303 research outputs found

    Survey on the Tukey theory of ultrafilters

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    This article surveys results regarding the Tukey theory of ultrafilters on countable base sets. The driving forces for this investigation are Isbell's Problem and the question of how closely related the Rudin-Keisler and Tukey reducibilities are. We review work on the possible structures of cofinal types and conditions which guarantee that an ultrafilter is below the Tukey maximum. The known canonical forms for cofinal maps on ultrafilters are reviewed, as well as their applications to finding which structures embed into the Tukey types of ultrafilters. With the addition of some Ramsey theory, fine analyses of the structures at the bottom of the Tukey hierarchy are made.Comment: 25 page

    Tukey types of ultrafilters

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    We investigate the structure of the Tukey types of ultrafilters on countable sets partially ordered by reverse inclusion. A canonization of cofinal maps from a p-point into another ultrafilter is obtained. This is used in particular to study the Tukey types of p-points and selective ultrafilters. Results fall into three main categories: comparison to a basis element for selective ultrafilters, embeddings of chains and antichains into the Tukey types, and Tukey types generated by block-basic ultrafilters on FIN.Comment: 33 pages, to appear in 2012 in the Illinois Journal of Mathematic

    Forbidden rectangles in compacta

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    We establish negative results about "rectangular" local bases in compacta. For example, there is no compactum where all points have local bases of cofinal type \omega x \omega_2. For another, the compactum \beta\omega has no nontrivially rectangular local bases, and the same is consistently true of \beta\omega \ \omega: no local base in \beta\omega has cofinal type \kappa x c if \kappa < m_{\sigma-n-linked} for some n in [1,\omega). Also, CH implies that every local base in \beta\omega \ \omega has the same cofinal type as one in \beta\omega. We also answer a question of Dobrinen and Todorcevic about cofinal types of ultrafilters: the Fubini square of a filter on \omega always has the same cofinal type as its Fubini cube. Moreover, the Fubini product of nonprincipal P-filters on \omega is commutative modulo cofinal equivalence.Comment: 15 page

    Spectra of Tukey types of ultrafilters on Boolean algebras

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    Extending recent investigations on the structure of Tukey types of ultrafilters on P(ω)\mathcal{P}(\omega) to Boolean algebras in general, we classify the spectra of Tukey types of ultrafilters for several classes of Boolean algebras, including interval algebras, tree algebras, and pseudo-tree algebras.Comment: 18 page