3 research outputs found

    Exploration and exploitation zones in a minimalist swarm optimiser

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    The trade off between exploration and exploitation is one of the key challenges in evolutionary and swarm optimisers which are led by guided and stochastic search. This work investigates the exploration and exploitation balance in a minimalist swarm optimiser in order to offer insights into the population’s behaviour. The minimalist and vector-stripped nature of the algorithm—dispersive flies optimisation or DFO—reduces the challenges of understanding particles’ oscillation around constantly changing centres, their influence on one another, and their trajectory. The aim is to examine the population’s dimensional behaviour in each iteration and each defined exploration-exploitation zone, and to subsequently offer improvements to the working of the optimiser. The derived variants, titled unified DFO or uDFO, are successfully applied to an extensive set of test functions, as well as high-dimensional tomographic reconstruction, which is an important inverse problem in medical and industrial imaging

    Cognitive bare bones particle swarm optimisation with jumps

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    The ‘bare bones’ (BB) formulation of particle swarm optimisation (PSO) was originally advanced as a model of PSO dynamics. The idea was to model the forces between particles with sampling from a probability distribution in the hope of understanding swarm behaviour with a conceptually simpler particle update rule. ‘Bare bones with jumps’ (BBJ) proposes three significant extensions to the BB algorithm: (i) two social neighbourhoods, (ii) a tuneable parameter that can advantageously bring the swarm to the ‘edge of collapse’ and (iii) a component-by-component probabilistic jump to anywhere in the search space. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of jumping within a specific BBJ algorithm, cognitive BBJ (cBBJ). After confirming the effectiveness of cBBJ, this paper finds that: jumping in one component only is optimal over the 30 dimensional benchmarks of this study; that a small per particle jump probability of 1/30 works well for these benchmarks; jumps are chiefly beneficial during the early stages of optimisation and finally this work supplies evidence that jumping provides escape from regions surrounding sub-optimal minima