177,085 research outputs found

    clValid: An R Package for Cluster Validation

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    The R package clValid contains functions for validating the results of a clustering analysis. There are three main types of cluster validation measures available, "internal", "stability", and "biological". The user can choose from nine clustering algorithms in existing R packages, including hierarchical, K-means, self-organizing maps (SOM), and model-based clustering. In addition, we provide a function to perform the self-organizing tree algorithm (SOTA) method of clustering. Any combination of validation measures and clustering methods can be requested in a single function call. This allows the user to simultaneously evaluate several clustering algorithms while varying the number of clusters, to help determine the most appropriate method and number of clusters for the dataset of interest. Additionally, the package can automatically make use of the biological information contained in the Gene Ontology (GO) database to calculate the biological validation measures, via the annotation packages available in Bioconductor. The function returns an object of S4 class "clValid", which has summary, plot, print, and additional methods which allow the user to display the optimal validation scores and extract clustering results.

    clValid: An R Package for Cluster Validation

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    The R package clValid contains functions for validating the results of a clustering analysis. There are three main types of cluster validation measures available, "internal", "stability", and "biological". The user can choose from nine clustering algorithms in existing R packages, including hierarchical, K-means, self-organizing maps (SOM), and model-based clustering. In addition, we provide a function to perform the self-organizing tree algorithm (SOTA) method of clustering. Any combination of validation measures and clustering methods can be requested in a single function call. This allows the user to simultaneously evaluate several clustering algorithms while varying the number of clusters, to help determine the most appropriate method and number of clusters for the dataset of interest. Additionally, the package can automatically make use of the biological information contained in the Gene Ontology (GO) database to calculate the biological validation measures, via the annotation packages available in Bioconductor. The function returns an object of S4 class "clValid", which has summary, plot, print, and additional methods which allow the user to display the optimal validation scores and extract clustering results

    A cosine based validation measure for Document Clustering

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    Document Clustering is the peculiar application of cluster analysis methods on huge documentary databases. Document Clustering aims at organizing a large quantity of unlabelled documents into a smaller number of meaningful and coherent clusters, similar in content. One of the main unsolved problems in clustering literature is the lack of a reliable methodology to evaluate results, although a wide variety of validation measures has been proposed. If those measures are often unsatisfactory when dealing with numerical databases, they definitely underperform in Document Clustering. This paper proposes a new validation measure. After introducing the most common approaches to Document Clustering, our attention is focused on Spherical K-means, do to its strict connection with the Vector Space Model, typical of Information Retrieval. Since Spherical K-means adopts a cosine-based similarity measure, we propose a validation measure based on the same criterion. The new measure effectiveness is shown in the frame of a comparative study, by involving 13 different corpora (usually used in literature for comparing different proposals) and 15 validation measures

    GenClust: A genetic algorithm for clustering gene expression data

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    BACKGROUND: Clustering is a key step in the analysis of gene expression data, and in fact, many classical clustering algorithms are used, or more innovative ones have been designed and validated for the task. Despite the widespread use of artificial intelligence techniques in bioinformatics and, more generally, data analysis, there are very few clustering algorithms based on the genetic paradigm, yet that paradigm has great potential in finding good heuristic solutions to a difficult optimization problem such as clustering. RESULTS: GenClust is a new genetic algorithm for clustering gene expression data. It has two key features: (a) a novel coding of the search space that is simple, compact and easy to update; (b) it can be used naturally in conjunction with data driven internal validation methods. We have experimented with the FOM methodology, specifically conceived for validating clusters of gene expression data. The validity of GenClust has been assessed experimentally on real data sets, both with the use of validation measures and in comparison with other algorithms, i.e., Average Link, Cast, Click and K-means. CONCLUSION: Experiments show that none of the algorithms we have used is markedly superior to the others across data sets and validation measures; i.e., in many cases the observed differences between the worst and best performing algorithm may be statistically insignificant and they could be considered equivalent. However, there are cases in which an algorithm may be better than others and therefore worthwhile. In particular, experiments for GenClust show that, although simple in its data representation, it converges very rapidly to a local optimum and that its ability to identify meaningful clusters is comparable, and sometimes superior, to that of more sophisticated algorithms. In addition, it is well suited for use in conjunction with data driven internal validation measures and, in particular, the FOM methodology

    Evaluation of clustering algorithms for gene expression data

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    BACKGROUND: Cluster analysis is an integral part of high dimensional data analysis. In the context of large scale gene expression data, a filtered set of genes are grouped together according to their expression profiles using one of numerous clustering algorithms that exist in the statistics and machine learning literature. A closely related problem is that of selecting a clustering algorithm that is "optimal" in some sense from a rather impressive list of clustering algorithms that currently exist. RESULTS: In this paper, we propose two validation measures each with two parts: one measuring the statistical consistency (stability) of the clusters produced and the other representing their biological functional congruence. Smaller values of these indices indicate better performance for a clustering algorithm. We illustrate this approach using two case studies with publicly available gene expression data sets: one involving a SAGE data of breast cancer patients and the other involving a time course cDNA microarray data on yeast. Six well known clustering algorithms UPGMA, K-Means, Diana, Fanny, Model-Based and SOM were evaluated. CONCLUSION: No single clustering algorithm may be best suited for clustering genes into functional groups via expression profiles for all data sets. The validation measures introduced in this paper can aid in the selection of an optimal algorithm, for a given data set, from a collection of available clustering algorithms
