1 research outputs found

    Co-Operative Improvement for a Combinatorial Optimization Algorithm

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    . These last years a new model of co-operative algorithm appeared, the model of ants colonies. This paper is dedicated to the integration of an ants colony's based co-operation method, in another algorithm, here research tabu, opposite the rough use of the computing power placed at the disposal on the current networks. The algorithms that we present are applied to the resolution of quadratic assignment problems (QAP). Keywords : cooperative algorithm, ant colony, tabu search, QAP. 1 Introduction The development of local area computer networks allows the use of this newly available computing power to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Often, this only consists in using the rough power offered by the network of machines (parallel execution of the same algorithm while launching as many copies of the algorithm as available machines). We propose an algorithm using a co-operative approach based on the model of the ants colonies presented for the first time by Dorigo and al. [..