2,463 research outputs found

    CSGNet: Neural Shape Parser for Constructive Solid Geometry

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    We present a neural architecture that takes as input a 2D or 3D shape and outputs a program that generates the shape. The instructions in our program are based on constructive solid geometry principles, i.e., a set of boolean operations on shape primitives defined recursively. Bottom-up techniques for this shape parsing task rely on primitive detection and are inherently slow since the search space over possible primitive combinations is large. In contrast, our model uses a recurrent neural network that parses the input shape in a top-down manner, which is significantly faster and yields a compact and easy-to-interpret sequence of modeling instructions. Our model is also more effective as a shape detector compared to existing state-of-the-art detection techniques. We finally demonstrate that our network can be trained on novel datasets without ground-truth program annotations through policy gradient techniques.Comment: Accepted at CVPR-201

    Pick and Place Without Geometric Object Models

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    We propose a novel formulation of robotic pick and place as a deep reinforcement learning (RL) problem. Whereas most deep RL approaches to robotic manipulation frame the problem in terms of low level states and actions, we propose a more abstract formulation. In this formulation, actions are target reach poses for the hand and states are a history of such reaches. We show this approach can solve a challenging class of pick-place and regrasping problems where the exact geometry of the objects to be handled is unknown. The only information our method requires is: 1) the sensor perception available to the robot at test time; 2) prior knowledge of the general class of objects for which the system was trained. We evaluate our method using objects belonging to two different categories, mugs and bottles, both in simulation and on real hardware. Results show a major improvement relative to a shape primitives baseline

    High-Resolution Shape Completion Using Deep Neural Networks for Global Structure and Local Geometry Inference

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    We propose a data-driven method for recovering miss-ing parts of 3D shapes. Our method is based on a new deep learning architecture consisting of two sub-networks: a global structure inference network and a local geometry refinement network. The global structure inference network incorporates a long short-term memorized context fusion module (LSTM-CF) that infers the global structure of the shape based on multi-view depth information provided as part of the input. It also includes a 3D fully convolutional (3DFCN) module that further enriches the global structure representation according to volumetric information in the input. Under the guidance of the global structure network, the local geometry refinement network takes as input lo-cal 3D patches around missing regions, and progressively produces a high-resolution, complete surface through a volumetric encoder-decoder architecture. Our method jointly trains the global structure inference and local geometry refinement networks in an end-to-end manner. We perform qualitative and quantitative evaluations on six object categories, demonstrating that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art work on shape completion.Comment: 8 pages paper, 11 pages supplementary material, ICCV spotlight pape

    GVP: Generative Volumetric Primitives

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    Advances in 3D-aware generative models have pushed the boundary of image synthesis with explicit camera control. To achieve high-resolution image synthesis, several attempts have been made to design efficient generators, such as hybrid architectures with both 3D and 2D components. However, such a design compromises multiview consistency, and the design of a pure 3D generator with high resolution is still an open problem. In this work, we present Generative Volumetric Primitives (GVP), the first pure 3D generative model that can sample and render 512-resolution images in real-time. GVP jointly models a number of volumetric primitives and their spatial information, both of which can be efficiently generated via a 2D convolutional network. The mixture of these primitives naturally captures the sparsity and correspondence in the 3D volume. The training of such a generator with a high degree of freedom is made possible through a knowledge distillation technique. Experiments on several datasets demonstrate superior efficiency and 3D consistency of GVP over the state-of-the-art.Comment: https://vcai.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/GVP/index.htm

    Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web

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    This paper presents a survey of human action recognition approaches based on visual data recorded from a single video camera. We propose an organizing framework which puts in evidence the evolution of the area, with techniques moving from heavily constrained motion capture scenarios towards more challenging, realistic, "in the wild" videos. The proposed organization is based on the representation used as input for the recognition task, emphasizing the hypothesis assumed and thus, the constraints imposed on the type of video that each technique is able to address. Expliciting the hypothesis and constraints makes the framework particularly useful to select a method, given an application. Another advantage of the proposed organization is that it allows categorizing newest approaches seamlessly with traditional ones, while providing an insightful perspective of the evolution of the action recognition task up to now. That perspective is the basis for the discussion in the end of the paper, where we also present the main open issues in the area.Comment: Preprint submitted to CVIU, survey paper, 46 pages, 2 figures, 4 table