22 research outputs found

    Multi-reference Tacotron by Intercross Training for Style Disentangling,Transfer and Control in Speech Synthesis

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    Speech style control and transfer techniques aim to enrich the diversity and expressiveness of synthesized speech. Existing approaches model all speech styles into one representation, lacking the ability to control a specific speech feature independently. To address this issue, we introduce a novel multi-reference structure to Tacotron and propose intercross training approach, which together ensure that each sub-encoder of the multi-reference encoder independently disentangles and controls a specific style. Experimental results show that our model is able to control and transfer desired speech styles individually.Comment: Submitted for Interspeech 2019, 5 page

    Conversational End-to-End TTS for Voice Agent

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    End-to-end neural TTS has achieved superior performance on reading style speech synthesis. However, it's still a challenge to build a high-quality conversational TTS due to the limitations of the corpus and modeling capability. This study aims at building a conversational TTS for a voice agent under sequence to sequence modeling framework. We firstly construct a spontaneous conversational speech corpus well designed for the voice agent with a new recording scheme ensuring both recording quality and conversational speaking style. Secondly, we propose a conversation context-aware end-to-end TTS approach which has an auxiliary encoder and a conversational context encoder to reinforce the information about the current utterance and its context in a conversation as well. Experimental results show that the proposed methods produce more natural prosody in accordance with the conversational context, with significant preference gains at both utterance-level and conversation-level. Moreover, we find that the model has the ability to express some spontaneous behaviors, like fillers and repeated words, which makes the conversational speaking style more realistic.Comment: Accepted by SLT 2021; 7 page

    LibriTTS: A Corpus Derived from LibriSpeech for Text-to-Speech

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    This paper introduces a new speech corpus called "LibriTTS" designed for text-to-speech use. It is derived from the original audio and text materials of the LibriSpeech corpus, which has been used for training and evaluating automatic speech recognition systems. The new corpus inherits desired properties of the LibriSpeech corpus while addressing a number of issues which make LibriSpeech less than ideal for text-to-speech work. The released corpus consists of 585 hours of speech data at 24kHz sampling rate from 2,456 speakers and the corresponding texts. Experimental results show that neural end-to-end TTS models trained from the LibriTTS corpus achieved above 4.0 in mean opinion scores in naturalness in five out of six evaluation speakers. The corpus is freely available for download from http://www.openslr.org/60/.Comment: Submitted for Interspeech 2019, 7 page

    A comparison of Vietnamese Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Systems

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    In recent years, statistical parametric speech synthesis (SPSS) systems have been widely utilized in many interactive speech-based systems (e.g.~Amazon's Alexa, Bose's headphones). To select a suitable SPSS system, both speech quality and performance efficiency (e.g.~decoding time) must be taken into account. In the paper, we compared four popular Vietnamese SPSS techniques using: 1) hidden Markov models (HMM), 2) deep neural networks (DNN), 3) generative adversarial networks (GAN), and 4) end-to-end (E2E) architectures, which consists of Tacontron~2 and WaveGlow vocoder in terms of speech quality and performance efficiency. We showed that the E2E systems accomplished the best quality, but required the power of GPU to achieve real-time performance. We also showed that the HMM-based system had inferior speech quality, but it was the most efficient system. Surprisingly, the E2E systems were more efficient than the DNN and GAN in inference on GPU. Surprisingly, the GAN-based system did not outperform the DNN in term of quality.Comment: 9 pages, submitted to KSE 202

    Learning latent representations for style control and transfer in end-to-end speech synthesis

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    In this paper, we introduce the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to an end-to-end speech synthesis model, to learn the latent representation of speaking styles in an unsupervised manner. The style representation learned through VAE shows good properties such as disentangling, scaling, and combination, which makes it easy for style control. Style transfer can be achieved in this framework by first inferring style representation through the recognition network of VAE, then feeding it into TTS network to guide the style in synthesizing speech. To avoid Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence collapse in training, several techniques are adopted. Finally, the proposed model shows good performance of style control and outperforms Global Style Token (GST) model in ABX preference tests on style transfer.Comment: Paper accepted by ICASSP 201

    Probing the phonetic and phonological knowledge of tones in Mandarin TTS models

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    This study probes the phonetic and phonological knowledge of lexical tones in TTS models through two experiments. Controlled stimuli for testing tonal coarticulation and tone sandhi in Mandarin were fed into Tacotron 2 and WaveGlow to generate speech samples, which were subject to acoustic analysis and human evaluation. Results show that both baseline Tacotron 2 and Tacotron 2 with BERT embeddings capture the surface tonal coarticulation patterns well but fail to consistently apply the Tone-3 sandhi rule to novel sentences. Incorporating pre-trained BERT embeddings into Tacotron 2 improves the naturalness and prosody performance, and yields better generalization of Tone-3 sandhi rules to novel complex sentences, although the overall accuracy for Tone-3 sandhi was still low. Given that TTS models do capture some linguistic phenomena, it is argued that they can be used to generate and validate certain linguistic hypotheses. On the other hand, it is also suggested that linguistically informed stimuli should be included in the training and the evaluation of TTS models.Comment: Submitted to Speech Prosody 202

    Adversarial Feature Learning and Unsupervised Clustering based Speech Synthesis for Found Data with Acoustic and Textual Noise

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    Attention-based sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) speech synthesis has achieved extraordinary performance. But a studio-quality corpus with manual transcription is necessary to train such seq2seq systems. In this paper, we propose an approach to build high-quality and stable seq2seq based speech synthesis system using challenging found data, where training speech contains noisy interferences (acoustic noise) and texts are imperfect speech recognition transcripts (textual noise). To deal with text-side noise, we propose a VQVAE based heuristic method to compensate erroneous linguistic feature with phonetic information learned directly from speech. As for the speech-side noise, we propose to learn a noise-independent feature in the auto-regressive decoder through adversarial training and data augmentation, which does not need an extra speech enhancement model. Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in dealing with text-side and speech-side noise. Surpassing the denoising approach based on a state-of-the-art speech enhancement model, our system built on noisy found data can synthesize clean and high-quality speech with MOS close to the system built on the clean counterpart.Comment: submitted to IEEE SP

    Effect of choice of probability distribution, randomness, and search methods for alignment modeling in sequence-to-sequence text-to-speech synthesis using hard alignment

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    Sequence-to-sequence text-to-speech (TTS) is dominated by soft-attention-based methods. Recently, hard-attention-based methods have been proposed to prevent fatal alignment errors, but their sampling method of discrete alignment is poorly investigated. This research investigates various combinations of sampling methods and probability distributions for alignment transition modeling in a hard-alignment-based sequence-to-sequence TTS method called SSNT-TTS. We clarify the common sampling methods of discrete variables including greedy search, beam search, and random sampling from a Bernoulli distribution in a more general way. Furthermore, we introduce the binary Concrete distribution to model discrete variables more properly. The results of a listening test shows that deterministic search is more preferable than stochastic search, and the binary Concrete distribution is robust with stochastic search for natural alignment transition.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Data Processing for Optimizing Naturalness of Vietnamese Text-to-speech System

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    Abstract End-to-end text-to-speech (TTS) systems has proved its great success in the presence of a large amount of high-quality training data recorded in anechoic room with high-quality microphone. Another approach is to use available source of found data like radio broadcast news. We aim to optimize the naturalness of TTS system on the found data using a novel data processing method. The data processing method includes 1) utterance selection and 2) prosodic punctuation insertion to prepare training data which can optimize the naturalness of TTS systems. We showed that using the processing data method, an end-to-end TTS achieved a mean opinion score (MOS) of 4.1 compared to 4.3 of natural speech. We showed that the punctuation insertion contributed the most to the result. To facilitate the research and development of TTS systems, we distributed the processed data of one speaker at https://forms.gle/6Hk5YkqgDxAaC2BU6.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submit to Oriental Cocosd

    Fast and High-Quality Singing Voice Synthesis System based on Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The present paper describes singing voice synthesis based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Singing voice synthesis systems based on deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently being proposed and are improving the naturalness of synthesized singing voices. As singing voices represent a rich form of expression, a powerful technique to model them accurately is required. In the proposed technique, long-term dependencies of singing voices are modeled by CNNs. An acoustic feature sequence is generated for each segment that consists of long-term frames, and a natural trajectory is obtained without the parameter generation algorithm. Furthermore, a computational complexity reduction technique, which drives the DNNs in different time units depending on type of musical score features, is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed method can synthesize natural sounding singing voices much faster than the conventional method.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 2020. Singing voice samples (Japanese, English, Chinese): https://www.techno-speech.com/news-20181214a-en. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1904.0686