1 research outputs found

    Codimension two and three Kneser Transversals

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    Let k,d,λ⩾1k,d,\lambda \geqslant 1 be integers with d⩾λd\geqslant \lambda and let XX be a finite set of points in Rd\mathbb{R}^{d}. A (d−λ)(d-\lambda)-plane LL transversal to the convex hulls of all kk-sets of XX is called Kneser transversal. If in addition LL contains (d−λ)+1(d-\lambda)+1 points of XX, then LL is called complete Kneser transversal.In this paper, we present various results on the existence of (complete) Kneser transversals for λ=2,3\lambda =2,3. In order to do this, we introduce the notions of stability and instability for (complete) Kneser transversals. We first give a stability result for collections of d+2(k−λ)d+2(k-\lambda) points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with k−λ⩾2k-\lambda\geqslant 2 and λ=2,3\lambda =2,3. We then present a description of Kneser transversals LL of collections of d+2(k−λ)d+2(k-\lambda) points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with k−λ⩾2k-\lambda\geqslant 2 for λ=2,3\lambda =2,3. We show that either LL is a complete Kneser transversal or it contains d−2(λ−1)d-2(\lambda-1) points and the remaining 2(k−1)2(k-1) points of XX are matched in k−1k-1 pairs in such a way that LL intersects the corresponding closed segments determined by them. The latter leads to new upper and lower bounds (in the case when λ=2\lambda =2 and 33) for m(k,d,λ)m(k,d,\lambda) defined as the maximum positive integer nn such that every set of nn points (not necessarily in general position) in Rd\mathbb{R}^{d} admit a Kneser transversal.Finally, by using oriented matroid machinery, we present some computational results (closely related to the stability and unstability notions). We determine the existence of (complete) Kneser transversals for each of the 246246 different order types of configurations of 77 points in R3\mathbb{R}^3