4 research outputs found

    Indexing Information for Data Forensics

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    We introduce novel techniques for organizing the indexing structures of how data is stored so that alterations from an original version can be detected and the changed values specifically identified. We give forensic constructions for several fundamental data structures, including arrays, linked lists, binary search trees, skip lists, and hash tables. Some of our constructions are based on a new reduced-randomness construction for nonadaptive combinatorial group testing

    Checking the Integrity of Trees

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    In this paper we describe a general technique for checking the integrity of data structures which can be corrupted by memory faults. Our approach is based on a recursive checksum technique. Basic methods of using checksums have been previously seen to be useful for detecting faults at the bit or word level; among our results will be their extension to the node level. The major contributions of our paper are threefold. First, we show how the recursive checksum procedure can be applied to tree data structures that are dynamically changing, whereas the previous work concentrated on trees that were static in their structure. This results in a asymptotic improvement in running time for applications where it is natural to model the underlying data as a tree. Second, we present a C ++ implementation of this scheme. Significantly, it is seen that our software can be used with existing applications which manipulate trees with only minor modification of the application programs. Finally, we ha..