51,818 research outputs found

    An average-case depth hierarchy theorem for Boolean circuits

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    We prove an average-case depth hierarchy theorem for Boolean circuits over the standard basis of AND\mathsf{AND}, OR\mathsf{OR}, and NOT\mathsf{NOT} gates. Our hierarchy theorem says that for every d2d \geq 2, there is an explicit nn-variable Boolean function ff, computed by a linear-size depth-dd formula, which is such that any depth-(d1)(d-1) circuit that agrees with ff on (1/2+on(1))(1/2 + o_n(1)) fraction of all inputs must have size exp(nΩ(1/d)).\exp({n^{\Omega(1/d)}}). This answers an open question posed by H{\aa}stad in his Ph.D. thesis. Our average-case depth hierarchy theorem implies that the polynomial hierarchy is infinite relative to a random oracle with probability 1, confirming a conjecture of H{\aa}stad, Cai, and Babai. We also use our result to show that there is no "approximate converse" to the results of Linial, Mansour, Nisan and Boppana on the total influence of small-depth circuits, thus answering a question posed by O'Donnell, Kalai, and Hatami. A key ingredient in our proof is a notion of \emph{random projections} which generalize random restrictions

    Bounding quantum gate error rate based on reported average fidelity

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    Remarkable experimental advances in quantum computing are exemplified by recent announcements of impressive average gate fidelities exceeding 99.9% for single-qubit gates and 99% for two-qubit gates. Although these high numbers engender optimism that fault-tolerant quantum computing is within reach, the connection of average gate fidelity with fault-tolerance requirements is not direct. Here we use reported average gate fidelity to determine an upper bound on the quantum-gate error rate, which is the appropriate metric for assessing progress towards fault-tolerant quantum computation, and we demonstrate that this bound is asymptotically tight for general noise. Although this bound is unlikely to be saturated by experimental noise, we demonstrate using explicit examples that the bound indicates a realistic deviation between the true error rate and the reported average fidelity. We introduce the Pauli distance as a measure of this deviation, and we show that knowledge of the Pauli distance enables tighter estimates of the error rate of quantum gates.Comment: New Journal of Physics Fast Track Communication. Gold open access journa

    Consistency of circuit lower bounds with bounded theories

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    Proving that there are problems in PNP\mathsf{P}^\mathsf{NP} that require boolean circuits of super-linear size is a major frontier in complexity theory. While such lower bounds are known for larger complexity classes, existing results only show that the corresponding problems are hard on infinitely many input lengths. For instance, proving almost-everywhere circuit lower bounds is open even for problems in MAEXP\mathsf{MAEXP}. Giving the notorious difficulty of proving lower bounds that hold for all large input lengths, we ask the following question: Can we show that a large set of techniques cannot prove that NP\mathsf{NP} is easy infinitely often? Motivated by this and related questions about the interaction between mathematical proofs and computations, we investigate circuit complexity from the perspective of logic. Among other results, we prove that for any parameter k1k \geq 1 it is consistent with theory TT that computational class C⊈i.o.SIZE(nk){\mathcal C} \not \subseteq \textit{i.o.}\mathrm{SIZE}(n^k), where (T,C)(T, \mathcal{C}) is one of the pairs: T=T21T = \mathsf{T}^1_2 and C=PNP{\mathcal C} = \mathsf{P}^\mathsf{NP}, T=S21T = \mathsf{S}^1_2 and C=NP{\mathcal C} = \mathsf{NP}, T=PVT = \mathsf{PV} and C=P{\mathcal C} = \mathsf{P}. In other words, these theories cannot establish infinitely often circuit upper bounds for the corresponding problems. This is of interest because the weaker theory PV\mathsf{PV} already formalizes sophisticated arguments, such as a proof of the PCP Theorem. These consistency statements are unconditional and improve on earlier theorems of [KO17] and [BM18] on the consistency of lower bounds with PV\mathsf{PV}

    Measurement cost of metric-aware variational quantum algorithms

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    Variational quantum algorithms are promising tools for near-term quantum computers as their shallow circuits are robust to experimental imperfections. Their practical applicability, however, strongly depends on how many times their circuits need to be executed for sufficiently reducing shot-noise. We consider metric-aware quantum algorithms: variational algorithms that use a quantum computer to efficiently estimate both a matrix and a vector object. For example, the recently introduced quantum natural gradient approach uses the quantum Fisher information matrix as a metric tensor to correct the gradient vector for the co-dependence of the circuit parameters. We rigorously characterise and upper bound the number of measurements required to determine an iteration step to a fixed precision, and propose a general approach for optimally distributing samples between matrix and vector entries. Finally, we establish that the number of circuit repetitions needed for estimating the quantum Fisher information matrix is asymptotically negligible for an increasing number of iterations and qubits.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure