19 research outputs found

    Coloring permutation-gain graphs

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    Correspondence colorings of graphs were introduced in 2018 by Dvořák and Postle as a generalization of list colorings of graphs which generalizes ordinary graph coloring. Kim and Ozeki observed that correspondence colorings generalize various notions of signed-graph colorings which again generalizes ordinary graph colorings. In this note we state how correspondence colorings generalize Zaslavsky's notion of gain-graph colorings and then formulate a new coloring theory of permutation-gain graphs that sits between gain-graph coloring and correspondence colorings. Like Zaslavsky's gain-graph coloring, our new notion of coloring permutation-gain graphs has well defined chromatic polynomials and lifts to colorings of the regular covering graph of a permutation-gain graph

    On Colorings and Orientations of Signed Graphs

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    A classical theorem independently due to Gallai and Roy states that a graph G has a proper k-coloring if and only if G has an orientation without coherent paths of length k. An analogue of this result for signed graphs is proved in this article

    Balanced-chromatic number and Hadwiger-like conjectures

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    Motivated by different characterizations of planar graphs and the 4-Color Theorem, several structural results concerning graphs of high chromatic number have been obtained. Toward strengthening some of these results, we consider the \emph{balanced chromatic number}, χb(G^)\chi_b(\hat{G}), of a signed graph G^\hat{G}. This is the minimum number of parts into which the vertices of a signed graph can be partitioned so that none of the parts induces a negative cycle. This extends the notion of the chromatic number of a graph since χ(G)=χb(G~)\chi(G)=\chi_b(\tilde{G}), where G~\tilde{G} denotes the signed graph obtained from~GG by replacing each edge with a pair of (parallel) positive and negative edges. We introduce a signed version of Hadwiger's conjecture as follows. Conjecture: If a signed graph G^\hat{G} has no negative loop and no Kt~\tilde{K_t}-minor, then its balanced chromatic number is at most t−1t-1. We prove that this conjecture is, in fact, equivalent to Hadwiger's conjecture and show its relation to the Odd Hadwiger Conjecture. Motivated by these results, we also consider the relation between subdivisions and balanced chromatic number. We prove that if (G,σ)(G, \sigma) has no negative loop and no Kt~\tilde{K_t}-subdivision, then it admits a balanced 792t2\frac{79}{2}t^2-coloring. This qualitatively generalizes a result of Kawarabayashi (2013) on totally odd subdivisions

    Winding number and circular 4-coloring of signed graphs

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    Concerning the recent notion of circular chromatic number of signed graphs, for each given integer kk we introduce two signed bipartite graphs, each on 2k2−k+12k^2-k+1 vertices, having shortest negative cycle of length 2k2k, and the circular chromatic number 4. Each of the construction can be viewed as a bipartite analogue of the generalized Mycielski graphs on odd cycles, Mℓ(C2k+1)M_{\ell}(C_{2k+1}). In the course of proving our result, we also obtain a simple proof of the fact that Mℓ(C2k+1)M_{\ell}(C_{2k+1}) and some similar quadrangulations of the projective plane have circular chromatic number 4. These proofs have the advantage that they illuminate, in an elementary manner, the strong relation between algebraic topology and graph coloring problems.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure