5 research outputs found

    Clustering and Community Detection with Imbalanced Clusters

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    Spectral clustering methods which are frequently used in clustering and community detection applications are sensitive to the specific graph constructions particularly when imbalanced clusters are present. We show that ratio cut (RCut) or normalized cut (NCut) objectives are not tailored to imbalanced cluster sizes since they tend to emphasize cut sizes over cut values. We propose a graph partitioning problem that seeks minimum cut partitions under minimum size constraints on partitions to deal with imbalanced cluster sizes. Our approach parameterizes a family of graphs by adaptively modulating node degrees on a fixed node set, yielding a set of parameter dependent cuts reflecting varying levels of imbalance. The solution to our problem is then obtained by optimizing over these parameters. We present rigorous limit cut analysis results to justify our approach and demonstrate the superiority of our method through experiments on synthetic and real datasets for data clustering, semi-supervised learning and community detection.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:1309.2303 with new applications. Accepted to IEEE TSIP

    RDKG: A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Disease Diagnosis on Knowledge Graph

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    Automatic disease diagnosis from symptoms has attracted much attention in medical practices. It can assist doctors and medical practitioners in narrowing down disease candidates, reducing testing costs, improving diagnosis efficiency, and more importantly, saving human lives. Existing research has made significant progress in diagnosing disease but was limited by the gap between interpretability and accuracy. To fill this gap, in this paper, we propose a method called Reinforced Disease Diagnosis on Knowlege Graph (RDKG). Specifically, we first construct a knowledge graph containing all information from electronic medical records. To capture informative embeddings, we propose an enhanced knowledge graph embedding method that can embed information outside the knowledge graph into entity embedding. Then we transform the automatic disease diagnosis task into a Markov decision process on the knowledge graph. After that, we design a reinforcement learning method with a soft reward mechanism and a pruning strategy to solve the Markov decision process. We accomplish automated disease diagnosis by finding a path from symptoms to disease. The experimental results show that our model can effectively utilize heterogeneous information in the knowledge graph to complete the automatic disease diagnosis. Besides, our model demonstrates supreme performance in both accuracy and interpretability

    A Wasserstein distance-based spectral clustering method for transaction data analysis

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    With the rapid development of online payment platforms, it is now possible to record massive transaction data. Clustering on transaction data significantly contributes to analyzing merchants' behavior patterns. This enables payment platforms to provide differentiated services or implement risk management strategies. However, traditional methods exploit transactions by generating low-dimensional features, leading to inevitable information loss. In this study, we use the empirical cumulative distribution of transactions to characterize merchants. We adopt Wasserstein distance to measure the dissimilarity between any two merchants and propose the Wasserstein-distance-based spectral clustering (WSC) approach. Based on the similarities between merchants' transaction distributions, a graph of merchants is generated. Thus, we treat the clustering of merchants as a graph-cut problem and solve it under the framework of spectral clustering. To ensure feasibility of the proposed method on large-scale datasets with limited computational resources, we propose a subsampling method for WSC (SubWSC). The associated theoretical properties are investigated to verify the efficiency of the proposed approach. The simulations and empirical study demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms feature-based methods in finding behavior patterns of merchants

    Discovery of low-dimensional structure in high-dimensional inference problems

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    Many learning and inference problems involve high-dimensional data such as images, video or genomic data, which cannot be processed efficiently using conventional methods due to their dimensionality. However, high-dimensional data often exhibit an inherent low-dimensional structure, for instance they can often be represented sparsely in some basis or domain. The discovery of an underlying low-dimensional structure is important to develop more robust and efficient analysis and processing algorithms. The first part of the dissertation investigates the statistical complexity of sparse recovery problems, including sparse linear and nonlinear regression models, feature selection and graph estimation. We present a framework that unifies sparse recovery problems and construct an analogy to channel coding in classical information theory. We perform an information-theoretic analysis to derive bounds on the number of samples required to reliably recover sparsity patterns independent of any specific recovery algorithm. In particular, we show that sample complexity can be tightly characterized using a mutual information formula similar to channel coding results. Next, we derive major extensions to this framework, including dependent input variables and a lower bound for sequential adaptive recovery schemes, which helps determine whether adaptivity provides performance gains. We compute statistical complexity bounds for various sparse recovery problems, showing our analysis improves upon the existing bounds and leads to intuitive results for new applications. In the second part, we investigate methods for improving the computational complexity of subgraph detection in graph-structured data, where we aim to discover anomalous patterns present in a connected subgraph of a given graph. This problem arises in many applications such as detection of network intrusions, community detection, detection of anomalous events in surveillance videos or disease outbreaks. Since optimization over connected subgraphs is a combinatorial and computationally difficult problem, we propose a convex relaxation that offers a principled approach to incorporating connectivity and conductance constraints on candidate subgraphs. We develop a novel nearly-linear time algorithm to solve the relaxed problem, establish convergence and consistency guarantees and demonstrate its feasibility and performance with experiments on real networks

    Clustering and Community Detection With Imbalanced Clusters

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