12 research outputs found

    Efficient Minimization of Higher Order Submodular Functions using Monotonic Boolean Functions

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    Submodular function minimization is a key problem in a wide variety of applications in machine learning, economics, game theory, computer vision, and many others. The general solver has a complexity of O(n3log2n.E+n4logO(1)n)O(n^3 \log^2 n . E +n^4 {\log}^{O(1)} n) where EE is the time required to evaluate the function and nn is the number of variables \cite{Lee2015}. On the other hand, many computer vision and machine learning problems are defined over special subclasses of submodular functions that can be written as the sum of many submodular cost functions defined over cliques containing few variables. In such functions, the pseudo-Boolean (or polynomial) representation \cite{BorosH02} of these subclasses are of degree (or order, or clique size) kk where knk \ll n. In this work, we develop efficient algorithms for the minimization of this useful subclass of submodular functions. To do this, we define novel mapping that transform submodular functions of order kk into quadratic ones. The underlying idea is to use auxiliary variables to model the higher order terms and the transformation is found using a carefully constructed linear program. In particular, we model the auxiliary variables as monotonic Boolean functions, allowing us to obtain a compact transformation using as few auxiliary variables as possible

    Minimizing a sum of submodular functions

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    We consider the problem of minimizing a function represented as a sum of submodular terms. We assume each term allows an efficient computation of {\em exchange capacities}. This holds, for example, for terms depending on a small number of variables, or for certain cardinality-dependent terms. A naive application of submodular minimization algorithms would not exploit the existence of specialized exchange capacity subroutines for individual terms. To overcome this, we cast the problem as a {\em submodular flow} (SF) problem in an auxiliary graph, and show that applying most existing SF algorithms would rely only on these subroutines. We then explore in more detail Iwata's capacity scaling approach for submodular flows (Math. Programming, 76(2):299--308, 1997). In particular, we show how to improve its complexity in the case when the function contains cardinality-dependent terms.Comment: accepted to "Discrete Applied Mathematics

    Generalized roof duality

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    AbstractThe roof dual bound for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization is the basis for several methods for efficiently computing the solution to many hard combinatorial problems. It works by constructing the tightest possible lower-bounding submodular function, and instead of minimizing the original objective function, the relaxation is minimized. However, for higher-order problems the technique has been less successful. A standard technique is to first reduce the problem into a quadratic one by introducing auxiliary variables and then apply the quadratic roof dual bound, but this may lead to loose bounds.We generalize the roof duality technique to higher-order optimization problems. Similarly to the quadratic case, optimal relaxations are defined to be the ones that give the maximum lower bound. We show how submodular relaxations can efficiently be constructed in order to compute the generalized roof dual bound for general cubic and quartic pseudo-boolean functions. Further, we prove that important properties such as persistency still hold, which allows us to determine optimal values for some of the variables. From a practical point of view, we experimentally demonstrate that the technique outperforms the state of the art for a wide range of applications, both in terms of lower bounds and in the number of assigned variables

    Classes of submodular constraints expressible by graph cuts

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    Classes of Submodular Constraints Expressible by Graph Cuts.

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    Submodular constraints play an important role both in theory and practice of valued constraint satisfaction problems (VCSPs). It has previously been shown, using results from the theory of combinatorial optimisation, that instances of VCSPs with submodular constraints can be minimised in polynomial time. However, the general algorithm is of order O(n 6) and hence rather impractical. In this paper, by using results from the theory of pseudo-Boolean optimisation, we identify several broad classes of submodular constraints over a Boolean domain which are expressible using binary submodular constraints, and hence can be minimised in cubic time. We also discuss the question of whether all submodular constraints of bounded arity over a Boolean domain are expressible using only binary submodular constraints, and can therefore be minimised efficiently. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Classes of submodular constraints expressible by graph cuts

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    Classes of Submodular Constraints Expressible by Graph Cuts.

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    Submodular constraints play an important role both in theory and practice of valued constraint satisfaction problems (VCSPs). It has previously been shown, using results from the theory of combinatorial optimisation, that instances of VCSPs with submodular constraints can be minimised in polynomial time. However, the general algorithm is of order O(n 6) and hence rather impractical. In this paper, by using results from the theory of pseudo-Boolean optimisation, we identify several broad classes of submodular constraints over a Boolean domain which are expressible using binary submodular constraints, and hence can be minimised in cubic time. We also discuss the question of whether all submodular constraints of bounded arity over a Boolean domain are expressible using only binary submodular constraints, and can therefore be minimised efficiently. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Classes of submodular constraints expressible by graph cuts

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    Submodular constraints play an important role both in theory and practice of valued constraint satisfaction problems (VCSPs). It has previously been shown, using results from the theory of combinatorial optimisation, that instances of VCSPs with submodular constraints can be minimised in polynomial time. However, the general algorithm is of order O(n^6) and hence rather impractical. In this paper, by using results from the theory of pseudo-Boolean optimisation, we identify several broad classes of submodular constraints over a Boolean domain which are expressible using binary submodular constraints, and hence can be minimised in cubic time. We also discuss the question of whether all submodular constraints of bounded arity over a Boolean domain are expressible using only binary submodular constraints, and can therefore be minimised efficiently