8 research outputs found

    Safeguarding the Unseen: a Study on Data Privacy in DeFi Protocols

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    The financial sector's adoption of technology-driven data analysis has enhanced operational efficiency and revenue generation by leveraging personal sensitive data. However, the inherent characteristics of blockchain hinder decentralized finance (DeFi) from accessing necessary sensitive user data. To address this challenge, we introduce a protocol that both safeguards user privacy and ensures data availability through the incorporation of homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge-proof techniques in blockchain technology. This novel protocol helps mitigate privacy risks caused by sensitive data leaks while improving the capital efficiency of the DeFi market. Furthermore, we explore the applicability of these privacy-preserving methods in on-chain ecosystems and cross-border financial applications. Our solution contributes to secure, user-centric solutions for DeFi while upholding principles of decentralization and privacy protection

    Cryptographic Tools for Privacy Preservation and Verifiable Randomness

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    Our society revolves around communication. The Internet is the biggest, cheapest and fastest digital communication channel used nowadays.Due to the continuous increase of daily communication among people worldwide, more and more data might be stolen, misused or tampered.We require to protect our communications and data by achieving privacy\ua0and\ua0confidentiality.Despite the two terms, "privacy"\ua0and "confidentiality",are often used as synonymous, in cryptography they are modelled in very different ways.Intuitively, cryptography can be seen as a tool-box in which every scheme, protocol or primitive is a tool that can be used to solve specific problems and provide specific communication security guarantees such as confidentiality. Privacy is instead not easy to describe and capture since it often depends on "which" information is available, "how"\ua0are these data used and/or "who" has access to our data.This licentiate thesis raises research questions and proposes solutions related to: the possibility of defining encryption schemes that provide both strong security and privacy guarantees; the importance of designing cryptographic protocols that are compliant with real-life privacy-laws or regulations; and the necessity of defining a post-quantum mechanism to achieve the verifiability of randomness.In more details, the thesis achievements are:(a) defining a new class of encryption schemes, by weakening the correctness property, that achieves Differential Privacy (DP), i.e., a mathematically sound definition of privacy;(b) formalizing a security model for a subset of articles in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), designing and implementing a cryptographic protocol based on the proposed GDPR-oriented security model, and;(c) proposing a methodology to compile a post-quantum interactive protocol for proving the correct computation of a pseudorandom function into a non-interactive one, yielding a post-quantum mechanism for verifiable randomness

    Cryptographic Tools for Privacy Preservation

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    Data permeates every aspect of our daily life and it is the backbone of our digitalized society. Smartphones, smartwatches and many more smart devices measure, collect, modify and share data in what is known as the Internet of Things.Often, these devices don’t have enough computation power/storage space thus out-sourcing some aspects of the data management to the Cloud. Outsourcing computation/storage to a third party poses natural questions regarding the security and privacy of the shared sensitive data.Intuitively, Cryptography is a toolset of primitives/protocols of which security prop- erties are formally proven while Privacy typically captures additional social/legislative requirements that relate more to the concept of “trust” between people, “how” data is used and/or “who” has access to data. This thesis separates the concepts by introducing an abstract model that classifies data leaks into different types of breaches. Each class represents a specific requirement/goal related to cryptography, e.g. confidentiality or integrity, or related to privacy, e.g. liability, sensitive data management and more.The thesis contains cryptographic tools designed to provide privacy guarantees for different application scenarios. In more details, the thesis:(a) defines new encryption schemes that provide formal privacy guarantees such as theoretical privacy definitions like Differential Privacy (DP), or concrete privacy-oriented applications covered by existing regulations such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);(b) proposes new tools and procedures for providing verifiable computation’s guarantees in concrete scenarios for post-quantum cryptography or generalisation of signature schemes;(c) proposes a methodology for utilising Machine Learning (ML) for analysing the effective security and privacy of a crypto-tool and, dually, proposes a secure primitive that allows computing specific ML algorithm in a privacy-preserving way;(d) provides an alternative protocol for secure communication between two parties, based on the idea of communicating in a periodically timed fashion

    Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Multi-Identity and Multi-Attribute Pure FHE

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    A multi-identity pure fully homomorphic encryption (MIFHE) enables a server to perform arbitrary computation on the ciphertexts that are encrypted under different identities. In case of multi-attribute pure FHE (MAFHE), the ciphertexts are associated with different attributes. Clear and McGoldrick (CANS 2014) gave the first chosen-plaintext attack secure MIFHE and MAFHE based on indistinguishability obfuscation. In this study, we focus on building MIFHE and MAFHE which are se- cure under type 1 of chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA1) security model. In particular, using witness pseudorandom functions (Zhandry, TCC 2016) and multi-key pure FHE or MFHE (Mukherjee and Wichs, EUROCRYPT 2016) we propose the following constructions: – CCA secure identity-based encryption (IBE) that enjoys an optimal size ciphertexts, which we extend to a CCA1 secure MIFHE scheme. – CCA secure attribute-based encryption (ABE) having an optimal size ciphertexts, which we transform into a CCA1 secure MAFHE scheme. By optimal size, we mean that the bit-length of a ciphertext is the bit-length of the message plus a security parameter multiplied with a constant. Known constructions of multi-identity(attribute) FHEs are either leveled, that is, support only bounded depth circuit evaluations or secure in a weaker CPA security model. With our new approach, we achieve both CCA1 security and evaluation on arbitrary depth circuits for multi-identity(attribute) FHE schemes

    The Pseudorandom Oracle Model and Ideal Obfuscation

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    We introduce a new idealized model of hash functions, which we refer to as the *pseudorandom oracle* (PrO{\mathrm{Pr}\mathcal{O}}) model. Intuitively, it allows us to model cryptosystems that use the code of an ideal hash function in a non-black-box way. Formally, we model hash functions via a combination of a pseudorandom function (PRF) family and an ideal oracle. A user can initialize the hash function by choosing a PRF key kk and mapping it to a public handle hh using the oracle. Given the handle hh and some input xx, the oracle can also be called to evaluate the PRF at xx with the corresponding key kk. A user who chooses the PRF key kk therefore has a complete description of the hash function and can use its code in non-black-box constructions, while an adversary, who just gets the handle hh, only has black-box access to the hash function via the oracle. As our main result, we show how to construct ideal obfuscation in the PrO{\mathrm{Pr}\mathcal{O}} model, starting from functional encryption (FE), which in turn can be based on well-studied polynomial hardness assumptions. In contrast, we know that ideal obfuscation cannot be instantiated in the basic random oracle model under any assumptions. We believe our result provides heuristic justification for the following: (1) most natural security goals implied by ideal obfuscation can be achieved in the real world; (2) obfuscation can be constructed from FE at polynomial security loss. We also discuss how to interpret our result in the PrO{\mathrm{Pr}\mathcal{O}} model as a construction of ideal obfuscation using simple hardware tokens or as a way to bootstrap ideal obfuscation for PRFs to that for all functions

    Revisiting Updatable Encryption: Controlled Forward Security, Constructions and a Puncturable Perspective

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    Updatable encryption (UE) allows a third party to periodically rotate encryption keys from one epoch to another without the need to download, decrypt, re-encrypt and upload already encrypted data by a client. Updating those outsourced ciphertexts is carried out via the use of so-called update tokens which in turn are generated during key rotation and can be sent (publicly) to the third party. The arguably most efficient variant of UE is ciphertext-independent UE as the key rotation does not depend on the outsourced ciphertexts which makes it particularly interesting in scenarios where access to (information of the) ciphertexts is not possible during key rotation. Available security notions for UE cannot guarantee any form of forward security (i.e., old ciphertexts are in danger after key leakage). Counter-intuitively, forward security would violate correctness, as ciphertexts should be updatable ad-infinitum given the update token. In this work, we investigate if we can have at least some form of controlled forward security to mitigate the following shortcoming: an adversary would record available information (i.e., some ciphertexts, all update tokens) and simply would wait for a single key leakage to decrypt all data ever encrypted. Our threefold contribution is as follows: a) First, we introduce an epoch-based UE CPA security notion to allow fine-grained updatability. It covers the concept of expiry epochs, i.e., ciphertexts can lose the ability of being updatable via a token after a certain epoch has passed. This captures the above mentioned shortcoming as the encrypting party can decide how long a ciphertext can be updatable (and, hence, decryptable). b) Second, we introduce a novel approach of constructing UE which significantly departs from previous ones and in particular views UE from the perspective of puncturable encryption (Green and Miers, S&P\u2715). We define tag-inverse puncturable encryption as a new variant that generalizes UE and may be of independent interest. c) Lastly, we present and prove secure the first UE scheme with the aforementioned properties. It is constructed via tag-inverse puncturable encryption and instantiated from standard assumptions. As it turned out, constructing such puncturing schemes is not straightforward and we require adapted proof techniques. Surprisingly, as a special case, this yields the first backwards-leak UE scheme with sub-linear ciphertexts from standard assumptions (an open problem posted in two recent works by Jiang Galteland and Pan & Miao et al., PKC\u2723)

    Revisiting Proxy Re-Encryption: Forward Secrecy, Improved Security, and Applications

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    We revisit the notion of proxy re-encryption (PRE), an enhanced public-key encryption primitive envisioned by Blaze et al. (Eurocrypt\u2798) and formalized by Ateniese et al. (NDSS\u2705) for delegating decryption rights from a delegator to a delegatee using a semi-trusted proxy. PRE notably allows to craft re-encryption keys in order to equip the proxy with the power of transforming ciphertexts under a delegator\u27s public key to ciphertexts under a delegatee\u27s public key, while not learning anything about the underlying plaintexts. We study an attractive cryptographic property for PRE, namely that of forward secrecy. In our forward-secret PRE (fs-PRE) definition, the proxy periodically evolves the re-encryption keys and permanently erases old versions while the delegator\u27s public key is kept constant. As a consequence, ciphertexts for old periods are no longer re-encryptable and, in particular, cannot be decrypted anymore at the delegatee\u27s end. Moreover, delegators evolve their secret keys too, and, thus, not even they can decrypt old ciphertexts once their key material from past periods has been deleted. This, as we will discuss, directly has application in short-term data/message-sharing scenarios. Technically, we formalize fs-PRE. Thereby, we identify a subtle but significant gap in the well-established security model for conventional PRE and close it with our formalization (which we dub fs-PRE^+). We present the first provably secure and efficient constructions of fs-PRE as well as PRE (implied by the former) satisfying the strong fs-PRE^+ and PRE^+ notions, respectively. All our constructions are instantiable in the standard model under standard assumptions and our central building block are hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) schemes that only need to be selectively secure

    Survey on Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Theory, and Applications

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    Data privacy concerns are increasing significantly in the context of Internet of Things, cloud services, edge computing, artificial intelligence applications, and other applications enabled by next generation networks. Homomorphic Encryption addresses privacy challenges by enabling multiple operations to be performed on encrypted messages without decryption. This paper comprehensively addresses homomorphic encryption from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The paper delves into the mathematical foundations required to understand fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). It consequently covers design fundamentals and security properties of FHE and describes the main FHE schemes based on various mathematical problems. On a more practical level, the paper presents a view on privacy-preserving Machine Learning using homomorphic encryption, then surveys FHE at length from an engineering angle, covering the potential application of FHE in fog computing, and cloud computing services. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of existing state-of-the-art FHE libraries and tools, implemented in software and hardware, and the performance thereof