3 research outputs found

    DART: Distribution Aware Retinal Transform for Event-based Cameras

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    We introduce a generic visual descriptor, termed as distribution aware retinal transform (DART), that encodes the structural context using log-polar grids for event cameras. The DART descriptor is applied to four different problems, namely object classification, tracking, detection and feature matching: (1) The DART features are directly employed as local descriptors in a bag-of-features classification framework and testing is carried out on four standard event-based object datasets (N-MNIST, MNIST-DVS, CIFAR10-DVS, NCaltech-101). (2) Extending the classification system, tracking is demonstrated using two key novelties: (i) For overcoming the low-sample problem for the one-shot learning of a binary classifier, statistical bootstrapping is leveraged with online learning; (ii) To achieve tracker robustness, the scale and rotation equivariance property of the DART descriptors is exploited for the one-shot learning. (3) To solve the long-term object tracking problem, an object detector is designed using the principle of cluster majority voting. The detection scheme is then combined with the tracker to result in a high intersection-over-union score with augmented ground truth annotations on the publicly available event camera dataset. (4) Finally, the event context encoded by DART greatly simplifies the feature correspondence problem, especially for spatio-temporal slices far apart in time, which has not been explicitly tackled in the event-based vision domain.Comment: 12 pages, revision submitted to TPAMI in Nov 201

    Speed Invariant Time Surface for Learning to Detect Corner Points with Event-Based Cameras

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    We propose a learning approach to corner detection for event-based cameras that is stable even under fast and abrupt motions. Event-based cameras offer high temporal resolution, power efficiency, and high dynamic range. However, the properties of event-based data are very different compared to standard intensity images, and simple extensions of corner detection methods designed for these images do not perform well on event-based data. We first introduce an efficient way to compute a time surface that is invariant to the speed of the objects. We then show that we can train a Random Forest to recognize events generated by a moving corner from our time surface. Random Forests are also extremely efficient, and therefore a good choice to deal with the high capture frequency of event-based cameras ---our implementation processes up to 1.6Mev/s on a single CPU. Thanks to our time surface formulation and this learning approach, our method is significantly more robust to abrupt changes of direction of the corners compared to previous ones. Our method also naturally assigns a confidence score for the corners, which can be useful for postprocessing. Moreover, we introduce a high-resolution dataset suitable for quantitative evaluation and comparison of corner detection methods for event-based cameras. We call our approach SILC, for Speed Invariant Learned Corners, and compare it to the state-of-the-art with extensive experiments, showing better performance.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted at CVPR 201

    Event-based Vision: A Survey

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    Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that differ from conventional frame cameras: Instead of capturing images at a fixed rate, they asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes, and output a stream of events that encode the time, location and sign of the brightness changes. Event cameras offer attractive properties compared to traditional cameras: high temporal resolution (in the order of microseconds), very high dynamic range (140 dB vs. 60 dB), low power consumption, and high pixel bandwidth (on the order of kHz) resulting in reduced motion blur. Hence, event cameras have a large potential for robotics and computer vision in challenging scenarios for traditional cameras, such as low-latency, high speed, and high dynamic range. However, novel methods are required to process the unconventional output of these sensors in order to unlock their potential. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of event-based vision, with a focus on the applications and the algorithms developed to unlock the outstanding properties of event cameras. We present event cameras from their working principle, the actual sensors that are available and the tasks that they have been used for, from low-level vision (feature detection and tracking, optic flow, etc.) to high-level vision (reconstruction, segmentation, recognition). We also discuss the techniques developed to process events, including learning-based techniques, as well as specialized processors for these novel sensors, such as spiking neural networks. Additionally, we highlight the challenges that remain to be tackled and the opportunities that lie ahead in the search for a more efficient, bio-inspired way for machines to perceive and interact with the world