5 research outputs found

    Listen, Look, and Gotcha: Instant Video Search with Mobile Phones by Layered Audio-Video Indexing *

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    ABSTRACT Mobile video is quickly becoming a mass consumer phenomenon. More and more people are using their smartphones to search and browse video content while on the move. In this paper, we have developed an innovative instant mobile video search system through which users can discover videos by simply pointing their phones at a screen to capture a very few seconds of what they are watching. The system is able to index large-scale video data using a new layered audio-video indexing approach in the cloud, as well as extract light-weight joint audio-video signatures in real time and perform progressive search on mobile devices. Unlike most existing mobile video search applications that simply send the original video query to the cloud, the proposed mobile system is one of the first attempts at instant and progressive video search leveraging the light-weight computing capacity of mobile devices. The system is characterized by four unique properties: 1) a joint audio-video signature to deal with the large aural and visual variances associated with the query video captured by the mobile phone, 2) layered audio-video indexing to holistically exploit the complementary nature of audio and video signals, 3) light-weight fingerprinting to comply with mobile processing capacity, and 4) a progressive query process to significantly reduce computational costs and improve the user experience-the search process can stop anytime once a confident result is achieved. We have collected 1,400 query videos captured by 25 mobile users from a dataset of 600 hours of video. The experiments show that our system outperforms state-of-the-art methods by achieving 90.79% precision when the query video is less than 10 seconds and 70.07% even when the query video is less than 5 seconds. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. The search process can stop anytime once a confident search result is achieved. Thus, the user does not need to wait for a fixed time lag. The proposed system is characterized by its unique features such as layered audio-video indexing, as well as instant and progressive search. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Indexation sémantique des images et des vidéos par apprentissage actif

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    Le cadre général de cette thèse est l'indexation sémantique et la recherche d'informations, appliquée à des documents multimédias. Plus précisément, nous nous intéressons à l'indexation sémantique des concepts dans des images et vidéos par les approches d'apprentissage actif, que nous utilisons pour construire des corpus annotés. Tout au long de cette thèse, nous avons montré que les principales difficultés de cette tâche sont souvent liées, en général, à l'fossé sémantique. En outre, elles sont liées au problème de classe-déséquilibre dans les ensembles de données à grande échelle, où les concepts sont pour la plupart rares. Pour l'annotation de corpus, l'objectif principal de l'utilisation de l'apprentissage actif est d'augmenter la performance du système en utilisant que peu d'échantillons annotés que possible, ainsi minimisant les coûts de l'annotations des données (par exemple argent et temps). Dans cette thèse, nous avons contribué à plusieurs niveaux de l'indexation multimédia et nous avons proposé trois approches qui succèdent des systèmes de l'état de l'art: i) l'approche multi-apprenant (ML) qui surmonte le problème de classe-déséquilibre dans les grandes bases de données, ii) une méthode de reclassement qui améliore l'indexation vidéo, iii) nous avons évalué la normalisation en loi de puissance et de l'APC et a montré son efficacité dans l'indexation multimédia. En outre, nous avons proposé l'approche ALML qui combine le multi-apprenant avec l'apprentissage actif, et nous avons également proposé une méthode incrémentale qui accélère l'approche proposé (ALML). En outre, nous avons proposé l'approche de nettoyage actif, qui aborde la qualité des annotations. Les méthodes proposées ont été tous validées par plusieurs expériences, qui ont été menées et évaluées sur des collections à grande échelle de l'indice de benchmark internationale bien connue, appelés TRECVID. Enfin, nous avons présenté notre système d'annotation dans le monde réel basé sur l'apprentissage actif, qui a été utilisé pour mener les annotations de l'ensemble du développement de la campagne TRECVID en 2011, et nous avons présenté notre participation à la tâche d'indexation sémantique de cette campagne, dans laquelle nous nous sommes classés à la 3ème place sur 19 participants.The general framework of this thesis is semantic indexing and information retrieval, applied to multimedia documents. More specifically, we are interested in the semantic indexing of concepts in images and videos by the active learning approaches that we use to build annotated corpus. Throughout this thesis, we have shown that the main difficulties of this task are often related, in general, to the semantic-gap. Furthermore, they are related to the class-imbalance problem in large scale datasets, where concepts are mostly sparse. For corpus annotation, the main objective of using active learning is to increase the system performance by using as few labeled samples as possible, thereby minimizing the cost of labeling data (e.g. money and time). In this thesis, we have contributed in several levels of multimedia indexing and proposed three approaches that outperform state-of-the-art systems: i) the multi-learner approach (ML) that overcomes the class-imbalance problem in large-scale datasets, ii) a re-ranking method that improves the video indexing, iii) we have evaluated the power-law normalization and the PCA and showed its effectiveness in multimedia indexing. Furthermore, we have proposed the ALML approach that combines the multi-learner with active learning, and also proposed an incremental method that speeds up ALML approach. Moreover, we have proposed the active cleaning approach, which tackles the quality of annotations. The proposed methods were validated through several experiments, which were conducted and evaluated on large-scale collections of the well-known international benchmark, called TrecVid. Finally, we have presented our real-world annotation system based on active learning, which was used to lead the annotations of the development set of TrecVid 2011 campaign, and we have presented our participation at the semantic indexing task of the mentioned campaign, in which we were ranked at the 3rd place out of 19 participants.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF