3,372 research outputs found

    Circle formation for anonymous mobile robots with order preservation

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    This paper proposes a distributed control law for a group of mobile robots to form any given formation on a circle of a prescribed radius. The robots are modeled by point masses with the constraint that all of them can move only on the circle. In particular, robots are oblivious, anonymous, and unable to communicate directly; they share the common knowledge of the orientation of the circle, and can only measure the relative angular positions of their neighbors. A sampled-data control law is proposed as well. For both cases, theoretical analysis and numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed formation control strategies with the desired property of order preservatio

    Getting Close Without Touching: Near-Gathering for Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    In this paper we study the Near-Gathering problem for a finite set of dimensionless, deterministic, asynchronous, anonymous, oblivious and autonomous mobile robots with limited visibility moving in the Euclidean plane in Look-Compute-Move (LCM) cycles. In this problem, the robots have to get close enough to each other, so that every robot can see all the others, without touching (i.e., colliding with) any other robot. The importance of solving the Near-Gathering problem is that it makes it possible to overcome the restriction of having robots with limited visibility. Hence it allows to exploit all the studies (the majority, actually) done on this topic in the unlimited visibility setting. Indeed, after the robots get close enough to each other, they are able to see all the robots in the system, a scenario that is similar to the one where the robots have unlimited visibility. We present the first (deterministic) algorithm for the Near-Gathering problem, to the best of our knowledge, which allows a set of autonomous mobile robots to nearly gather within finite time without ever colliding. Our algorithm assumes some reasonable conditions on the input configuration (the Near-Gathering problem is easily seen to be unsolvable in general). Further, all the robots are assumed to have a compass (hence they agree on the "North" direction), but they do not necessarily have the same handedness (hence they may disagree on the clockwise direction). We also show how the robots can detect termination, i.e., detect when the Near-Gathering problem has been solved. This is crucial when the robots have to perform a generic task after having nearly gathered. We show that termination detection can be obtained even if the total number of robots is unknown to the robots themselves (i.e., it is not a parameter of the algorithm), and robots have no way to explicitly communicate.Comment: 25 pages, 8 fiugre

    Circular formation control of fixed-wing UAVs with constant speeds

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm for stabilizing circular formations of fixed-wing UAVs with constant speeds. The algorithm is based on the idea of tracking circles with different radii in order to control the inter-vehicle phases with respect to a target circumference. We prove that the desired equilibrium is exponentially stable and thanks to the guidance vector field that guides the vehicles, the algorithm can be extended to other closed trajectories. One of the main advantages of this approach is that the algorithm guarantees the confinement of the team in a specific area, even when communications or sensing among vehicles are lost. We show the effectiveness of the algorithm with an actual formation flight of three aircraft. The algorithm is ready to use for the general public in the open-source Paparazzi autopilot.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to IROS 201
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