20 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of PDAs for Enhancing Collaboration in M-Learning

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    University students live in an increasingly mobile society and they carry increasingly sophisticated mobile devices, including wireless personal digital assistants (PDAs). For the first time, mobile technology and student lifestyle choices are converging to allow mobile learning (m-learning) to be a viable choice for delivery and execution of coursework material. This study addresses the question: In what ways do mobile devices change student interactions in an e-learning, collaborative education exercise? An experimental design methodology is used with control (desktop users) and experimental (PDA users) groups. The study finds that students who use PDAs tend to write shorter messages than desktop users and mobile learners tend to go online more often. The results are inconclusive regards time online per session. The study concludes with implications for instruction and instructors

    Impact of Information Communication Technology on Education-Kenya

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    Kenya has made remarkable progress putting in place an ICT policy framework and implementation strategy, complete with measurable outcomes and time frames. The process has had the benefit of sound advice from officials and stakeholders and, perhaps more importantly, strong leadership from the office of the permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education. However, universal implementation is challenging given the lack of resources, national ICT infrastructure, and even electrical supply- particularly in the rural areas. As technology is bound to rule our present and future, it is good to obtain know-how of the technological reforms at the earliest. Children learn faster and can adapt to changes relatively easily. If they are trained during their school years, they have a high chance of becoming experts in technology. Computers can give lovelier explanations to various subjects. The internet is an ocean of information which can be harnessed for the rendition of information in school. The inclusion of technology in the learning process makes learning an enjoyable activity, thus inviting greater interest from the learners. The administration processes, the official procedures of the school can be simplified by the means of technology. School records, the information about all the students and the teachers and other school employees can efficiently be maintained by means of the advanced technology. Thus we see that technology not only benefits the school students but also eases the office work. It makes possible a more effective way of storage and distribution of information. The realization of the importance of technology in schools and its successful implementation is a necessity. The introduction of technology in schools is the means to bridge the long distance between the present and the future. Key words: Education, technology, information, performanc

    Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Learning

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    Education delivery by mobile devices enables anywhere / anytime learning. Mobile learning has the potential to allow students to more closely integrate learning activities into their busy lives. At this early stage in its development, this is an opportune time to initiate a stream of research that examines the adoption of m-learning applications. This study determines the key factors influencing the behavioural intention for adoption of mobile learning. Several external variables are incorporated into the Technology Acceptance Model and tested in six New Zealand universities. Six of the seven variables – self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, subjective norm, attitude, perceived ease of use, and perceived financial resources were accepted. Prior use of e-learning was not accepted and reasons for this are explored in the study

    Determine the Effects of Mobile Technology, Mobile Learning on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Case Study: Mellat Bank)

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    Mobile technology and mobile learning are considered as important and impressive factors in earning the organizational competencies and achieving competitive advantages and customer loyalty. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of mobile technology in customer loyalty. The Mellat bank mobile services are entering a new transition period. In response, the banking industrial is shifting its strategic focus away from attracting new customers, towards retaining existing customers through the promotion of customer loyalty. This paper investigates how mobile learning and the customer satisfaction influence customer loyalty. The adjustment effect of the mobile learning on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is also analyzed. This study will also examine how mobile technology and mobile learning, affect both on improvement customer loyalty. The population of the study is Mellat bank. Results indicate that mobile learning   support the customer satisfaction, and have a direct and positive effect on that. It also effects on improvement of mobile learning which allows us to reach the superior customer loyalty. Such mobile technology is due to the mobile learning. Actually, this article proposes an integrated model covering a variety of factors which influence mobile learners satisfaction, and show us how to track and evaluate customer’ satisfaction and further strengthen the m-Learning system implementation

    L'impact des technologies de l'information et de la communication sur les performances des étudiants

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    Most research on the influence of ICT on students’ results and future professional insertion is carried out in the field of educational science. The authors of this article consider, however, that the educational science approach is too limited, and add an economic dimension to it. Their case study of a group of economics students encompasses the academic environment, the socio-economic context, and students’ personal characteristics. One of their conclusions is the necessity to rethink evaluation models and the force of complementarity between traditional teaching and technology mediated teaching - assuming that the teachers’ engagement is equal

    Implications of the Sociotechnical Factors to Knowledge Creation and Sharing in the Context of Enterprise Mobility

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    Knowledge is an asset that supports organization\u27s skills, differentiating working groups, business units, and individuals. In addition, knowledge is considered the main agent for development and innovation. However, to benefit from this asset, organizations and their workers need to be able to identify and exploit, in time, the knowledge required for their strategies and operations. Considering this scenario and observing the estimated growth of 4% per year of mobile workers in Latin America, the present study aims to analyze how socio-technical factors influence the creation and sharing of knowledge in the context of Enterprise Mobility, a context where the work is carried out geographically distant from other actors and also from physical work spaces. Among the results stand out the implications and the challenges of these factors to knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. These results could be better exploited in future researches and potentiate a better orientation to organizations that are in Enterprise Mobility context. El conocimiento es un activo que apoya las habilidades de la organización, diferenciando grupos de trabajo, unidades de negocio e individuos. Además, el conocimiento se considera el principal agente de desarrollo e innovación. Sin embargo, para beneficiarse de este activo, las organizaciones y sus trabajadores deben ser capaces de identificar y explotar, a tiempo, los conocimientos necesarios para sus estrategias y operaciones. Considerando este escenario y observando el crecimiento estimado del 4% anual de los trabajadores móviles en América Latina, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar cómo los factores socio-técnicos influyen en la creación e intercambio de conocimiento en el contexto de la Movilidad Empresarial, un contexto donde el trabajo se lleva a cabo geográficamente alejado de otros actores y también de los espacios físicos de trabajo. Entre los resultados se destacan las implicaciones y los desafíos de estos factores para la creación y el intercambio de conocimientos. Estos resultados podrían aprovecharse mejor en futuras investigaciones y potenciar una mejor orientación a las organizaciones que se encuentran en el contexto de la Movilidad Empresarial. O conhecimento que as organizações acumulam ao longo do tempo constitui um recurso que suporta as competências, diferenciando indivíduos, grupos de trabalho, unidades organizacionais e de negócio. O conhecimento também é considerado o principal agente para o desenvolvimento e inovação. Contudo, para que as empresas possam fazer um melhor uso deste conhecimento é necessário que as mesmas possuam capacidade de identificar, em tempo, o escopo e a localização dos conhecimentos requeridos para a formulação e a operacionalização de suas estratégias. Considerando este cenário e observando a estimativa de crescimento de 4% ao ano de trabalhadores móveis na América Latina, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar de que forma os fatores sociotécnicos influem na criação e compartilhamento do conhecimento em um contexto de Mobilidade Empresarial, contexto onde o trabalho é realizado geograficamente distante de outros atores e também de espaços físicos de trabalho. Entre os resultados destacam-se as implicações destes fatores e os desafios para a criação e o compartilhamento do conhecimento neste contexto. Estes resultados podem ser melhor explorados em pesquisas futuras e potencializam uma melhor orientação para as organizações que se encontram neste contexto de mobilidade