2 research outputs found

    Your Friends Mention It. What About Visiting It? A Mobile Social-Based Sightseeing Application

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    In this short poster paper, we present an application for suggesting attractions to be visited by users, based on social signal processing technique

    Personal Healthcare Agents for Monitoring and Predicting Stress and Hypertension from Biosignals

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    We live in exciting times. The fast paced growth in mobile computers has put powerful computational devices in the palm of our hands. Blazing fast connectivity has made human-human, human-machine, and machine-machine communication effortless. Wearable devices and the internet of things have made monitoring every aspect of our lives easier. This has given rise to the domain of quantified self where we can continuous record and quantify the various signals generated in everyday life. Sensors on smartphones can continuously record our location and motion profile. Sensors on wearable devices can track changes in our bodies’ physiological responses. This monitoring also has the capability to revolutionise the health care domain by creating more informed and involved patients. This has the potential to shift care-management from a physician-centric approach to a patient-centric approach allowing individuals to create more empowered patients and individuals who are in better control of their health. However, the data deluge from all these sources can sometimes be overwhelming. There is a need for intelligent technology that can help us navigate the data and take informed decisions. The goal of this work is to develop a mobile, personal intelligent agent platform that can become a digital companion to live with the user. It can monitor the covert and overt signal streams of the user, identify activity and stress levels to help the users’ make healthy choices regarding their lives. This thesis particularly targets patients suffering from or at-risk of essential hypertension since its a difficult condition to detect and manage. This thesis delivers the following contributions: 1) An intelligent personal agent platform for on-the-go continuous monitoring of covert and overt signals. 2) A machine learning algorithm for accurate recognition of activities using smartphone signals recorded from in-the-wild scenarios. 3) A machine learning pipeline to combine various physiological signal streams, motion profiles, and user annotations for on-the-go stress recognition. 4) We design and train a complete signal processing and classification system for hypertension prediction. 5) Through a small pilot study we demonstrate that this system can distinguish between hypertensive and normotensive subjects with high accuracy