23 research outputs found

    Computable Centering Methods for Spiraling Algorithms and their Duals, with Motivations from the theory of Lyapunov Functions

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    Splitting methods like Douglas--Rachford (DR), ADMM, and FISTA solve problems whose objectives are sums of functions that may be evaluated separately, and all frequently show signs of spiraling. Circumcentering reflection methods (CRMs) have been shown to obviate spiraling for DR for certain feasibility problems. Under conditions thought to typify local convergence for splitting methods, we first show that Lyapunov functions generically exist. We then show for prototypical feasibility problems that CRMs, subgradient projections, and Newton--Raphson are all describable as gradient-based methods for minimizing Lyapunov functions constructed for DR operators, with the former returning the minimizers of quadratic surrogates for the Lyapunov function. Motivated thereby, we introduce a centering method that shares these properties but with the added advantages that it: 1) does not rely on subproblems (e.g. reflections) and so may be applied for any operator whose iterates spiral; 2) provably has the aforementioned Lyapunov properties with few structural assumptions and so is generically suitable for primal/dual implementation; and 3) maps spaces of reduced dimension into themselves whenever the original operator does. We then introduce a general approach to primal/dual implementation of a centering method and provide a computed example (basis pursuit), the first such application of centering. The new centering operator we introduce works well, while a similar primal/dual adaptation of CRM fails to solve the problem, for reasons we explain

    Circumcentric directions of cones

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    Generalized circumcenters have been recently introduced and employed to speed up classical projection-type methods for solving feasibility problems. In this note, circumcenters are enforced in a new setting; they are proven to provide inward directions to sets given by convex inequalities. In particular, we show that circumcentric directions of finitely generated cones belong to the interior of their polars. We also derive a measure of interiorness of the circumcentric direction, which then provides a special cone of search directions, all being feasible to the convex region under consideration.Comment: 1

    On the centralization of the circumcentered-reflection method

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    This paper is devoted to deriving the first circumcenter iteration scheme that does not employ a product space reformulation for finding a point in the intersection of two closed convex sets. We introduce a so-called centralized version of the circumcentered-reflection method (CRM). Developed with the aim of accelerating classical projection algorithms, CRM is successful for tracking a common point of a finite number of affine sets. In the case of general convex sets, CRM was shown to possibly diverge if Pierra's product space reformulation is not used. In this work, we prove that there exists an easily reachable region consisting of what we refer to as centralized points, where pure circumcenter steps possess properties yielding convergence. The resulting algorithm is called centralized CRM (cCRM). In addition to having global convergence, cCRM converges linearly under an error bound condition, and superlinearly if the two target sets are so that their intersection have nonempty interior and their boundaries are locally differentiable manifolds. We also run numerical experiments with successful results.Comment: 29 pages with 7 figure

    A successive centralized circumcenter reflection method for the convex feasibility problem

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    In this paper we present the successive centralization of the circumcenter reflection scheme with several control sequences for solving the convex feasibility problem in Euclidean space. Assuming that a standard error bound holds, we prove the linear convergence of the method with the most violated constraint control sequence. Under additional smoothness assumptions, we prove the superlinear convergence. Numerical experiments confirm the efficiency of our method