65,024 research outputs found

    Continued Fractions: A New Form

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    While the traditional form of continued fractions is well-documented, a new form, designed to approximate real numbers between 1 and 2, is less well-studied. This report first describes prior research into the new form, describing the form and giving an algorithm for generating approximations for a given real number. It then describes a rational function giving the rational number represented by the continued fraction made from a given tuple of integers and shows that no real number has a unique continued fraction. Next, it describes the set of real numbers that are hardest to approximate; that is, given a positive integer nn, it describes the real number α\alpha that maximizes the value αTn|\alpha - T_n|, where TnT_n is the closest continued fraction to α\alpha generated from a tuple of length nn. Finally, it lays out plans for future work

    Preconditioned Locally Harmonic Residual Method for Computing Interior Eigenpairs of Certain Classes of Hermitian Matrices

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    We propose a Preconditioned Locally Harmonic Residual (PLHR) method for computing several interior eigenpairs of a generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem, without traditional spectral transformations, matrix factorizations, or inversions. PLHR is based on a short-term recurrence, easily extended to a block form, computing eigenpairs simultaneously. PLHR can take advantage of Hermitian positive definite preconditioning, e.g., based on an approximate inverse of an absolute value of a shifted matrix, introduced in [SISC, 35 (2013), pp. A696-A718]. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that PLHR is efficient and robust for certain classes of large-scale interior eigenvalue problems, involving Laplacian and Hamiltonian operators, especially if memory requirements are tight

    Improved approximation of arbitrary shapes in dem simulations with multi-spheres

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    DEM simulations are originally made for spherical particles only. But most of real particles are anything but not spherical. Due to this problem, the multi-sphere method was invented. It provides the possibility to clump several spheres together to create complex shape structures. The proposed algorithm offers a novel method to create multi-sphere clumps for the given arbitrary shapes. Especially the use of modern clustering algorithms, from the field of computational intelligence, achieve satisfactory results. The clustering is embedded into an optimisation algorithm which uses a pre-defined criterion. A mostly unaided algorithm with only a few input and hyperparameters is able to approximate arbitrary shapes

    Interpolation and Approximation of Polynomials in Finite Fields over a Short Interval from Noisy Values

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    Motivated by a recently introduced HIMMO key distribution scheme, we consider a modification of the noisy polynomial interpolation problem of recovering an unknown polynomial f(X)Z[X]f(X) \in Z[X] from approximate values of the residues of f(t)f(t) modulo a prime pp at polynomially many points tt taken from a short interval

    Bremsstrahlung in the gravitational field of a cosmic string

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    In the framework of QED we investigate the bremsstrahlung process for an electron passing by a straight static cosmic string. This process is precluded in empty Minkowski space-time by energy and momentum conservation laws. It happens in the presence of the cosmic string as a consequence of the conical structure of space, in spite of the flatness of the metric. The cross section and emitted electromagnetic energy are computed and analytic expressions are found for different energies of the incoming electron. The energy interval is divided in three parts depending on whether the energy is just above electron rest mass MM, much larger than MM, or exceeds M/δM/\delta, with δ\delta the string mass per unit length in Planck units. We compare our results with those of scalar QED and classical electrodynamics and also with conic pair production process computed earlier.Comment: 21 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. D., KONS-RGKU-94-0

    The closest elastic tensor of arbitrary symmetry to an elasticity tensor of lower symmetry

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    The closest tensors of higher symmetry classes are derived in explicit form for a given elasticity tensor of arbitrary symmetry. The mathematical problem is to minimize the elastic length or distance between the given tensor and the closest elasticity tensor of the specified symmetry. Solutions are presented for three distance functions, with particular attention to the Riemannian and log-Euclidean distances. These yield solutions that are invariant under inversion, i.e., the same whether elastic stiffness or compliance are considered. The Frobenius distance function, which corresponds to common notions of Euclidean length, is not invariant although it is simple to apply using projection operators. A complete description of the Euclidean projection method is presented. The three metrics are considered at a level of detail far greater than heretofore, as we develop the general framework to best fit a given set of moduli onto higher elastic symmetries. The procedures for finding the closest elasticity tensor are illustrated by application to a set of 21 moduli with no underlying symmetry.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figur