7 research outputs found

    Characterizing large cardinals in terms of layered posets

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    Given an uncountable regular cardinal κ\kappa, a partial order is κ\kappa-stationarily layered if the collection of regular suborders of P\mathbb{P} of cardinality less than κ\kappa is stationary in Pκ(P)\mathcal{P}_\kappa(\mathbb{P}). We show that weak compactness can be characterized by this property of partial orders by proving that an uncountable regular cardinal κ\kappa is weakly compact if and only if every partial order satisfying the κ\kappa-chain condition is κ\kappa-stationarily layered. We prove a similar result for strongly inaccessible cardinals. Moreover, we show that the statement that all κ\kappa-Knaster partial orders are κ\kappa-stationarily layered implies that κ\kappa is a Mahlo cardinal and every stationary subset of κ\kappa reflects. This shows that this statement characterizes weak compactness in canonical inner models. In contrast, we show that it is also consistent that this statement holds at a non-weakly compact cardinal

    Squares, ascent paths, and chain conditions

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    With the help of various square principles, we obtain results concerning the consistency strength of several statements about trees containing ascent paths, special trees, and strong chain conditions. Building on a result that shows that Todor\v{c}evi\'{c}'s principle □(κ)\square(\kappa) implies an indexed version of □(κ,λ)\square(\kappa,\lambda), we show that for all infinite, regular cardinals λ<κ\lambda<\kappa, the principle □(κ)\square(\kappa) implies the existence of a κ\kappa-Aronszajn tree containing a λ\lambda-ascent path. We then provide a complete picture of the consistency strengths of statements relating the interactions of trees with ascent paths and special trees. As a part of this analysis, we construct a model of set theory in which ℵ2\aleph_2-Aronszajn trees exist and all such trees contain ℵ0\aleph_0-ascent paths. Finally, we use our techniques to show that the assumption that the κ\kappa-Knaster property is countably productive and the assumption that every κ\kappa-Knaster partial order is κ\kappa-stationarily layered both imply the failure of □(κ)\square(\kappa)

    Layered posets and Kunen's universal collapse

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    We develop the theory of layered posets, and use the notion of layering to prove a new iteration theorem (Theorem 6): if κ\kappa is weakly compact then any universal Kunen iteration of κ\kappa-cc posets (each possibly of size κ\kappa) is κ\kappa-cc, as long as direct limits are used sufficiently often. This iteration theorem simplifies and generalizes the various chain condition arguments for universal Kunen iterations in the literature on saturated ideals, especially in situations where finite support iterations are not possible. We also provide two applications: (1) For any n≥1n \ge 1, a wide variety of <ωn−1<\omega_{n-1}-closed, ωn+1\omega_{n+1}-cc posets of size ωn+1\omega_{n+1} can consistently be absorbed (as regular suborders) by quotients of saturated ideals on ωn\omega_n (see Theorem 7 and Corollary 8); and (2) For any n∈ωn \in \omega, the Tree Property at ωn+3\omega_{n+3} is consistent with the Chang's Conjecture (ωn+3,ωn+1)↠(ωn+1,ωn)(\omega_{n+3}, \omega_{n+1}) \twoheadrightarrow (\omega_{n+1}, \omega_n) (Theorem 9).Comment: corrected proof of Lemma

    Knaster and friends I: Closed colorings and precalibers

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    The productivity of the κ\kappa-chain condition, where κ\kappa is a regular, uncountable cardinal, has been the focus of a great deal of set-theoretic research. In the 1970s, consistent examples of κ\kappa-cc posets whose squares are not κ\kappa-cc were constructed by Laver, Galvin, Roitman and Fleissner. Later, ZFC\mathsf{ZFC} examples were constructed by Todorcevic, Shelah, and others. The most difficult case, that in which κ=ℵ2\kappa = \aleph_2, was resolved by Shelah in 1997. In this work, we obtain analogous results regarding the infinite productivity of strong chain conditions, such as the Knaster property. Among other results, for any successor cardinal κ\kappa, we produce a ZFC\mathsf{ZFC} example of a poset with precaliber κ\kappa whose ωth\omega^{\mathrm{th}} power is not κ\kappa-cc. To do so, we carry out a systematic study of colorings satisfying a strong unboundedness condition. We prove a number of results indicating circumstances under which such colorings exist, in particular focusing on cases in which these colorings are moreover closed

    Characterizations of the weakly compact ideal on PκλP_\kappa\lambda

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    Hellsten \cite{MR2026390} gave a characterization of Πn1\Pi^1_n-indescribable subsets of a Πn1\Pi^1_n-indescribable cardinal in terms of a natural filter base: when κ\kappa is a Πn1\Pi^1_n-indescribable cardinal, a set S⊆κS\subseteq\kappa is Πn1\Pi^1_n-indescribable if and only if S∩C≠∅S\cap C\neq\emptyset for every nn-club C⊆κC\subseteq \kappa. We generalize Hellsten's characterization to Πn1\Pi^1_n-indescribable subsets of PκλP_\kappa\lambda, which were first defined by Baumgartner. After showing that under reasonable assumptions the Π01\Pi^1_0-indescribability ideal on PκλP_\kappa\lambda equals the minimal \emph{strongly} normal ideal NSSκ,λ\text{NSS}_{\kappa,\lambda} on PκλP_\kappa\lambda, and is not equal to NSκ,λ\text{NS}_{\kappa,\lambda} as may be expected, we formulate a notion of nn-club subset of PκλP_\kappa\lambda and prove that a set S⊆PκλS\subseteq P_\kappa\lambda is Πn1\Pi^1_n-indescribable if and only if S∩C≠∅S\cap C\neq\emptyset for every nn-club C⊆PκλC\subseteq P_\kappa\lambda. We also prove that elementary embeddings considered by Schanker \cite{MR2989393} witnessing \emph{near supercompactness} lead to the definition of a normal ideal on PκλP_\kappa\lambda, and indeed, this ideal is equal to Baumgartner's ideal of non--Π11\Pi^1_1-indescribable subsets of PκλP_\kappa\lambda. Additionally, as applications of these results we answer a question of Cox-L\"ucke \cite{MR3620068} about F\mathcal{F}-layered posets, provide a characterization of Πnm\Pi^m_n-indescribable subsets of PκλP_\kappa\lambda in terms of generic elementary embeddings, prove several results involving a two-cardinal weakly compact diamond principle and observe that a result of Pereira \cite{MR3640048} yeilds the consistency of the existence of a (κ,κ+)(\kappa,\kappa^+)-semimorasses μ⊆Pκκ+\mu\subseteq P_\kappa\kappa^+ which is Πn1\Pi^1_n-indescribable for all n<ωn<\omega.Comment: revised version for APA

    Knaster and friends III: Subadditive colorings

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    We continue our study of strongly unbounded colorings, this time focusing on subadditive maps. In Part I of this series, we showed that, for many pairs of infinite cardinals θ<κ\theta<\kappa, the existence of a strongly unbounded coloring c:[κ]2→θc:[\kappa]^2 \rightarrow\theta is a theorem of ZFC. Adding the requirement of subadditivity to a strongly unbounded coloring is a significant strengthening, though, and here we see that in many cases the existence of a subadditive strongly unbounded coloring is independent of ZFC. We connect the existence of subadditive strongly unbounded colorings with a number of other infinitary combinatorial principles, including the narrow system property, the existence of κ\kappa-Aronszajn trees with ascent paths, and square principles. In particular, we show that the existence of a closed, subadditive, strongly unbounded coloring is equivalent to a certain weak indexed square principle. We conclude the paper with an application to the failure of the infinite productivity of κ\kappa-stationarily layered posets, answering a question of Cox

    Knaster and friends II: The C-sequence number

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    Motivated by a characterization of weakly compact cardinals due to Todorcevic, we introduce a new cardinal characteristic, the C-sequence number, which can be seen as a measure of the compactness of a regular uncountable cardinal. We prove a number of ZFC and independence results about the C-sequence number and its relationship with large cardinals, stationary reflection, and square principles. We then introduce and study the more general C-sequence spectrum and uncover some tight connections between the C-sequence spectrum and the strong coloring principle U(...), introduced in Part I of this series