1 research outputs found

    Coevolutionary Dynamics between Roles and Social Sensitivity in an Extended Minority Game

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    The social brain hypothesis suggests that humans evolved larger brains and intelligence as adaptations to an increasingly complex social environment. We believe that social role division is a key factor in the evolution of social intelligence. To examine the the role of this factor, we extend Challet and Zhang’s Minority Game by adding a pre-decision communication stage and using a continuous strategy space instead of a binary one, and develop an evolutionary model based on this game. The evolutionary simulations demonstrate that the system alternates between two states: one with homogeneous social behavior and the other with heterogeneous behavior. We observe differentiation of social roles in the latter state: we find a “pivotal agent ” that tends to adopt low-risk, low payoff strategies but determines which strategy will be in the minority and which in the majority, and we find “risk taker” that tend to adopt high-risk, high pay-off strategies. Using social sensitivity as a measure of social intelligence, we show that the level of social sensitivity correlates with the social roles, and is also a major factor in the mechanisms by which social roles switch