4 research outputs found

    Learning Management System sebagai Cloud Storage dalam Pembelajaran berbasis Digital pada Jenjang Pendidikan Tinggi

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the acceptance of the Learning Management System as the Cloud Storage for students in digital-based learning at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. The research is conducted using a descriptive quantitative research design. The data is acquired from 250 students of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana who participate in the online lesson using the Cloud Storage in the Learning Management System. The technique of data collection is by using a closed questionnaire through random sampling. The acceptance of Cloud Storage usage is measured using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The result of the research shows a high outcome. During online lessons, the students use Cloud Storage in LMS which is integrated with the data storage feature in form of lesson materials, assignment files, teacher-students discussion forums, presence lists, meeting links, etc. Cloud Storage usage in LMS provides convenience, and benefit gain so that it can increase class performance which is effective and efficient, convenient, and fun, and it will trigger the interest in actual use of digital platforms

    Cloud storage services for file synchronization and sharing in science, education and research

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    Cloud synchronization and sharing services (CS3) for Science, Education and Research aim at providing new ways of accessing, sharing and interaction with existing data repositories as well as providing new type of storage services. We present the background and context in which CS3 services developed. We also introduce selected scientific contributions from the CS3 community, and from relevant research beyond, to illustrate some of the technical challenges for on-premise file sync/share services in Education and Research

    Transforming vocational schools - digitalisation in school development

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    The increasing impact of digitalisation on everyday life and the workplace requires new digital competencies to facilitate the socio-economic participation of citizens. One major avenue to support young people in the changing world is through education. This thesis therefore examines the development of vocational schools in the context of digitalisation. Theoretical considerations about school quality and models of school development form the basis for a multi-perspective research approach, including the five main stakeholder groups in Germany’s dual system of vocational training, namely students, teachers, school leaders, parents and training companies. The thesis focuses on the development of schools as organisational units which operate in a larger educational context. In the third chapter, curricular standards are investigated as external influence factors using a text-mining approach. The chapter examines in which ways these standards correspond to national requirements and how they can provide guidance for stakeholders at the school level. The fourth chapter focuses on the situation of teachers when school leaders decide to introduce digital practices into a school’s routines. The fifth and sixth chapters combine the interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data in a mixed-method approach to emphasise the relationships between stakeholders and different areas of school development, especially during a phase of distance learning. Practical implications of digitalisation for the development of vocational schools are derived from the research work in chapter seven. These include the significance of a shared vision, clear cooperation strategies and a manageable number of educational tools. Furthermore, the need to review the established models of school development in the context of digitalisation and the characteristics of vocational schools is discussed. This thesis claims that it is insufficient to view digitalisation merely as an influencing factor on the different fields of school development. Through new modes of exchange, digitalisation fundamentally transforms the relationship between the stakeholders of development at vocational schools. The way education, organisation, personnel, cooperation and technology interact is transforming at the qualitative, quantitative, spatial and temporal level