2,740 research outputs found

    Programming Quantum Computers Using Design Automation

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    Recent developments in quantum hardware indicate that systems featuring more than 50 physical qubits are within reach. At this scale, classical simulation will no longer be feasible and there is a possibility that such quantum devices may outperform even classical supercomputers at certain tasks. With the rapid growth of qubit numbers and coherence times comes the increasingly difficult challenge of quantum program compilation. This entails the translation of a high-level description of a quantum algorithm to hardware-specific low-level operations which can be carried out by the quantum device. Some parts of the calculation may still be performed manually due to the lack of efficient methods. This, in turn, may lead to a design gap, which will prevent the programming of a quantum computer. In this paper, we discuss the challenges in fully-automatic quantum compilation. We motivate directions for future research to tackle these challenges. Yet, with the algorithms and approaches that exist today, we demonstrate how to automatically perform the quantum programming flow from algorithm to a physical quantum computer for a simple algorithmic benchmark, namely the hidden shift problem. We present and use two tool flows which invoke RevKit. One which is based on ProjectQ and which targets the IBM Quantum Experience or a local simulator, and one which is based on Microsoft's quantum programming language Q#\#.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. To appear in: Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2018

    Toward an Energy Efficient Language and Compiler for (Partially) Reversible Algorithms

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    We introduce a new programming language for expressing reversibility, Energy-Efficient Language (Eel), geared toward algorithm design and implementation. Eel is the first language to take advantage of a partially reversible computation model, where programs can be composed of both reversible and irreversible operations. In this model, irreversible operations cost energy for every bit of information created or destroyed. To handle programs of varying degrees of reversibility, Eel supports a log stack to automatically trade energy costs for space costs, and introduces many powerful control logic operators including protected conditional, general conditional, protected loops, and general loops. In this paper, we present the design and compiler for the three language levels of Eel along with an interpreter to simulate and annotate incurred energy costs of a program.Comment: 17 pages, 0 additional figures, pre-print to be published in The 8th Conference on Reversible Computing (RC2016

    Tail recursion transformation for invertible functions

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    Tail recursive functions allow for a wider range of optimisations than general recursive functions. For this reason, much research has gone into the transformation and optimisation of this family of functions, in particular those written in continuation passing style (CPS). Though the CPS transformation, capable of transforming any recursive function to an equivalent tail recursive one, is deeply problematic in the context of reversible programming (as it relies on troublesome features such as higher-order functions), we argue that relaxing (local) reversibility to (global) invertibility drastically improves the situation. On this basis, we present an algorithm for tail recursion conversion specifically for invertible functions. The key insight is that functions introduced by program transformations that preserve invertibility, need only be invertible in the context in which the functions subject of transformation calls them. We show how a bespoke data type, corresponding to such a context, can be used to transform invertible recursive functions into a pair of tail recursive function acting on this context, in a way where calls are highlighted, and from which a tail recursive inverse can be straightforwardly extracted.Comment: Submitted to 15th Conference on Reversible Computation, 202

    The JuliaConnectoR: a functionally oriented interface for integrating Julia in R

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    Like many groups considering the new programming language Julia, we faced the challenge of accessing the algorithms that we develop in Julia from R. Therefore, we developed the R package JuliaConnectoR, available from the CRAN repository and GitHub (https://github.com/stefan-m-lenz/JuliaConnectoR), in particular for making advanced deep learning tools available. For maintainability and stability, we decided to base communication between R and Julia on TCP, using an optimized binary format for exchanging data. Our package also specifically contains features that allow for a convenient interactive use in R. This makes it easy to develop R extensions with Julia or to simply call functionality from Julia packages in R. Interacting with Julia objects and calling Julia functions becomes user-friendly, as Julia functions and variables are made directly available as objects in the R workspace. We illustrate the further features of our package with code examples, and also discuss advantages over the two alternative packages JuliaCall and XRJulia. Finally, we demonstrate the usage of the package with a more extensive example for employing neural ordinary differential equations, a recent deep learning technique that has received much attention. This example also provides more general guidance for integrating deep learning techniques from Julia into R.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Energy-Efficient Algorithms

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    We initiate the systematic study of the energy complexity of algorithms (in addition to time and space complexity) based on Landauer's Principle in physics, which gives a lower bound on the amount of energy a system must dissipate if it destroys information. We propose energy-aware variations of three standard models of computation: circuit RAM, word RAM, and transdichotomous RAM. On top of these models, we build familiar high-level primitives such as control logic, memory allocation, and garbage collection with zero energy complexity and only constant-factor overheads in space and time complexity, enabling simple expression of energy-efficient algorithms. We analyze several classic algorithms in our models and develop low-energy variations: comparison sort, insertion sort, counting sort, breadth-first search, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, matrix all-pairs shortest paths, AVL trees, binary heaps, and dynamic arrays. We explore the time/space/energy trade-off and develop several general techniques for analyzing algorithms and reducing their energy complexity. These results lay a theoretical foundation for a new field of semi-reversible computing and provide a new framework for the investigation of algorithms.Comment: 40 pages, 8 pdf figures, full version of work published in ITCS 201

    Proceedings of the 4th DIKU-IST Joint Workshop on the Foundations of Software

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