14 research outputs found

    LooseCut: Interactive Image Segmentation with Loosely Bounded Boxes

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    One popular approach to interactively segment the foreground object of interest from an image is to annotate a bounding box that covers the foreground object. Then, a binary labeling is performed to achieve a refined segmentation. One major issue of the existing algorithms for such interactive image segmentation is their preference of an input bounding box that tightly encloses the foreground object. This increases the annotation burden, and prevents these algorithms from utilizing automatically detected bounding boxes. In this paper, we develop a new LooseCut algorithm that can handle cases where the input bounding box only loosely covers the foreground object. We propose a new Markov Random Fields (MRF) model for segmentation with loosely bounded boxes, including a global similarity constraint to better distinguish the foreground and background, and an additional energy term to encourage consistent labeling of similar-appearance pixels. This MRF model is then solved by an iterated max-flow algorithm. In the experiments, we evaluate LooseCut in three publicly-available image datasets, and compare its performance against several state-of-the-art interactive image segmentation algorithms. We also show that LooseCut can be used for enhancing the performance of unsupervised video segmentation and image saliency detection

    Image Co-segmentation via Multi-scale Local Shape Transfer

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    Image co-segmentation is a challenging task in computer vision that aims to segment all pixels of the objects from a predefined semantic category. In real-world cases, however, common foreground objects often vary greatly in appearance, making their global shapes highly inconsistent across images and difficult to be segmented. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel co-segmentation approach that transfers patch-level local object shapes which appear more consistent across different images. In our framework, a multi-scale patch neighbourhood system is first generated using proposal flow on arbitrary image-pair, which is further refined by Locally Linear Embedding. Based on the patch relationships, we propose an efficient algorithm to jointly segment the objects in each image while transferring their local shapes across different images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can robustly and effectively segment common objects from an image set. On iCoseg, MSRC and Coseg-Rep dataset, the proposed approach performs comparable or better than the state-of-thearts, while on a more challenging benchmark Fashionista dataset, our method achieves significant improvements.Comment: An extention of our previous stud

    Co-salient Object Detection Based on Deep Saliency Networks and Seed Propagation over an Integrated Graph

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    This paper presents a co-salient object detection method to find common salient regions in a set of images. We utilize deep saliency networks to transfer co-saliency prior knowledge and better capture high-level semantic information, and the resulting initial co-saliency maps are enhanced by seed propagation steps over an integrated graph. The deep saliency networks are trained in a supervised manner to avoid online weakly supervised learning and exploit them not only to extract high-level features but also to produce both intra- and inter-image saliency maps. Through a refinement step, the initial co-saliency maps can uniformly highlight co-salient regions and locate accurate object boundaries. To handle input image groups inconsistent in size, we propose to pool multi-regional descriptors including both within-segment and within-group information. In addition, the integrated multilayer graph is constructed to find the regions that the previous steps may not detect by seed propagation with low-level descriptors. In this work, we utilize the useful complementary components of high-, low-level information, and several learning-based steps. Our experiments have demonstrated that the proposed approach outperforms comparable co-saliency detection methods on widely used public databases and can also be directly applied to co-segmentation tasks.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    HSCS: Hierarchical Sparsity Based Co-saliency Detection for RGBD Images

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    Co-saliency detection aims to discover common and salient objects in an image group containing more than two relevant images. Moreover, depth information has been demonstrated to be effective for many computer vision tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel co-saliency detection method for RGBD images based on hierarchical sparsity reconstruction and energy function refinement. With the assistance of the intra saliency map, the inter-image correspondence is formulated as a hierarchical sparsity reconstruction framework. The global sparsity reconstruction model with a ranking scheme focuses on capturing the global characteristics among the whole image group through a common foreground dictionary. The pairwise sparsity reconstruction model aims to explore the corresponding relationship between pairwise images through a set of pairwise dictionaries. In order to improve the intra-image smoothness and inter-image consistency, an energy function refinement model is proposed, which includes the unary data term, spatial smooth term, and holistic consistency term. Experiments on two RGBD co-saliency detection benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms both qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, https://rmcong.github.io

    Dominant Sets for "Constrained" Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation has come a long way since the early days of computer vision, and still remains a challenging task. Modern variations of the classical (purely bottom-up) approach, involve, e.g., some form of user assistance (interactive segmentation) or ask for the simultaneous segmentation of two or more images (co-segmentation). At an abstract level, all these variants can be thought of as "constrained" versions of the original formulation, whereby the segmentation process is guided by some external source of information. In this paper, we propose a new approach to tackle this kind of problems in a unified way. Our work is based on some properties of a family of quadratic optimization problems related to dominant sets, a well-known graph-theoretic notion of a cluster which generalizes the concept of a maximal clique to edge-weighted graphs. In particular, we show that by properly controlling a regularization parameter which determines the structure and the scale of the underlying problem, we are in a position to extract groups of dominant-set clusters that are constrained to contain predefined elements. In particular, we shall focus on interactive segmentation and co-segmentation (in both the unsupervised and the interactive versions). The proposed algorithm can deal naturally with several type of constraints and input modality, including scribbles, sloppy contours, and bounding boxes, and is able to robustly handle noisy annotations on the part of the user. Experiments on standard benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of our approach as compared to state-of-the-art algorithms on a variety of natural images under several input conditions and constraints.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1608.0064

    A Review of Co-saliency Detection Technique: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges

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    Co-saliency detection is a newly emerging and rapidly growing research area in computer vision community. As a novel branch of visual saliency, co-saliency detection refers to the discovery of common and salient foregrounds from two or more relevant images, and can be widely used in many computer vision tasks. The existing co-saliency detection algorithms mainly consist of three components: extracting effective features to represent the image regions, exploring the informative cues or factors to characterize co-saliency, and designing effective computational frameworks to formulate co-saliency. Although numerous methods have been developed, the literature is still lacking a deep review and evaluation of co-saliency detection techniques. In this paper, we aim at providing a comprehensive review of the fundamentals, challenges, and applications of co-saliency detection. Specifically, we provide an overview of some related computer vision works, review the history of co-saliency detection, summarize and categorize the major algorithms in this research area, discuss some open issues in this area, present the potential applications of co-saliency detection, and finally point out some unsolved challenges and promising future works. We expect this review to be beneficial to both fresh and senior researchers in this field, and give insights to researchers in other related areas regarding the utility of co-saliency detection algorithms.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Review of Visual Saliency Detection with Comprehensive Information

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    Visual saliency detection model simulates the human visual system to perceive the scene, and has been widely used in many vision tasks. With the acquisition technology development, more comprehensive information, such as depth cue, inter-image correspondence, or temporal relationship, is available to extend image saliency detection to RGBD saliency detection, co-saliency detection, or video saliency detection. RGBD saliency detection model focuses on extracting the salient regions from RGBD images by combining the depth information. Co-saliency detection model introduces the inter-image correspondence constraint to discover the common salient object in an image group. The goal of video saliency detection model is to locate the motion-related salient object in video sequences, which considers the motion cue and spatiotemporal constraint jointly. In this paper, we review different types of saliency detection algorithms, summarize the important issues of the existing methods, and discuss the existent problems and future works. Moreover, the evaluation datasets and quantitative measurements are briefly introduced, and the experimental analysis and discission are conducted to provide a holistic overview of different saliency detection methods.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018, https://rmcong.github.io

    Enhancing Underexposed Photos using Perceptually Bidirectional Similarity

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    Although remarkable progress has been made, existing methods for enhancing underexposed photos tend to produce visually unpleasing results due to the existence of visual artifacts (e.g., color distortion, loss of details and uneven exposure). We observed that this is because they fail to ensure the perceptual consistency of visual information between the source underexposed image and its enhanced output. To obtain high-quality results free of these artifacts, we present a novel underexposed photo enhancement approach that is able to maintain the perceptual consistency. We achieve this by proposing an effective criterion, referred to as perceptually bidirectional similarity, which explicitly describes how to ensure the perceptual consistency. Particularly, we adopt the Retinex theory and cast the enhancement problem as a constrained illumination estimation optimization, where we formulate perceptually bidirectional similarity as constraints on illumination and solve for the illumination which can recover the desired artifact-free enhancement results. In addition, we describe a video enhancement framework that adopts the presented illumination estimation for handling underexposed videos. To this end, a probabilistic approach is introduced to propagate illuminations of sampled keyframes to the entire video by tackling a Bayesian Maximum A Posteriori problem. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Aceepted to IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM

    Uncertainty-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Object Detection

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    Unsupervised domain adaptive object detection aims to adapt detectors from a labelled source domain to an unlabelled target domain. Most existing works take a two-stage strategy that first generates region proposals and then detects objects of interest, where adversarial learning is widely adopted to mitigate the inter-domain discrepancy in both stages. However, adversarial learning may impair the alignment of well-aligned samples as it merely aligns the global distributions across domains. To address this issue, we design an uncertainty-aware domain adaptation network (UaDAN) that introduces conditional adversarial learning to align well-aligned and poorly-aligned samples separately in different manners. Specifically, we design an uncertainty metric that assesses the alignment of each sample and adjusts the strength of adversarial learning for well-aligned and poorly-aligned samples adaptively. In addition, we exploit the uncertainty metric to achieve curriculum learning that first performs easier image-level alignment and then more difficult instance-level alignment progressively. Extensive experiments over four challenging domain adaptive object detection datasets show that UaDAN achieves superior performance as compared with state-of-the-art methods

    Co-Saliency Detection with Co-Attention Fully Convolutional Network

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    Co-saliency detection aims to detect common salient objects from a group of relevant images. Some attempts have been made with the Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) framework and achieve satisfactory detection results. However, due to stacking convolution layers and pooling operation, the boundary details tend to be lost. In addition, existing models often utilize the extracted features without discrimination, leading to redundancy in representation since actually not all features are helpful to the final prediction and some even bring distraction. In this paper, we propose a co-attention module embedded FCN framework, called as Co-Attention FCN (CA-FCN). Specifically, the co-attention module is plugged into the high-level convolution layers of FCN, which can assign larger attention weights on the common salient objects and smaller ones on the background and uncommon distractors to boost final detection performance. Extensive experiments on three popular co-saliency benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed CA-FCN, which outperforms state-of-the-arts in most cases. Besides, the effectiveness of our new co-attention module is also validated with ablation studies