2,137 research outputs found

    Closed Timelike Curves in Relativistic Computation

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    In this paper, we investigate the possibility of using closed timelike curves (CTCs) in relativistic hypercomputation. We introduce a wormhole based hypercomputation scenario which is free from the common worries, such as the blueshift problem. We also discuss the physical reasonability of our scenario, and why we cannot simply ignore the possibility of the existence of spacetimes containing CTCs.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum mechanics of time travel through post-selected teleportation

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    This paper discusses the quantum mechanics of closed-timelike curves (CTCs) and of other potential methods for time travel. We analyze a specific proposal for such quantum time travel, the quantum description of CTCs based on post-selected teleportation (P-CTCs). We compare the theory of P-CTCs to previously proposed quantum theories of time travel: the theory is inequivalent to Deutsch's theory of CTCs, but it is consistent with path-integral approaches (which are the best suited for analyzing quantum-field theory in curved space-time). We derive the dynamical equations that a chronology-respecting system interacting with a CTC will experience. We discuss the possibility of time travel in the absence of general-relativistic closed-timelike curves, and investigate the implications of P-CTCs for enhancing the power of computation.This paper discusses the quantum mechanics of closed-timelike curves (CTCs) and of other potential methods for time travel. We analyze a specific proposal for such quantum time travel, the quantum description of CTCs based on post-selected teleportation (P-CTCs). We compare the theory of P-CTCs to previously proposed quantum theories of time travel: the theory is inequivalent to Deutsch's theory of CTCs, but it is consistent with path-integral approaches (which are the best suited for analyzing quantum-field theory in curved space-time). We derive the dynamical equations that a chronology-respecting system interacting with a CTC will experience. We discuss the possibility of time travel in the absence of general-relativistic closed-timelike curves, and investigate the implications of P-CTCs for enhancing the power of computation

    NP-complete Problems and Physical Reality

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    Can NP-complete problems be solved efficiently in the physical universe? I survey proposals including soap bubbles, protein folding, quantum computing, quantum advice, quantum adiabatic algorithms, quantum-mechanical nonlinearities, hidden variables, relativistic time dilation, analog computing, Malament-Hogarth spacetimes, quantum gravity, closed timelike curves, and "anthropic computing." The section on soap bubbles even includes some "experimental" results. While I do not believe that any of the proposals will let us solve NP-complete problems efficiently, I argue that by studying them, we can learn something not only about computation but also about physics.Comment: 23 pages, minor correction

    The Computational Power of Minkowski Spacetime

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    The Lorentzian length of a timelike curve connecting both endpoints of a classical computation is a function of the path taken through Minkowski spacetime. The associated runtime difference is due to time-dilation: the phenomenon whereby an observer finds that another's physically identical ideal clock has ticked at a different rate than their own clock. Using ideas appearing in the framework of computational complexity theory, time-dilation is quantified as an algorithmic resource by relating relativistic energy to an nnth order polynomial time reduction at the completion of an observer's journey. These results enable a comparison between the optimal quadratic \emph{Grover speedup} from quantum computing and an n=2n=2 speedup using classical computers and relativistic effects. The goal is not to propose a practical model of computation, but to probe the ultimate limits physics places on computation.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, feedback welcom

    The Quantum Propagator for a Nonrelativistic Particle in the Vicinity of a Time Machine

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    We study the propagator of a non-relativistic, non-interacting particle in any non-relativistic ``time-machine'' spacetime of the type shown in Fig.~1: an external, flat spacetime in which two spatial regions, VV_- at time tt_- and V+V_+ at time t+t_+, are connected by two temporal wormholes, one leading from the past side of VV_- to t the future side of V+V_+ and the other from the past side of V+V_+ to the future side of VV_-. We express the propagator explicitly in terms of those for ordinary, flat spacetime and for the two wormholes; and from that expression we show that the propagator satisfies completeness and unitarity in the initial and final ``chronal regions'' (regions without closed timelike curves) and its propagation from the initial region to the final region is unitary. However, within the time machine it satisfies neither completeness nor unitarity. We also give an alternative proof of initial-region-to-final-region unitarity based on a conserved current and Gauss's theorem. This proof can be carried over without change to most any non-relativistic time-machine spacetime; it is the non-relativistic version of a theorem by Friedman, Papastamatiou and Simon, which says that for a free scalar field, quantum mechanical unitarity follows from the fact that the classical evolution preserves the Klein-Gordon inner product

    Simulations of closed timelike curves

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    Proposed models of closed timelike curves (CTCs) have been shown to enable powerful information-processing protocols. We examine the simulation of models of CTCs both by other models of CTCs and by physical systems without access to CTCs. We prove that the recently proposed transition probability CTCs (T-CTCs) are physically equivalent to postselection CTCs (P-CTCs), in the sense that one model can simulate the other with reasonable overhead. As a consequence, their information-processing capabilities are equivalent. We also describe a method for quantum computers to simulate Deutschian CTCs (but with a reasonable overhead only in some cases). In cases for which the overhead is reasonable, it might be possible to perform the simulation in a table-top experiment. This approach has the benefit of resolving some ambiguities associated with the equivalent circuit model of Ralph et al. Furthermore, we provide an explicit form for the state of the CTC system such that it is a maximum-entropy state, as prescribed by Deutsch.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Foundations of Physic

    Dynamics and stability of the Godel universe

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    We use covariant techniques to describe the properties of the Godel universe and then consider its linear response to a variety of perturbations. Against matter aggregations, we find that the stability of the Godel model depends primarily upon the presence of gradients in the centrifugal energy, and secondarily on the equation of state of the fluid. The latter dictates the behaviour of the model when dealing with homogeneous perturbations. The vorticity of the perturbed Godel model is found to evolve as in almost-FRW spacetimes, with some additional directional effects due to shape distortions. We also consider gravitational-wave perturbations by investigating the evolution of the magnetic Weyl component. This tensor obeys a simple plane-wave equation, which argues for the neutral stability of the Godel model against linear gravity-wave distortions. The implications of the background rotation for scalar-field Godel cosmologies are also discussed.Comment: Revised version, to match paper published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Dirac four-potential tunings-based quantum transistor utilizing the Lorentz force

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    We propose a mathematical model of \textit{quantum} transistor in which bandgap engineering corresponds to the tuning of Dirac potential in the complex four-vector form. The transistor consists of nn-relativistic spin qubits moving in \textit{classical} external electromagnetic fields. It is shown that the tuning of the direction of the external electromagnetic fields generates perturbation on the potential temporally and spatially, determining the type of quantum logic gates. The theory underlying of this scheme is on the proposal of the intertwining operator for Darboux transfomations on one-dimensional Dirac equation amalgamating the \textit{vector-quantum gates duality} of Pauli matrices. Simultaneous transformation of qubit and energy can be accomplished by setting the {control, cyclic}\{\textit{control, cyclic}\}-operators attached on the coupling between one-qubit quantum gate: the chose of \textit{cyclic}-operator swaps the qubit and energy simultaneously, while \textit{control}-operator ensures the energy conservation.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures: Typo corrections. A new Subsection with massless Dirac-fermions in a uniform magnetic field is include