3 research outputs found

    A model for mobile content filtering on non-interactive recommendation systems

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    To overcome the problem of information overloading in mobile communication, a recommendation system can be used to help mobile device users. However, there are problems relating to sparsity of information from a first-time user in regard to initial rating of the content and the retrieval of relevant items. In order for the user to experience personalized content delivery via the mobile recommendation system, content filtering is necessary. This paper proposes an integrated method by using classification and association rule techniques for extracting knowledge from mobile content in a user's profile. The knowledge can be used to establish a model for new users and first rater on mobile content. The model recommends relevant content in the early stage during the connection based on the user's profile. The proposed method also facilitates association to be generated to link the first rater items to the top items identified from the outcomes of the classification and clustering processes. This can address the problem of sparsity in initial rating and new user's connection for non-interactive recommendation systems

    Cluster analysis for personalised mobile entertainment content

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    There is much attention given to emerging technologies like mobile internet because of its increasing popularity. Much research has concentrated on hardware and some have focused on personalisation in terms of content visualisation. The focus of this paper is on mobile content personalisation, seeking to understand the user groups through clustering users based on their profile. This paper focuses on the implementation of a technique known as ‘Zoning- Centroid’, which is the evaluation technique used to determine the appropriate number of clusters required to best cluster the given users profile. The user profile used in this paper includes mobile content usage and their demographic factors. The clustering algorithm used in this paper is k-means clustering. The results show that the proposed technique could suggest appropriate number of clusters to be used with the k-values, in order to implement for mobile entertainment content personalisation

    An integrated mobile content recommendation system

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    Many features have been added to mobile devices to assist the user's information consumption. However, there are limitations due to information overload on the devices, hardware usability and capacity. As a result, content filtering in a mobile recommendation system plays a vital role in the solution to this problem. A system that utilises content filtering can recommend content which matches a user's needs based on user preferences with a higher accuracy rate. However, mobile content recommendation systems have problems and limitations related to cold start and sparsity. The problems can be viewed as first time connection and first content rating for non-interactive recommendation systems where information is insufficient to predict mobile content which will match with a user's needs. In addition, how to find relevant items for the content recommendation system which are related to a user's profile is also a concern. An integrated model that combines the user group identification and mobile content filtering for mobile content recommendation was proposed in this study in order to address the current limitations of the mobile content recommendation system. The model enhances the system by finding the relevant content items that match with a user's needs based on the user's profile. A prototype of the client-side user profile modelling is also developed to demonstrate the concept. The integrated model applies clustering techniques to determine groups of users. The content filtering implemented classification techniques to predict the top content items. After that, an adaptive association rules technique was performed to find relevant content items. These approaches can help to build the integrated model. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed integrated model performs better than the comparable techniques such as association rules and collaborative filtering. These techniques have been used in several recommendation systems. The integrated model performed better in terms of finding relevant content items which obtained higher accuracy rate of content prediction and predicted successful recommended relevant content measured by recommendation metrics. The model also performed better in terms of rules generation and content recommendation generation. Verification of the proposed model was based on real world practical data. A prototype mobile content recommendation system with client-side user profile has been developed to handle the revisiting user issue. In addition, context information, such as time-of-day and time-of-week, could also be used to enhance the system by recommending the related content to users during different time periods. Finally, it was shown that the proposed method implemented fewer rules to generate recommendation for mobile content users and it took less processing time. This seems to overcome the problems of first time connection and first content rating for non-interactive recommendation systems