44 research outputs found

    Coding for Fast Content Download

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    We study the fundamental trade-off between storage and content download time. We show that the download time can be significantly reduced by dividing the content into chunks, encoding it to add redundancy and then distributing it across multiple disks. We determine the download time for two content access models - the fountain and fork-join models that involve simultaneous content access, and individual access from enqueued user requests respectively. For the fountain model we explicitly characterize the download time, while in the fork-join model we derive the upper and lower bounds. Our results show that coding reduces download time, through the diversity of distributing the data across more disks, even for the total storage used.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, conferenc

    Queuing Theoretic Analysis of Power-performance Tradeoff in Power-efficient Computing

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    In this paper we study the power-performance relationship of power-efficient computing from a queuing theoretic perspective. We investigate the interplay of several system operations including processing speed, system on/off decisions, and server farm size. We identify that there are oftentimes "sweet spots" in power-efficient operations: there exist optimal combinations of processing speed and system settings that maximize power efficiency. For the single server case, a widely deployed threshold mechanism is studied. We show that there exist optimal processing speed and threshold value pairs that minimize the power consumption. This holds for the threshold mechanism with job batching. For the multi-server case, it is shown that there exist best processing speed and server farm size combinations.Comment: Paper published in CISS 201

    Latency Bounds of Packet-Based Fronthaul for Cloud-RAN with Functionality Split

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    The emerging Cloud-RAN architecture within the fifth generation (5G) of wireless networks plays a vital role in enabling higher flexibility and granularity. On the other hand, Cloud-RAN architecture introduces an additional link between the central, cloudified unit and the distributed radio unit, namely fronthaul (FH). Therefore, the foreseen reliability and latency for 5G services should also be provisioned over the FH link. In this paper, focusing on Ethernet as FH, we present a reliable packet-based FH communication and demonstrate the upper and lower bounds of latency that can be offered. These bounds yield insights into the trade-off between reliability and latency, and enable the architecture design through choice of splitting point, focusing on high layer split between PDCP and RLC and low layer split between MAC and PHY, under different FH bandwidth and traffic properties. Presented model is then analyzed both numerically and through simulation, with two classes of 5G services that are ultra reliable low latency (URLL) and enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB).Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, conference paper (ICC19

    Reliable and Low-Latency Fronthaul for Tactile Internet Applications

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    With the emergence of Cloud-RAN as one of the dominant architectural solutions for next-generation mobile networks, the reliability and latency on the fronthaul (FH) segment become critical performance metrics for applications such as the Tactile Internet. Ensuring FH performance is further complicated by the switch from point-to-point dedicated FH links to packet-based multi-hop FH networks. This change is largely justified by the fact that packet-based fronthauling allows the deployment of FH networks on the existing Ethernet infrastructure. This paper proposes to improve reliability and latency of packet-based fronthauling by means of multi-path diversity and erasure coding of the MAC frames transported by the FH network. Under a probabilistic model that assumes a single service, the average latency required to obtain reliable FH transport and the reliability-latency trade-off are first investigated. The analytical results are then validated and complemented by a numerical study that accounts for the coexistence of enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) and Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency (URLLC) services in 5G networks by comparing orthogonal and non-orthogonal sharing of FH resources.Comment: 11pages, 13 figures, 3 bio photo

    Efficient Task Replication for Fast Response Times in Parallel Computation

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    One typical use case of large-scale distributed computing in data centers is to decompose a computation job into many independent tasks and run them in parallel on different machines, sometimes known as the "embarrassingly parallel" computation. For this type of computation, one challenge is that the time to execute a task for each machine is inherently variable, and the overall response time is constrained by the execution time of the slowest machine. To address this issue, system designers introduce task replication, which sends the same task to multiple machines, and obtains result from the machine that finishes first. While task replication reduces response time, it usually increases resource usage. In this work, we propose a theoretical framework to analyze the trade-off between response time and resource usage. We show that, while in general, there is a tension between response time and resource usage, there exist scenarios where replicating tasks judiciously reduces completion time and resource usage simultaneously. Given the execution time distribution for machines, we investigate the conditions for a scheduling policy to achieve optimal performance trade-off, and propose efficient algorithms to search for optimal or near-optimal scheduling policies. Our analysis gives insights on when and why replication helps, which can be used to guide scheduler design in large-scale distributed computing systems.Comment: Extended version of the 2-page paper accepted to ACM SIGMETRICS 201

    Approximations and Bounds for (n, k) Fork-Join Queues: A Linear Transformation Approach

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    Compared to basic fork-join queues, a job in (n, k) fork-join queues only needs its k out of all n sub-tasks to be finished. Since (n, k) fork-join queues are prevalent in popular distributed systems, erasure coding based cloud storages, and modern network protocols like multipath routing, estimating the sojourn time of such queues is thus critical for the performance measurement and resource plan of computer clusters. However, the estimating keeps to be a well-known open challenge for years, and only rough bounds for a limited range of load factors have been given. In this paper, we developed a closed-form linear transformation technique for jointly-identical random variables: An order statistic can be represented by a linear combination of maxima. This brand-new technique is then used to transform the sojourn time of non-purging (n, k) fork-join queues into a linear combination of the sojourn times of basic (k, k), (k+1, k+1), ..., (n, n) fork-join queues. Consequently, existing approximations for basic fork-join queues can be bridged to the approximations for non-purging (n, k) fork-join queues. The uncovered approximations are then used to improve the upper bounds for purging (n, k) fork-join queues. Simulation experiments show that this linear transformation approach is practiced well for moderate n and relatively large k.Comment: 10 page

    From Instantly Decodable to Random Linear Network Coding

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    Our primary goal in this paper is to traverse the performance gap between two linear network coding schemes: random linear network coding (RLNC) and instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) in terms of throughput and decoding delay. We first redefine the concept of packet generation and use it to partition a block of partially-received data packets in a novel way, based on the coding sets in an IDNC solution. By varying the generation size, we obtain a general coding framework which consists of a series of coding schemes, with RLNC and IDNC identified as two extreme cases. We then prove that the throughput and decoding delay performance of all coding schemes in this coding framework are bounded between the performance of RLNC and IDNC and hence throughput-delay tradeoff becomes possible. We also propose implementations of this coding framework to further improve its throughput and decoding delay performance, to manage feedback frequency and coding complexity, or to achieve in-block performance adaption. Extensive simulations are then provided to verify the performance of the proposed coding schemes and their implementations.Comment: 30 pages with double space, 14 color figure