3 research outputs found

    Classical lower bounds from quantum upper bounds

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    We prove lower bounds on complexity measures, such as the approximate degree of a Boolean function and the approximate rank of a Boolean matrix, using quantum arguments. We prove these lower bounds using a quantum query algorithm for the combinatorial group testing problem. We show that for any function f, the approximate degree of computing the OR of n copies of f is Omega(sqrt{n}) times the approximate degree of f, which is optimal. No such general result was known prior to our work, and even the lower bound for the OR of ANDs function was only resolved in 2013. We then prove an analogous result in communication complexity, showing that the logarithm of the approximate rank (or more precisely, the approximate gamma_2 norm) of F: X x Y -> {0,1} grows by a factor of Omega~(sqrt{n}) when we take the OR of n copies of F, which is also essentially optimal. As a corollary, we give a new proof of Razborov's celebrated Omega(sqrt{n}) lower bound on the quantum communication complexity of the disjointness problem. Finally, we generalize both these results from composition with the OR function to composition with arbitrary symmetric functions, yielding nearly optimal lower bounds in this setting as well.Comment: 46 pages; to appear at FOCS 201

    A Statistical Taylor Theorem and Extrapolation of Truncated Densities

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    We show a statistical version of Taylor's theorem and apply this result to non-parametric density estimation from truncated samples, which is a classical challenge in Statistics \cite{woodroofe1985estimating, stute1993almost}. The single-dimensional version of our theorem has the following implication: "For any distribution PP on [0,1][0, 1] with a smooth log-density function, given samples from the conditional distribution of PP on [a,a+ε]⊂[0,1][a, a + \varepsilon] \subset [0, 1], we can efficiently identify an approximation to PP over the \emph{whole} interval [0,1][0, 1], with quality of approximation that improves with the smoothness of PP." To the best of knowledge, our result is the first in the area of non-parametric density estimation from truncated samples, which works under the hard truncation model, where the samples outside some survival set SS are never observed, and applies to multiple dimensions. In contrast, previous works assume single dimensional data where each sample has a different survival set SS so that samples from the whole support will ultimately be collected.Comment: Appeared at COLT202

    A New Minimax Theorem for Randomized Algorithms

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    The celebrated minimax principle of Yao (1977) says that for any Boolean-valued function ff with finite domain, there is a distribution μ\mu over the domain of ff such that computing ff to error ϵ\epsilon against inputs from μ\mu is just as hard as computing ff to error ϵ\epsilon on worst-case inputs. Notably, however, the distribution μ\mu depends on the target error level ϵ\epsilon: the hard distribution which is tight for bounded error might be trivial to solve to small bias, and the hard distribution which is tight for a small bias level might be far from tight for bounded error levels. In this work, we introduce a new type of minimax theorem which can provide a hard distribution μ\mu that works for all bias levels at once. We show that this works for randomized query complexity, randomized communication complexity, some randomized circuit models, quantum query and communication complexities, approximate polynomial degree, and approximate logrank. We also prove an improved version of Impagliazzo's hardcore lemma. Our proofs rely on two innovations over the classical approach of using Von Neumann's minimax theorem or linear programming duality. First, we use Sion's minimax theorem to prove a minimax theorem for ratios of bilinear functions representing the cost and score of algorithms. Second, we introduce a new way to analyze low-bias randomized algorithms by viewing them as "forecasting algorithms" evaluated by a proper scoring rule. The expected score of the forecasting version of a randomized algorithm appears to be a more fine-grained way of analyzing the bias of the algorithm. We show that such expected scores have many elegant mathematical properties: for example, they can be amplified linearly instead of quadratically. We anticipate forecasting algorithms will find use in future work in which a fine-grained analysis of small-bias algorithms is required.Comment: 57 page