2 research outputs found

    Classifier Risk Estimation under Limited Labeling Resources

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    In this paper we propose strategies for estimating performance of a classifier when labels cannot be obtained for the whole test set. The number of test instances which can be labeled is very small compared to the whole test data size. The goal then is to obtain a precise estimate of classifier performance using as little labeling resource as possible. Specifically, we try to answer, how to select a subset of the large test set for labeling such that the performance of a classifier estimated on this subset is as close as possible to the one on the whole test set. We propose strategies based on stratified sampling for selecting this subset. We show that these strategies can reduce the variance in estimation of classifier accuracy by a significant amount compared to simple random sampling (over 65% in several cases). Hence, our proposed methods are much more precise compared to random sampling for accuracy estimation under restricted labeling resources. The reduction in number of samples required (compared to random sampling) to estimate the classifier accuracy with only 1% error is high as 60% in some cases.Comment: PAKDD 201

    Active Testing: Sample-Efficient Model Evaluation

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    We introduce a new framework for sample-efficient model evaluation that we call active testing. While approaches like active learning reduce the number of labels needed for model training, existing literature largely ignores the cost of labeling test data, typically unrealistically assuming large test sets for model evaluation. This creates a disconnect to real applications, where test labels are important and just as expensive, e.g. for optimizing hyperparameters. Active testing addresses this by carefully selecting the test points to label, ensuring model evaluation is sample-efficient. To this end, we derive theoretically-grounded and intuitive acquisition strategies that are specifically tailored to the goals of active testing, noting these are distinct to those of active learning. As actively selecting labels introduces a bias; we further show how to remove this bias while reducing the variance of the estimator at the same time. Active testing is easy to implement and can be applied to any supervised machine learning method. We demonstrate its effectiveness on models including WideResNets and Gaussian processes on datasets including Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR-100.Comment: Published at the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021