5 research outputs found

    ELICA: An Automated Tool for Dynamic Extraction of Requirements Relevant Information

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    Requirements elicitation requires extensive knowledge and deep understanding of the problem domain where the final system will be situated. However, in many software development projects, analysts are required to elicit the requirements from an unfamiliar domain, which often causes communication barriers between analysts and stakeholders. In this paper, we propose a requirements ELICitation Aid tool (ELICA) to help analysts better understand the target application domain by dynamic extraction and labeling of requirements-relevant knowledge. To extract the relevant terms, we leverage the flexibility and power of Weighted Finite State Transducers (WFSTs) in dynamic modeling of natural language processing tasks. In addition to the information conveyed through text, ELICA captures and processes non-linguistic information about the intention of speakers such as their confidence level, analytical tone, and emotions. The extracted information is made available to the analysts as a set of labeled snippets with highlighted relevant terms which can also be exported as an artifact of the Requirements Engineering (RE) process. The application and usefulness of ELICA are demonstrated through a case study. This study shows how pre-existing relevant information about the application domain and the information captured during an elicitation meeting, such as the conversation and stakeholders' intentions, can be captured and used to support analysts achieving their tasks.Comment: 2018 IEEE 26th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshop

    Motivators of adopting social computing in global software development: Initial results

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    context: Real-time collaboration is critical for developing high quality software systems at low cost in a geographically distributed Global Software Development (GSD) environment. It is anticipated that emerging Social Computing tools can play an important role in facilitating realtime effective collaboration among teams working in the GSD. Objective: The objective of this research paper is to identify motivators for adopting social computing in GSD organizations. Method: We adopted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach by applying customized search strings derived from our research questions. Results: We have identified factors such as real-time communication and coordination, information sharing, knowledge acquisition and expert feedback as key motivators for adoption of social computing in GSD. Conclusion: Based on the SLR results, we suggest that GSD organizations should embrace social computing as a tool for real-time collaboration between distributed GSD teams. The results of this initial study also suggest the need for developing the social computing strategies and policies to guide the effective social computing adoption by GSD teams

    Topics in Software Engineering

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    Software engineering is a discipline which specifies, designs, develops, and maintains software applications. It applies practices and technologies from computer science. Software engineering is the backbone of software systems and forms the basis of operational design and development of software systems. Analysts use requirements elicitation techniques to ascertain the needs of customers and users, with the goal being a system that has a high chance of satisfying those needs. Success or failure of system development relies heavily on the quality of requirements gathering. Software modeling is an essential part of the software development process. Models are built and analyzed before the implementation of a system and are used to direct implementation.The Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a standard way to visualize the design of a system. During the planning and design stages, software engineers must consider the risks involved in developing a system. Software must solve a problem and must respond to both functional and nonfunctional requirements. Software systems generally follow a pattern or an architectural style. We show the initial steps of developing a software system, define its specification and design topics, and demonstrate their creation by presenting a case study

    Model for the preparation of a short list of candidate techniques for the prioritization of requirements

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    La priorizaci贸n de requisitos es una etapa importante en el proceso de desarrollo de software. Existen numerosas t茅cnicas de priorizaci贸n de requisitos que permiten obtener las prioridades relativas que le asignan cada stakeholder, y obtener una lista unificada y priorizada. En distintos proyectos se requieren distintas t茅cnicas. Un paso previo consiste en elaborar una lista de t茅cnicas candidatas a partir de las cuales se seleccionar谩 a la t茅cnica m谩s adecuada. En la bibliograf铆a consultada, los autores definen una lista previa, sin especificar el criterio que se utiliz贸 para su preselecci贸n. Se propone un modelo de elaboraci贸n de una lista corta de t茅cnicas candidatas para la priorizaci贸n de requisitos. Previamente se realizar谩 una revisi贸n de la definici贸n de requisito, stakeholder, ingenier铆a de requisitos, gesti贸n de requisitos y su fase de priorizaci贸n, adem谩s de otros conceptos relacionados. Se propone un modelo cuyos elementos que deber谩n cumplir las t茅cnicas candidatas, permitiendo implementaci贸n en herramientas colaborativas CMS. Al final se incluye proceso de evaluaci贸n, que validar谩 el modelo propuesto.Prioritization of requirements is an important stage in the software development process. Technical stocks of prioritization of the requirements that must obtain the priorities that correspond to each participant and obtain a unified and prioritized list. Different techniques are sought in different projects. A preliminary step is to develop a list of candidate techniques from which a more appropriate technique is selected. In the bibliography consulted, the authors define a previous list, without specifying the criterion that was used for their pre-selection. A model for the preparation of a short list of techniques for the prioritization of requirements is proposed. Previously a review of the definition of requirement, stakeholder, requirements engineering, requirements management and its prioritization phase, as well as other related concepts. A model is proposed so that the elements comply with the candidate techniques, the implementation of the system in collaborative CMS tools. At the end, the evaluation process is included, which will validate the proposed model