposes methods for extending the perception horizon of CAV’s using vehicular communication and incorporating this into CAV algorithms ranging from obstacle detection to path planning and beyond. Such proposed new algorithms and entire systems needs testing and validating, which can be conducted through primarily two ways, on road testing and simulation. On-road testing can be extremely expensive and time-consuming and may not cover all possible test scenarios. Testing through simulation is inexpensive and has a better scenario space coverage. However, there is currently a dearth in simulated testing techniques that provides the environment to test technologies and algorithms developed for NLOS scenarios. This thesis puts forward a novel end-to-end framework for testing the abilities of a CAV through simulated generation of NLOS scenarios. This has been achieved through following the development process of Functional, Logical and Concrete scenarios along the V-model-based development process in ISO 26262. The process begins with the representation of the NLOS environment (including the digital environment) knowledge as a scalable ontology where Functional and Logical scenarios stand for different abstraction levels. The proposed new ontology comprises of six layers: ‘Environment’, ‘Road User’, ‘Object Type’, ‘Communication Network’, ‘Scene’ and ‘Scenario’. The ontology is modelled and validated in protégé software and exported to OWL API where the logical scenarios are generated and validated. An innumerable number of “concrete” scenarios are generated as a result of the possible combinations of the values from the domains of each concept’s attributes. This research puts forward a novel genetic- algorithm (GA) approach to search through the scenario space and filter out safety critical test scenarios. A critical NLOS scenario is one where a collision is highly likely because the ego vehicle was unable to detect an obstacle in time due to obstructions present in the line-of-sight of the sensors or created due to the road geometry. The metric proposed to identify critical scenarios which also acts as the GA’s fitness function uses the time-to-collision (TTC) and total stopping time (TST) metric. These generated critical scenarios and proposed fitness function have been validated through MATLAB simulation. Furthermore, this research incorporates the relevant knowledge of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technologies in the proposed ontology and uses the communication layer instances in the MATLAB simulation to support the testing of the increasing number of approaches that uses communications for alerting oncoming vehicles about imminent danger, or in other word, mitigating an otherwise critical scenario

    VANET-enabled eco-friendly road characteristics-aware routing for vehicular traffic

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    There is growing awareness of the dangers of climate change caused by greenhouse gases. In the coming decades this could result in numerous disasters such as heat-waves, flooding and crop failures. A major contributor to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions is the transport sector, particularly private vehicles. Traffic congestion involving private vehicles also causes a lot of wasted time and stress to commuters. At the same time new wireless technologies such as Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are being developed which could allow vehicles to communicate with each other. These could enable a number of innovative schemes to reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. 1) EcoTrec is a VANET-based system which allows vehicles to exchange messages regarding traffic congestion and road conditions, such as roughness and gradient. Each vehicle uses the messages it has received to build a model of nearby roads and the traffic on them. The EcoTrec Algorithm then recommends the most fuel efficient route for the vehicles to follow. 2) Time-Ants is a swarm based algorithm that considers not only the amount of cars in the spatial domain but also the amoumt in the time domain. This allows the system to build a model of the traffic congestion throughout the day. As traffic patterns are broadly similar for weekdays this gives us a good idea of what traffic will be like allowing us to route the vehicles more efficiently using the Time-Ants Algorithm. 3) Electric Vehicle enhanced Dedicated Bus Lanes (E-DBL) proposes allowing electric vehicles onto the bus lanes. Such an approach could allow a reduction in traffic congestion on the regular lanes without greatly impeding the buses. It would also encourage uptake of electric vehicles. 4) A comprehensive survey of issues associated with communication centred traffic management systems was carried out

    Towards intelligent transport systems: geospatial ontological framework and agent simulation

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    In an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) environment, the communication component is of high significance as it supports interactions between vehicles and the roadside infrastructure. Existing studies focus on the physical capability and capacity of the communication technologies, but the equally important development of suitable and efficient semantic content for transmission has received notably less attention. Using an ontology is one promising approach for context modelling in ubiquitous computing environments. In the transport domain, an ontology can be used both for context modelling and semantic contents for vehicular communications. This research explores the development of an ontological framework implementing a geosemantic messaging model to support vehicle-to-vehicle communications. To develop an ontology model, two scenarios (an ambulance situation and a breakdown on the motorway) are constructed to describe specific situations using short-range communication in an ITS environment. In the scenarios, spatiotemporal relations and semantic relations among vehicles and road facilities are extracted and defined as classes, objects, and properties/relations in the ontology model. For the ontology model, some functions and query templates are also developed to update vehicles’ movements and to provide some logical procedures that vehicles need to follow in emergency situations. To measure the effects of the vehicular communication based on the ontology model, an agent-based approach is adopted to dynamically simulate the moving vehicles and their communications following the scenarios. The simulation results demonstrate that the ontology model can support vehicular communications to update each vehicle’s context model and assist its decision-making process to resolve the emergency situations. The results also show the effect of vehicular communications on the efficiency trends of traffic in emergency situations, where some vehicles have a communication device, and others do not. The efficiency trends, based on the percentage of vehicles having a communication device, can be useful to set a transition period plan for implanting communication devices onto vehicles and the infrastructure. The geospatial ontological framework and agent simulation may contribute to increase the intelligence of ITS by supporting data-level and application-level implementation of autonomous vehicle agents to share knowledge in local contexts. This work can be easily extended to support more complex interactions amongst vehicles and the infrastructure