18 research outputs found

    Advanced receivers for high data rate mobile communications

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    Improving the spectral efficiency is a key issue in the future wireless communication systems since the spectrum is a scarce resource. Both the number of users as well the demanded data rates are increasing all the time. Furthermore, in mobile communications the wireless link is required to be reliable even when the mobile is in a fast moving vehicle. Using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas is a well known technique to provide higher spectral efficiency as well as better link reliability. Additionally, higher order modulation methods can be used to provide higher data rates. In order to benefit from these enhancements in practise, sophisticated signal processing methods as well as accurate estimates of time-varying wireless channel parameters are needed. This thesis addresses the problem of designing multi-antenna receivers in high data rate systems. The case of multiple transmit antennas is also considered. System specific features of High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) which is part of 3rd generation (3G) Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) evolution are exploited in channel estimation methods and in MIMO receiver design. Additionally, complexity reduction methods for Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalization are addressed. Blind channel estimation methods are spectrally efficient, since no extra resources are needed for pilot signals. However, in mobile communications accurate estimates are needed also in fast fading channels. Consequently, semi-blind channel estimation methods where the receiver combines blind and pilot based channel estimation are an appealing alternative. In this thesis blind and semi-blind channel estimation methods based on knowledge of multiple spreading codes are derived. A novel semi-blind combining scheme for code multiplexed pilot signal and blind estimation is proposed. Another important factor in receiver design criteria is the structure of interference in the received signals. Interference mitigation techniques in MIMO systems have been shown to be potential methods for providing improved performance. A chip level inter-antenna interference cancellation method has been developed in this thesis for HSDPA. Furthermore, this multi-stage ordered interference canceler is combined with the semi-blind channel estimation scheme to enhance the system performance further.Langattomassa tiedonsiirrossa radiospektrin tehokas käyttö on tulevaisuuden suuria haasteita. Taajuuksia on käytössä vain rajoitetusti, kun taas käyttäjien määrä sekä vaaditut siirtonopeudet kasvavat jatkuvasti. Lisäksi langattomien yhteyksien on toimittava luotettavasti myös nopeasti liikkuvissa kulkuneuvoissa. Moniantennijärjestelmät, joissa on useita antenneita sekä tukiasemissa että päätelaitteissa mahdollistavat radiospektrin tehokkaamman käytön sekä parantavat yhteyksien laatua. Tiedonsiirtonopeutta voidaan myös kasvattaa erilaisilla modulaatiotekniikoilla. Hyötyjen saavutamiseksi käytännössä tarvitaan sekä kehittyneitä vastaanotinrakenteita että tarkkoja estimaatteja aikamuuttuvasta radiokanavasta. Tässä työssä on kehitetty vastaanotinrakenteita ja kanavan estimointimenetelmiä kolmannen sukupolven (3G) nopeiden datayhteyksien (HSPA) järjestelmissä. Työssä on johdettu menetelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät HSPA järjestelmien erikoispiirteitä tehokkaasti. Lisäksi on kehitetty laskennallisesti tehokkaita menetelmiä vastaanottimien signaalinkäsittelyyn. Ns. sokeat menetelmät mahdollistavat taajuuskaistan tehokkaan käytön, koska ne eivät vaadi tunnettuja harjoitussignaaleja. Mobiileissa tietolikennejärjestelmissä radiokanava saattaa kuitenkin muuttua hyvin nopeasti, jonka vuoksi kanavan estimoinnissa on tyypillisesti hyödynnetty tunnettua pilottisignaalia. Yhdistämällä pilottipohjainen ja sokea kanavaestimointimenetelmä, voidaan saavuttaa molempien menetelmien edut. Tässä työssä kehitettiin sokeita kanavaestimointimenetelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät useita tunnettuja hajoituskoodeja. Sokean ja koodijakoiseen pilottisignaaliin pohjautuvien kanavan estimaattien yhdistämiseksi kehitettiin uusi menetelmä. Signaalin laatua ja siten vastaanottimen suorituskykyä voidaan langattomissa järjestelmissä parantaa vaimentamalla interferenssiä eli häiriöitä. Vastaanottimen toimintaa voidaan tehostaa oleellisesti, jos häiriösignaalin rakenne tunnetaan. Käytettäessä useampaa lähetysantennia HSPA järjestelmissä vastaanotetussa signaalissa olevia häiriötä voidaan kumota usealla eri tasolla. Tässä työssä on kehitetty chippitasolla häiriöitä kumoava vastaanotinrakenne, joka hyödyntää HSPA järjestelmän ominaisuuksia. Vastaanottimen suorituskykyä on edelleen parannettu yhdistämällä se aiemmin esitettyyn puolisokeaan kanavan estimointimenetelmään.reviewe

    Convergence of packet communications over the evolved mobile networks; signal processing and protocol performance

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    In this thesis, the convergence of packet communications over the evolved mobile networks is studied. The Long Term Evolution (LTE) process is dominating the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) in order to bring technologies to the markets in the spirit of continuous innovation. The global markets of mobile information services are growing towards the Mobile Information Society. The thesis begins with the principles and theories of the multiple-access transmission schemes, transmitter receiver techniques and signal processing algorithms. Next, packet communications and Internet protocols are referred from the IETF standards with the characteristics of mobile communications in the focus. The mobile network architecture and protocols bind together the evolved packet system of Internet communications to the radio access network technologies. Specifics of the traffic models are shortly visited for their statistical meaning in the radio performance analysis. Radio resource management algorithms and protocols, also procedures, are covered addressing their relevance for the system performance. Throughout these Chapters, the commonalities and differentiators of the WCDMA, WCDMA/HSPA and LTE are covered. The main outcome of the thesis is the performance analysis of the LTE technology beginning from the early discoveries to the analysis of various system features and finally converging to an extensive system analysis campaign. The system performance is analysed with the characteristics of voice over the Internet and best effort traffic of the Internet. These traffic classes represent the majority of the mobile traffic in the converged packet networks, and yet they are simple enough for a fair and generic analysis of technologies. The thesis consists of publications and inventions created by the author that proposed several improvements to the 3G technologies towards the LTE. In the system analysis, the LTE showed by the factor of at least 2.5 to 3 times higher system measures compared to the WCDMA/HSPA reference. The WCDMA/HSPA networks are currently available with over 400 million subscribers and showing increasing growth, in the meanwhile the first LTE roll-outs are scheduled to begin in 2010. Sophisticated 3G LTE mobile devices are expected to appear fluently for all consumer segments in the following years

    Receiver algorithms that enable multi-mode baseband terminals

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    Efficient Radio Resource Allocation Schemes and Code Optimizations for High Speed Downlink Packet Access Transmission

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    An important enhancement on the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) air interface of the 3G mobile communications, High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) standard has been launched to realize higher spectral utilization efficiency. It introduces the features of multicode CDMA transmission and Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) technique, which makes radio resource allocation feasible and essential. This thesis studies channel-aware resource allocation schemes, coupled with fast power adjustment and spreading code optimization techniques, for the HSDPA standard operating over frequency selective channel. A two-group resource allocation scheme is developed in order to achieve a promising balance between performance enhancement and time efficiency. It only requires calculating two parameters to specify the allocations of discrete bit rates and transmitted symbol energies in all channels. The thesis develops the calculation methods of the two parameters for interference-free and interference-present channels, respectively. For the interference-present channels, the performance of two-group allocation can be further enhanced by applying a clustering-based channel removal scheme. In order to make the two-group approach more time-efficient, reduction in matrix inversions in optimum energy calculation is then discussed. When the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalizer is applied, optimum energy allocation can be calculated by iterating a set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. By using the MMSE Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) receiver, the optimum energies are calculated recursively combined with an optimum channel ordering scheme for enhancement in both system performance and time efficiency. This thesis then studies the signature optimization methods with multipath channel and examines their system performances when combined with different resource allocation methods. Two multipath-aware signature optimization methods are developed by applying iterative optimization techniques, for the system using MMSE equalizer and MMSE precoder respectively. A PAM system using complex signature sequences is also examined for improving resource utilization efficiency, where two receiving schemes are proposed to fully take advantage of PAM features. In addition by applying a short chip sampling window, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) based interference-free signature design method is presented

    Spatio-Temporal processing for Optimum Uplink-Downlink WCDMA Systems

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    The capacity of a cellular system is limited by two different phenomena, namely multipath fading and multiple access interference (MAl). A Two Dimensional (2-D) receiver combats both of these by processing the signal both in the spatial and temporal domain. An ideal 2-D receiver would perform joint space-time processing, but at the price of high computational complexity. In this research we investigate computationally simpler technique termed as a Beamfom1er-Rake. In a Beamformer-Rake, the output of a beamfom1er is fed into a succeeding temporal processor to take advantage of both the beamformer and Rake receiver. Wireless service providers throughout the world are working to introduce the third generation (3G) and beyond (3G) cellular service that will provide higher data rates and better spectral efficiency. Wideband COMA (WCDMA) has been widely accepted as one of the air interfaces for 3G. A Beamformer-Rake receiver can be an effective solution to provide the receivers enhanced capabilities needed to achieve the required performance of a WCDMA system. We consider three different Pilot Symbol Assisted (PSA) beamforming techniques, Direct Matrix Inversion (DMI), Least-Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive algorithms. Geometrically Based Single Bounce (GBSB) statistical Circular channel model is considered, which is more suitable for array processing, and conductive to RAKE combining. The performances of the Beam former-Rake receiver are evaluated in this channel model as a function of the number of antenna elements and RAKE fingers, in which are evaluated for the uplink WCDMA system. It is shown that, the Beamformer-Rake receiver outperforms the conventional RAKE receiver and the conventional beamformer by a significant margin. Also, we optimize and develop a mathematical formulation for the output Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) of a Beam former-Rake receiver. In this research, also, we develop, simulate and evaluate the SINR and Signal to Noise Ratio (Et!Nol performances of an adaptive beamforming technique in the WCDMA system for downlink. The performance is then compared with an omnidirectional antenna system. Simulation shows that the best perfom1ance can be achieved when all the mobiles with same Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) and different distance from base station are formed in one beam

    IST-2000-30148 I-METRA: D4 Performance evaluation

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    This document considers the performance of multiantenna transmit/receive techniques in high-speed downlink and uplink packet access. The evaluation is done using both link and system level simulations by taking into account link adaptation and packet retransmissions. The document is based on the initial studies carried out in deliverables D3.1 and D3.2.Preprin

    Power control for WCDMA

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    This project tries to introduce itself in the physical implementations that make possible the denominated third generation mobile technology. As well as to know the technology kind that makes possible, for example, a video-call in real time. During this project, the different phases passed from the election of WCDMA like the access method for UMTS will appear. Its coexistence with previous network GSM will be analyzed, where the compatibility between systems has been one of the most important aspects in the development of WCDMA, the involved standardization organisms in the process, as well as the different protocols that make the mobile communications within a network UTRAN possible. Special emphasis during the study of the great contribution that has offered WCDMA with respect to the control of power of the existing signals will be made. The future lines that are considered in the present, and other comment that already are in their last phase of development in the field of the mobile technology. UMTS through WCDMA can be summarized like a revolution of the air interface accompanied by a revolution in the network of their architecture

    Spatio-Temporal processing for Optimum Uplink-Downlink WCDMA Systems

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    The capacity of a cellular system is limited by two different phenomena, namely multipath fading and multiple access interference (MAl). A Two Dimensional (2-D) receiver combats both of these by processing the signal both in the spatial and temporal domain. An ideal 2-D receiver would perform joint space-time processing, but at the price of high computational complexity. In this research we investigate computationally simpler technique termed as a Beamfom1er-Rake. In a Beamformer-Rake, the output of a beamfom1er is fed into a succeeding temporal processor to take advantage of both the beamformer and Rake receiver. Wireless service providers throughout the world are working to introduce the third generation (3G) and beyond (3G) cellular service that will provide higher data rates and better spectral efficiency. Wideband COMA (WCDMA) has been widely accepted as one of the air interfaces for 3G. A Beamformer-Rake receiver can be an effective solution to provide the receivers enhanced capabilities needed to achieve the required performance of a WCDMA system. We consider three different Pilot Symbol Assisted (PSA) beamforming techniques, Direct Matrix Inversion (DMI), Least-Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive algorithms. Geometrically Based Single Bounce (GBSB) statistical Circular channel model is considered, which is more suitable for array processing, and conductive to RAKE combining. The performances of the Beam former-Rake receiver are evaluated in this channel model as a function of the number of antenna elements and RAKE fingers, in which are evaluated for the uplink WCDMA system. It is shown that, the Beamformer-Rake receiver outperforms the conventional RAKE receiver and the conventional beamformer by a significant margin. Also, we optimize and develop a mathematical formulation for the output Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) of a Beam former-Rake receiver. In this research, also, we develop, simulate and evaluate the SINR and Signal to Noise Ratio (Et!Nol performances of an adaptive beamforming technique in the WCDMA system for downlink. The performance is then compared with an omnidirectional antenna system. Simulation shows that the best perfom1ance can be achieved when all the mobiles with same Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) and different distance from base station are formed in one beam

    Coded Parity Packet Transmission Method for Two Group Resource Allocation

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    Gap value control is investigated when the number of source and parity packets is adjusted in a concatenated coding scheme whilst keeping the overall coding rate fixed. Packet-based outer codes which are generated from bit-wise XOR combinations of the source packets are used to adjust the number of both source packets. Having the source packets, the number of parity packets, which are the bit-wise XOR combinations of the source packets can be adjusted such that the gap value, which measures the gap between the theoretical and the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), is controlled without changing the actual coding rate. Consequently, the required SNR reduces, yielding a lower required energy to realize the transmission data rate. Integrating this coding technique with a two-group resource allocation scheme renders efficient utilization of the total energy to further improve the data rates. With a relatively small-sized set of discrete data rates, the system throughput achieved by the proposed two-group loading scheme is observed to be approximately equal to that of the existing loading scheme, which is operated with a much larger set of discrete data rates. The gain obtained by the proposed scheme over the existing equal rate and equal energy loading scheme is approximately 5 dB. Furthermore, a successive interference cancellation scheme is also integrated with this coding technique, which can be used to decode and provide consecutive symbols for inter-symbol interference (ISI) and multiple access interference (MAI) mitigation. With this integrated scheme, the computational complexity is signi cantly reduced by eliminating matrix inversions. In the same manner, the proposed coding scheme is also incorporated into a novel fixed energy loading, which distributes packets over parallel channels, to control the gap value of the data rates although the SNR of each code channel varies from each other

    Power control for WCDMA

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    This project tries to introduce itself in the physical implementations that make possible the denominated third generation mobile technology. As well as to know the technology kind that makes possible, for example, a video-call in real time. During this project, the different phases passed from the election of WCDMA like the access method for UMTS will appear. Its coexistence with previous network GSM will be analyzed, where the compatibility between systems has been one of the most important aspects in the development of WCDMA, the involved standardization organisms in the process, as well as the different protocols that make the mobile communications within a network UTRAN possible. Special emphasis during the study of the great contribution that has offered WCDMA with respect to the control of power of the existing signals will be made. The future lines that are considered in the present, and other comment that already are in their last phase of development in the field of the mobile technology. UMTS through WCDMA can be summarized like a revolution of the air interface accompanied by a revolution in the network of their architecture