64 research outputs found

    Latency Analysis of Coded Computation Schemes over Wireless Networks

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    Large-scale distributed computing systems face two major bottlenecks that limit their scalability: straggler delay caused by the variability of computation times at different worker nodes and communication bottlenecks caused by shuffling data across many nodes in the network. Recently, it has been shown that codes can provide significant gains in overcoming these bottlenecks. In particular, optimal coding schemes for minimizing latency in distributed computation of linear functions and mitigating the effect of stragglers was proposed for a wired network, where the workers can simultaneously transmit messages to a master node without interference. In this paper, we focus on the problem of coded computation over a wireless master-worker setup with straggling workers, where only one worker can transmit the result of its local computation back to the master at a time. We consider 3 asymptotic regimes (determined by how the communication and computation times are scaled with the number of workers) and precisely characterize the total run-time of the distributed algorithm and optimum coding strategy in each regime. In particular, for the regime of practical interest where the computation and communication times of the distributed computing algorithm are comparable, we show that the total run-time approaches a simple lower bound that decouples computation and communication, and demonstrate that coded schemes are Θ(log(n))\Theta(\log(n)) times faster than uncoded schemes

    Near-Optimal Straggler Mitigation for Distributed Gradient Methods

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    Modern learning algorithms use gradient descent updates to train inferential models that best explain data. Scaling these approaches to massive data sizes requires proper distributed gradient descent schemes where distributed worker nodes compute partial gradients based on their partial and local data sets, and send the results to a master node where all the computations are aggregated into a full gradient and the learning model is updated. However, a major performance bottleneck that arises is that some of the worker nodes may run slow. These nodes a.k.a. stragglers can significantly slow down computation as the slowest node may dictate the overall computational time. We propose a distributed computing scheme, called Batched Coupon's Collector (BCC) to alleviate the effect of stragglers in gradient methods. We prove that our BCC scheme is robust to a near optimal number of random stragglers. We also empirically demonstrate that our proposed BCC scheme reduces the run-time by up to 85.4% over Amazon EC2 clusters when compared with other straggler mitigation strategies. We also generalize the proposed BCC scheme to minimize the completion time when implementing gradient descent-based algorithms over heterogeneous worker nodes

    Coded Computation Against Processing Delays for Virtualized Cloud-Based Channel Decoding

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    The uplink of a cloud radio access network architecture is studied in which decoding at the cloud takes place via network function virtualization on commercial off-the-shelf servers. In order to mitigate the impact of straggling decoders in this platform, a novel coding strategy is proposed, whereby the cloud re-encodes the received frames via a linear code before distributing them to the decoding processors. Transmission of a single frame is considered first, and upper bounds on the resulting frame unavailability probability as a function of the decoding latency are derived by assuming a binary symmetric channel for uplink communications. Then, the analysis is extended to account for random frame arrival times. In this case, the trade-off between average decoding latency and the frame error rate is studied for two different queuing policies, whereby the servers carry out per-frame decoding or continuous decoding, respectively. Numerical examples demonstrate that the bounds are useful tools for code design and that coding is instrumental in obtaining a desirable compromise between decoding latency and reliability.Comment: 11 pages and 12 figures, Submitte