431 research outputs found

    Text Generation with Efficient (Soft) Q-Learning

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    Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is the predominant algorithm for training text generation models. This paradigm relies on direct supervision examples, which is not applicable to many applications, such as generating adversarial attacks or generating prompts to control language models. Reinforcement learning (RL) on the other hand offers a more flexible solution by allowing users to plug in arbitrary task metrics as reward. Yet previous RL algorithms for text generation, such as policy gradient (on-policy RL) and Q-learning (off-policy RL), are often notoriously inefficient or unstable to train due to the large sequence space and the sparse reward received only at the end of sequences. In this paper, we introduce a new RL formulation for text generation from the soft Q-learning perspective. It further enables us to draw from the latest RL advances, such as path consistency learning, to combine the best of on-/off-policy updates, and learn effectively from sparse reward. We apply the approach to a wide range of tasks, including learning from noisy/negative examples, adversarial attacks, and prompt generation. Experiments show our approach consistently outperforms both task-specialized algorithms and the previous RL methods. On standard supervised tasks where MLE prevails, our approach also achieves competitive performance and stability by training text generation from scratch.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/HanGuo97/soft-Q-learning-for-text-generatio

    Improving Search through A3C Reinforcement Learning based Conversational Agent

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    We develop a reinforcement learning based search assistant which can assist users through a set of actions and sequence of interactions to enable them realize their intent. Our approach caters to subjective search where the user is seeking digital assets such as images which is fundamentally different from the tasks which have objective and limited search modalities. Labeled conversational data is generally not available in such search tasks and training the agent through human interactions can be time consuming. We propose a stochastic virtual user which impersonates a real user and can be used to sample user behavior efficiently to train the agent which accelerates the bootstrapping of the agent. We develop A3C algorithm based context preserving architecture which enables the agent to provide contextual assistance to the user. We compare the A3C agent with Q-learning and evaluate its performance on average rewards and state values it obtains with the virtual user in validation episodes. Our experiments show that the agent learns to achieve higher rewards and better states.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Transferable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Participating Agents

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    We study multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) with centralized training and decentralized execution. During the training, new agents may join, and existing agents may unexpectedly leave the training. In such situations, a standard deep MARL model must be trained again from scratch, which is very time-consuming. To tackle this problem, we propose a special network architecture with a few-shot learning algorithm that allows the number of agents to vary during centralized training. In particular, when a new agent joins the centralized training, our few-shot learning algorithm trains its policy network and value network using a small number of samples; when an agent leaves the training, the training process of the remaining agents is not affected. Our experiments show that using the proposed network architecture and algorithm, model adaptation when new agents join can be 100+ times faster than the baseline. Our work is applicable to any setting, including cooperative, competitive, and mixed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure