7 research outputs found

    Energy-Aware Network-on-Chip Application Mapping Based on Domain Knowledge Genetic Algorithm

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    This paper addresses energy-aware application mapping for large-scale Network-on-chip (NoC). The increasing number of intellectual property (IP) cores in multi-processor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) makes NoC application mapping more challenging to find optimum core-to-topology mapping. This paper proposes an application mapping technique that incorporates domain knowledge into genetic algorithm (GA) to minimize the energy consumption of NoC communication. The GA is initialized with knowledge on network partition whereas the genetic crossover operator is guided with inter-core communication demands. NoC energy estimation is based on analytical energy model and cycle-accurate Noxim simulation. For large-scale NoC, application mapping using knowledge-based genetic operator saves up to 28% energy compared to the one on conventional GA. Adding knowledge-based initial mapping speeds up convergence by 81% and further saves energy by 5% compared to only knowledge-based crossover GA. Furthermore, cycle-accurate simulations of applications with traffic dependency show the effectiveness of the proposed application mapping for large-scale NoC

    Application profiling and mapping on NoC-based MPSoC emulation platform on reconfigurable logic

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    In network-on-chip (NoC) based multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) development, application profiling is one of the most crucial step during design time to search and explore optimal mapping. Conventional mapping exploration methodologies analyse application-specific graphs by estimating its runtime behaviour using analytical or simulation models. However, the former does not replicate the actual application run-time performance while the latter requires significant amount of time for exploration. To map applications on a specific MPSoC platform, the application behaviour on cycle-accurate emulated platform should be considered for obtaining better mapping quality. This paper proposes an application mapping methodology that utilizes a MPSoC prototyped in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Applications are implemented on homogeneous MPSoC cores and their costs are analysed and profiled on the platform in term of execution time, intra-core communication and inter-core communication delays. These metrics are utilized in analytical evaluation of the application mapping. The proposed analytical-based mapping is demonstrated against the exhaustive brute force method. Results show that the proposed method is able to produce quality mappings compared to the ground truth solutions but in shorter evaluation time

    An Efficient NoC-based Framework To Improve Dataflow Thread Management At Runtime

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on how the application threads that are based on dataflow execution model can be managed at Network-on-Chip (NoC) level. The roots of the dataflow execution model date back to the early 1970’s. Applications adhering to such program execution model follow a simple producer-consumer communication scheme for synchronising parallel thread related activities. In dataflow execution environment, a thread can run if and only if all its required inputs are available. Applications running on a large and complex computing environment can significantly benefit from the adoption of dataflow model. In the first part of the thesis, the work is focused on the thread distribution mechanism. It has been shown that how a scalable hash-based thread distribution mechanism can be implemented at the router level with low overheads. To enhance the support further, a tool to monitor the dataflow threads’ status and a simple, functional model is also incorporated into the design. Next, a software defined NoC has been proposed to manage the distribution of dataflow threads by exploiting its reconfigurability. The second part of this work is focused more on NoC microarchitecture level. Traditional 2D-mesh topology is combined with a standard ring, to understand how such hybrid network topology can outperform the traditional topology (such as 2D-mesh). Finally, a mixed-integer linear programming based analytical model has been proposed to verify if the application threads mapped on to the free cores is optimal or not. The proposed mathematical model can be used as a yardstick to verify the solution quality of the newly developed mapping policy. It is not trivial to provide a complete low-level framework for dataflow thread execution for better resource and power management. However, this work could be considered as a primary framework to which improvements could be carried out