2,468 research outputs found

    Coded Caching for Delay-Sensitive Content

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    Coded caching is a recently proposed technique that achieves significant performance gains for cache networks compared to uncoded caching schemes. However, this substantial coding gain is attained at the cost of large delivery delay, which is not tolerable in delay-sensitive applications such as video streaming. In this paper, we identify and investigate the tradeoff between the performance gain of coded caching and the delivery delay. We propose a computationally efficient caching algorithm that provides the gains of coding and respects delay constraints. The proposed algorithm achieves the optimum performance for large delay, but still offers major gains for small delay. These gains are demonstrated in a practical setting with a video-streaming prototype.Comment: 9 page

    Speeding up Future Video Distribution via Channel-Aware Caching-Aided Coded Multicast

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    Future Internet usage will be dominated by the consumption of a rich variety of online multimedia services accessed from an exponentially growing number of multimedia capable mobile devices. As such, future Internet designs will be challenged to provide solutions that can deliver bandwidth-intensive, delay-sensitive, on-demand video-based services over increasingly crowded, bandwidth-limited wireless access networks. One of the main reasons for the bandwidth stress facing wireless network operators is the difficulty to exploit the multicast nature of the wireless medium when wireless users or access points rarely experience the same channel conditions or access the same content at the same time. In this paper, we present and analyze a novel wireless video delivery paradigm based on the combined use of channel-aware caching and coded multicasting that allows simultaneously serving multiple cache-enabled receivers that may be requesting different content and experiencing different channel conditions. To this end, we reformulate the caching-aided coded multicast problem as a joint source-channel coding problem and design an achievable scheme that preserves the cache-enabled multiplicative throughput gains of the error-free scenario,by guaranteeing per-receiver rates unaffected by the presence of receivers with worse channel conditions.Comment: 11 pages,6 figures,to appear in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Video Distribution over Future Interne

    Updating Content in Cache-Aided Coded Multicast

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    Motivated by applications to delivery of dynamically updated, but correlated data in settings such as content distribution networks, and distributed file sharing systems, we study a single source multiple destination network coded multicast problem in a cache-aided network. We focus on models where the caches are primarily located near the destinations, and where the source has no cache. The source observes a sequence of correlated frames, and is expected to do frame-by-frame encoding with no access to prior frames. We present a novel scheme that shows how the caches can be advantageously used to decrease the overall cost of multicast, even though the source encodes without access to past data. Our cache design and update scheme works with any choice of network code designed for a corresponding cache-less network, is largely decentralized, and works for an arbitrary network. We study a convex relation of the optimization problem that results form the overall cost function. The results of the optimization problem determines the rate allocation and caching strategies. Numerous simulation results are presented to substantiate the theory developed.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Special Issue on Caching for Communication Systems and Network

    Caching with Unknown Popularity Profiles in Small Cell Networks

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    A heterogenous network is considered where the base stations (BSs), small base stations (SBSs) and users are distributed according to independent Poisson point processes (PPPs). We let the SBS nodes to posses high storage capacity and are assumed to form a distributed caching network. Popular data files are stored in the local cache of SBS, so that users can download the desired files from one of the SBS in the vicinity subject to availability. The offloading-loss is captured via a cost function that depends on a random caching strategy proposed in this paper. The cost function depends on the popularity profile, which is, in general, unknown. In this work, the popularity profile is estimated at the BS using the available instantaneous demands from the users in a time interval [0,τ][0,\tau]. This is then used to find an estimate of the cost function from which the optimal random caching strategy is devised. The main results of this work are the following: First it is shown that the waiting time τ\tau to achieve an ϵ>0\epsilon>0 difference between the achieved and optimal costs is finite, provided the user density is greater than a predefined threshold. In this case, τ\tau is shown to scale as N2N^2, where NN is the support of the popularity profile. Secondly, a transfer learning-based approach is proposed to obtain an estimate of the popularity profile used to compute the empirical cost function. A condition is derived under which the proposed transfer learning-based approach performs better than the random caching strategy.Comment: 6 pages, Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference, 201