4 research outputs found

    Co-Exploration of Neural Architectures and Heterogeneous ASIC Accelerator Designs Targeting Multiple Tasks

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    Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has demonstrated its power on various AI accelerating platforms such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). However, it remains an open problem, how to integrate NAS with Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), despite them being the most powerful AI accelerating platforms. The major bottleneck comes from the large design freedom associated with ASIC designs. Moreover, with the consideration that multiple DNNs will run in parallel for different workloads with diverse layer operations and sizes, integrating heterogeneous ASIC sub-accelerators for distinct DNNs in one design can significantly boost performance, and at the same time further complicate the design space. To address these challenges, in this paper we build ASIC template set based on existing successful designs, described by their unique dataflows, so that the design space is significantly reduced. Based on the templates, we further propose a framework, namely NASAIC, which can simultaneously identify multiple DNN architectures and the associated heterogeneous ASIC accelerator design, such that the design specifications (specs) can be satisfied, while the accuracy can be maximized. Experimental results show that compared with successive NAS and ASIC design optimizations which lead to design spec violations, NASAIC can guarantee the results to meet the design specs with 17.77%, 2.49x, and 2.32x reductions on latency, energy, and area and with 0.76% accuracy loss. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first work on neural architecture and ASIC accelerator design co-exploration.Comment: Accepted by DAC'2

    RHNAS: Realizable Hardware and Neural Architecture Search

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    The rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence necessitates automated approaches to co-design neural network architecture and neural accelerators to maximize system efficiency and address productivity challenges. To enable joint optimization of this vast space, there has been growing interest in differentiable NN-HW co-design. Fully differentiable co-design has reduced the resource requirements for discovering optimized NN-HW configurations, but fail to adapt to general hardware accelerator search spaces. This is due to the existence of non-synthesizable (invalid) designs in the search space of many hardware accelerators. To enable efficient and realizable co-design of configurable hardware accelerators with arbitrary neural network search spaces, we introduce RHNAS. RHNAS is a method that combines reinforcement learning for hardware optimization with differentiable neural architecture search. RHNAS discovers realizable NN-HW designs with 1.84x lower latency and 1.86x lower energy-delay product (EDP) on ImageNet and 2.81x lower latency and 3.30x lower EDP on CIFAR-10 over the default hardware accelerator design.Comment: 15 page

    Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Hardware and Neural Architecture Co-Search with Hot Start

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    Hardware and neural architecture co-search that automatically generates Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions from a given dataset is promising to promote AI democratization; however, the amount of time that is required by current co-search frameworks is in the order of hundreds of GPU hours for one target hardware. This inhibits the use of such frameworks on commodity hardware. The root cause of the low efficiency in existing co-search frameworks is the fact that they start from a "cold" state (i.e., search from scratch). In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely HotNAS, that starts from a "hot" state based on a set of existing pre-trained models (a.k.a. model zoo) to avoid lengthy training time. As such, the search time can be reduced from 200 GPU hours to less than 3 GPU hours. In HotNAS, in addition to hardware design space and neural architecture search space, we further integrate a compression space to conduct model compressing during the co-search, which creates new opportunities to reduce latency but also brings challenges. One of the key challenges is that all of the above search spaces are coupled with each other, e.g., compression may not work without hardware design support. To tackle this issue, HotNAS builds a chain of tools to design hardware to support compression, based on which a global optimizer is developed to automatically co-search all the involved search spaces. Experiments on ImageNet dataset and Xilinx FPGA show that, within the timing constraint of 5ms, neural architectures generated by HotNAS can achieve up to 5.79% Top-1 and 3.97% Top-5 accuracy gain, compared with the existing ones.Comment: 13 page

    Enabling On-Device CNN Training by Self-Supervised Instance Filtering and Error Map Pruning

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    This work aims to enable on-device training of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) by reducing the computation cost at training time. CNN models are usually trained on high-performance computers and only the trained models are deployed to edge devices. But the statically trained model cannot adapt dynamically in a real environment and may result in low accuracy for new inputs. On-device training by learning from the real-world data after deployment can greatly improve accuracy. However, the high computation cost makes training prohibitive for resource-constrained devices. To tackle this problem, we explore the computational redundancies in training and reduce the computation cost by two complementary approaches: self-supervised early instance filtering on data level and error map pruning on the algorithm level. The early instance filter selects important instances from the input stream to train the network and drops trivial ones. The error map pruning further prunes out insignificant computations when training with the selected instances. Extensive experiments show that the computation cost is substantially reduced without any or with marginal accuracy loss. For example, when training ResNet-110 on CIFAR-10, we achieve 68% computation saving while preserving full accuracy and 75% computation saving with a marginal accuracy loss of 1.3%. Aggressive computation saving of 96% is achieved with less than 0.1% accuracy loss when quantization is integrated into the proposed approaches. Besides, when training LeNet on MNIST, we save 79% computation while boosting accuracy by 0.2%