5,138 research outputs found

    Study of spread spectrum multiple access systems for satellite communications with overlay on current services

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    The feasibility of using spread spectrum techniques to provide a low-cost multiple access system for a very large number of low data terminals was investigated. Two applications of spread spectrum technology to very small aperture terminal (VSAT) satellite communication networks are presented. Two spread spectrum multiple access systems which use a form of noncoherent M-ary FSK (MFSK) as the primary modulation are described and the throughput analyzed. The analysis considers such factors as satellite power constraints and adjacent satellite interference. Also considered is the effect of on-board processing on the multiple access efficiency and the feasibility of overlaying low data rate spread spectrum signals on existing satellite traffic as a form of frequency reuse is investigated. The use of chirp is examined for spread spectrum communications. In a chirp communication system, each data bit is converted into one or more up or down sweeps of frequency, which spread the RF energy across a broad range of frequencies. Several different forms of chirp communication systems are considered, and a multiple-chirp coded system is proposed for overlay service. The mutual interference problem is examined in detail and a performance analysis undertaken for the case of a chirp data channel overlaid on a video channel

    Interference Suppression in Multiple Access Communications Using M-Ary Phase Shift Keying Generated via Spectral Encoding

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    A conceptual transform domain communication system (TDCS) is shown capable of operating successfully using M-Ary phase shift keying (MPSK) data modulation in a multiple access environment. Using spectral encoding, the conceptual TDCS provides an effective means for mitigating interference affects while achieving multiple access communications. The use of transform domain processing with MPSK data modulation (TD-MPSK) provides higher spectral efficiency relative to other modulation techniques (antipodal signaling and cyclic shift keying) considered previously for TDCS applications. The proposed TD-MPSK technique uses spectral encoding for both data and multiple access phase modulations. Demodulation of the spectrally encoded TD-MPSK communication symbols is accomplished using conventional, multi-channel time domain correlation techniques. Analytic expressions for TD-MPSK probability of symbol error (PE) and probability of bit error (PB) are derived and validated using simulated results over the range of signal-to-noise ratios typically considered for communications. This validation includes scenarios with: 1) multiple access interference, 2) spectral notching, 3) jamming present and 4) combinations of all three. For a J/S of 3.14 dB and a Eb/N0 of 6 dB, PB dropped by up to a factor of 3 for TD-QPSK in a MA environment for the case when spectral notching was present versus the case when spectral notching wasn\u27t present. The cross-correlation between communication symbols of different synchronous users can be made identically zero through proper selection of multiple access phase codes (orthogonal signaling). For a synchronous network containing orthogonal users, PE and PB are unaffected as the number of orthogonal network users increases. For a J/S of 3.14 dB and a Eb/N0 of 6 dB, PB dropped by a factor of 12 for TD-QPSK in a MA environment for the case when spectral notching was present versus the case when spectral notching wasn\u27t present

    Ultra-Wideband Secure Communications and Direct RF Sampling Transceivers

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    Larger wireless device bandwidth results in new capabilities in terms of higher data rates and security. The 5G evolution is focus on exploiting larger bandwidths for higher though-puts. Interference and co-existence issues can also be addressed by the larger bandwidth in the 5G and 6G evolution. This dissertation introduces of a novel Ultra-wideband (UWB) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique to exploit the largest bandwidth available in the upcoming wireless connectivity scenarios. The dissertation addresses interference immunity, secure communication at the physical layer and longer distance communication due to increased receiver sensitivity. The dissertation presents the design, workflow, simulations, hardware prototypes and experimental measurements to demonstrate the benefits of wideband Code-Division-Multiple-Access. Specifically, a description of each of the hardware and software stages is presented along with simulations of different scenarios using a test-bench and open-field measurements. The measurements provided experimental validation carried out to demonstrate the interference mitigation capabilities. In addition, Direct RF sampling techniques are employed to handle the larger bandwidth and avoid analog components. Additionally, a transmit and receive chain is designed and implemented at 28 GHz to provide a proof-of-concept for future 5G applications. The proposed wideband transceiver is also used to demonstrate higher accuracy direction finding, as much as 10 times improvement

    Multi-band OFDM UWB receiver with narrowband interference suppression

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    A multi band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) compatible ultra wideband (UWB) receiver with narrowband interference (NBI) suppression capability is presented. The average transmit power of UWB system is limited to -41.3 dBm/MHz in order to not interfere existing narrowband systems. Moreover, it must operate even in the presence of unintentional radiation of FCC Class-B compatible devices. If this unintentional radiation resides in the UWB band, it can jam the communication. Since removing the interference in digital domain requires higher dynamic range of analog front-end than removing it in analog domain, a programmable analog notch filter is used to relax the receiver requirements in the presence of NBI. The baseband filter is placed before the variable gain amplifier (VGA) in order to reduce the signal swing at the VGA input. The frequency hopping period of MB-OFDM puts a lower limit on the settling time of the filter, which is inverse proportional to notch bandwidth. However, notch bandwidth should be low enough not to attenuate the adjacent OFDM tones. Since these requirements are contradictory, optimization is needed to maximize overall performance. Two different NBI suppression schemes are tested. In the first scheme, the notch filter is operating for all sub-bands. In the second scheme, the notch filter is turned on during the sub-band affected by NBI. Simulation results indicate that the UWB system with the first and the second suppression schemes can handle up to 6 dB and 14 dB more NBI power, respectively. The results of this work are not limited to MB-OFDM UWB system, and can be applied to other frequency hopping systems

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Interference of Periodic and Spread-Spectrum-Modulated Waveforms with Analog and Digital Communications

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    In this article, the effectiveness and the limitations of spread-spectrum (SS) modulation techniques employed in switching-mode power converters and in digital systems to mitigate interference with communication equipment are analyzed and discussed under the EMC standard perspective and under an information theoretical perspective, with reference to different real-world scenarios. Substantial difference between potential EMI issues in traditional analog radio/TV broadcasting, digital data lines, and digital links featuring advanced channel coding techniques, e.g. in emerging power line communication (PLC) systems, are highlighted. Practical recommendations on the adoption of SS modulations along with a general reflection on the evolution of EMC requirements are finally given

    Novel multiuser detection and multi-rate schemes for multi-carrier CDMA

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    A large variety of services is [sic] expected for wireless systems, in particular, high data rate services, such as wireless Internet access. Users with different data rates and quality of service (QoS) requirements must be accommodated. A suitable multiple access scheme is key to enabling wireless systems to support both the high data rate and the integrated multiple data rate transmissions with satisfactory performance and flexibility. A multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) scheme is a promising candidate for emerging broadband wireless systems. MC-CDMA is a hybrid of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and code division multiple access (CDMA). The most salient feature of MC-CDMA is that the rate of transmission is not limited by the wireless channel\u27s frequency-selective fading effects caused by multipath propagation. In MC-CDMA, each chip of the desired user\u27s spreading code, multiplied by the current data bit, is modulated onto a separate subcarrier. Therefore, each subcarrier has a narrow bandwidth and undergoes frequency-flat fading. Two important issues for an MC-CDMA wireless system, multiuser detection and multi-rate access, are discussed in this dissertation. Several advanced receiver structures capable of suppressing multiuser interference in an uplink MC-CDMA system, operating in a frequency-selective fading channel, are studied in this dissertation. One receiver is based on a so-called multishot structure, in which the interference introduced by the asynchronous reception of different users is successfully suppressed by a receiver based on the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion with a built-in de-biasing feature. Like many other multiuser schemes, this receiver is very sensitive to a delay estimation error. A blind adaptive two-stage decorrelating receiver based on the bootstrap algorithm is developed to combat severe performance degradation due to a delay estimation error. It is observed that in the presence of a delay estimation error the blind adaptive bootstrap receiver is more near-far resistant than the MMSE receiver. Furthermore, a differential bootstrap receiver is proposed to extend the limited operating range of the two-stage bootstrap receiver which suffers from a phase ambiguity problem. Another receiver is based on a partial sampling (PS) demodulation structure, which further reduces the sensitivity to unknown user delays in an uplink scenario. Using this partial sampling structure, it is no longer necessary to synchronize the receiver with the desired user. Following the partial sampling demodulator, a minimum mean-square error combining (MMSEC) detector is applied. The partial sampling MMSEC (PS-MMSEC) receiver is shown to have strong interference suppression and timing acquisition capabilities. The complexity of this receiver can be reduced significantly, with negligible performance loss, by choosing a suitable partial sampling rate and using a structure called reduced complexity PS-MMSEC (RPS-MMSEC). The adaptive implementation of these receivers yields a superior rate of convergence and symbol error rate performance in comparison to a conventional MMSEC receiver with known timing. All the above receiver structures are for a single-rate MC-CDMA. Three novel multi-rate access schemes for multi-rate MC-CDMA, fixed spreading length (FSL), coded FSL (CFSL) and variable spreading length (VSL), have been developed. These multi-rate access schemes enable users to transmit information at different data rates in one MC-CDMA system. Hence, voice, data, image and video can be transmitted seamlessly through a wireless infrastructure. The bit error rate performance of these schemes is investigated for both low-rate and high-rate users

    Cancellation Techniques for Co-channel Interference in MIMO-OFDM Systems and Evaluating Their Performance

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    In a wireless communication system, the transmitted signal is exposed to various surfaces where it bounces and results in several delayed versions of the same signal at the receiver end. The delayed signals are in the form of electromagnetic waves that are diffracted and reflected from the various object surfaces. These result in co-channel interferences for wireless systems. MIMO has proven to be a striking solution for the new generation of wireless systems. MIMO-OFDM system with QPSK modulation is considered as the wireless system for studying the performance of interference cancellation techniques. The BER performance is studied in channels such as Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels. The effects of interference are reduced to a certain extent by the inclusion of CDMA (spread spectrum technique) as Technique 1. The effects of interference on this system have been further reduced using the LMS filter as Technique 2. Hence, to show better performance in MIMO-OFDM systems, it is recommended to employ both CDMA and LMS filters to decrease the effects of co-channel interference. It is observed that the parameter BER reduces as the SNR increases for both these channels. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01313 Full Text: PD
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