2,746 research outputs found

    Simplicial presheaves of coalgebras

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    The category of simplicial R-coalgebras over a presheaf of commutative unital rings on a small Grothendieck site is endowed with a left proper, simplicial, cofibrantly generated model category structure where the weak equivalences are the local weak equivalences of the underlying simplicial presheaves. This model category is naturally linked to the R-local homotopy theory of simplicial presheaves and the homotopy theory of simplicial R-modules by Quillen adjunctions. We study the comparison with the R-local homotopy category of simplicial presheaves in the special case where R is a presheaf of algebraically closed (or perfect) fields. If R is a presheaf of algebraically closed fields, we show that the R-local homotopy category of simplicial presheaves embeds fully faithfully in the homotopy category of simplicial R-coalgebras.Comment: 24 page

    A necessary and sufficient condition for induced model structures

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    A common technique for producing a new model category structure is to lift the fibrations and weak equivalences of an existing model structure along a right adjoint. Formally dual but technically much harder is to lift the cofibrations and weak equivalences along a left adjoint. For either technique to define a valid model category, there is a well-known necessary "acyclicity" condition. We show that for a broad class of "accessible model structures" - a generalization introduced here of the well-known combinatorial model structures - this necessary condition is also sufficient in both the right-induced and left-induced contexts, and the resulting model category is again accessible. We develop new and old techniques for proving the acyclity condition and apply these observations to construct several new model structures, in particular on categories of differential graded bialgebras, of differential graded comodule algebras, and of comodules over corings in both the differential graded and the spectral setting. We observe moreover that (generalized) Reedy model category structures can also be understood as model categories of "bialgebras" in the sense considered here.Comment: 49 pages; final journal version to appear in the Journal of Topolog

    Cocommutative coalgebras: homotopy theory and Koszul duality

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    We extend a construction of Hinich to obtain a closed model category structure on all differential graded cocommutative coalgebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We further show that the Koszul duality between commutative and Lie algebras extends to a Quillen equivalence between cocommutative coalgebras and formal coproducts of curved Lie algebras.Comment: 38 page

    Comonadic Coalgebras and Bousfield Localization

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    For a model category, we prove that taking the category of coalgebras over a comonad commutes with left Bousfield localization in a suitable sense. Then we prove a general existence result for left-induced model structure on the category of coalgebras over a comonad in a left Bousfield localization. Next we provide several equivalent characterizations of when a left Bousfield localization preserves coalgebras over a comonad. These results are illustrated with many applications in chain complexes, (localized) spectra, and the stable module category
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