85 research outputs found

    On Coding for Cooperative Data Exchange

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    We consider the problem of data exchange by a group of closely-located wireless nodes. In this problem each node holds a set of packets and needs to obtain all the packets held by other nodes. Each of the nodes can broadcast the packets in its possession (or a combination thereof) via a noiseless broadcast channel of capacity one packet per channel use. The goal is to minimize the total number of transmissions needed to satisfy the demands of all the nodes, assuming that they can cooperate with each other and are fully aware of the packet sets available to other nodes. This problem arises in several practical settings, such as peer-to-peer systems and wireless data broadcast. In this paper, we establish upper and lower bounds on the optimal number of transmissions and present an efficient algorithm with provable performance guarantees. The effectiveness of our algorithms is established through numerical simulations.Comment: Appeared in the proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2010, Cairo

    Coded Caching for Delay-Sensitive Content

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    Coded caching is a recently proposed technique that achieves significant performance gains for cache networks compared to uncoded caching schemes. However, this substantial coding gain is attained at the cost of large delivery delay, which is not tolerable in delay-sensitive applications such as video streaming. In this paper, we identify and investigate the tradeoff between the performance gain of coded caching and the delivery delay. We propose a computationally efficient caching algorithm that provides the gains of coding and respects delay constraints. The proposed algorithm achieves the optimum performance for large delay, but still offers major gains for small delay. These gains are demonstrated in a practical setting with a video-streaming prototype.Comment: 9 page

    Index Coding: Rank-Invariant Extensions

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    An index coding (IC) problem consisting of a server and multiple receivers with different side-information and demand sets can be equivalently represented using a fitting matrix. A scalar linear index code to a given IC problem is a matrix representing the transmitted linear combinations of the message symbols. The length of an index code is then the number of transmissions (or equivalently, the number of rows in the index code). An IC problem Iext{\cal I}_{ext} is called an extension of another IC problem I{\cal I} if the fitting matrix of I{\cal I} is a submatrix of the fitting matrix of Iext{\cal I}_{ext}. We first present a straightforward mm\textit{-order} extension Iext{\cal I}_{ext} of an IC problem I{\cal I} for which an index code is obtained by concatenating mm copies of an index code of I{\cal I}. The length of the codes is the same for both I{\cal I} and Iext{\cal I}_{ext}, and if the index code for I{\cal I} has optimal length then so does the extended code for Iext{\cal I}_{ext}. More generally, an extended IC problem of I{\cal I} having the same optimal length as I{\cal I} is said to be a \textit{rank-invariant} extension of I{\cal I}. We then focus on 22-order rank-invariant extensions of I{\cal I}, and present constructions of such extensions based on involutory permutation matrices
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