11,383 research outputs found

    Fault-Tolerant Aggregation: Flow-Updating Meets Mass-Distribution

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    Flow-Updating (FU) is a fault-tolerant technique that has proved to be efficient in practice for the distributed computation of aggregate functions in communication networks where individual processors do not have access to global information. Previous distributed aggregation protocols, based on repeated sharing of input values (or mass) among processors, sometimes called Mass-Distribution (MD) protocols, are not resilient to communication failures (or message loss) because such failures yield a loss of mass. In this paper, we present a protocol which we call Mass-Distribution with Flow-Updating (MDFU). We obtain MDFU by applying FU techniques to classic MD. We analyze the convergence time of MDFU showing that stochastic message loss produces low overhead. This is the first convergence proof of an FU-based algorithm. We evaluate MDFU experimentally, comparing it with previous MD and FU protocols, and verifying the behavior predicted by the analysis. Finally, given that MDFU incurs a fixed deviation proportional to the message-loss rate, we adjust the accuracy of MDFU heuristically in a new protocol called MDFU with Linear Prediction (MDFU-LP). The evaluation shows that both MDFU and MDFU-LP behave very well in practice, even under high rates of message loss and even changing the input values dynamically.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, To appear in OPODIS 201

    Product Multicommodity Flow in Wireless Networks

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    We provide a tight approximate characterization of the nn-dimensional product multicommodity flow (PMF) region for a wireless network of nn nodes. Separate characterizations in terms of the spectral properties of appropriate network graphs are obtained in both an information theoretic sense and for a combinatorial interference model (e.g., Protocol model). These provide an inner approximation to the n2n^2 dimensional capacity region. These results answer the following questions which arise naturally from previous work: (a) What is the significance of 1/n1/\sqrt{n} in the scaling laws for the Protocol interference model obtained by Gupta and Kumar (2000)? (b) Can we obtain a tight approximation to the "maximum supportable flow" for node distributions more general than the geometric random distribution, traffic models other than randomly chosen source-destination pairs, and under very general assumptions on the channel fading model? We first establish that the random source-destination model is essentially a one-dimensional approximation to the capacity region, and a special case of product multi-commodity flow. Building on previous results, for a combinatorial interference model given by a network and a conflict graph, we relate the product multicommodity flow to the spectral properties of the underlying graphs resulting in computational upper and lower bounds. For the more interesting random fading model with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), we show that the scaling laws for PMF can again be tightly characterized by the spectral properties of appropriately defined graphs. As an implication, we obtain computationally efficient upper and lower bounds on the PMF for any wireless network with a guaranteed approximation factor.Comment: Revised version of "Capacity-Delay Scaling in Arbitrary Wireless Networks" submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Part of this work appeared in the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, 2005, and the Internation Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 200

    A Self-Organization Framework for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks as Small Worlds

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    Motivated by the benefits of small world networks, we propose a self-organization framework for wireless ad hoc networks. We investigate the use of directional beamforming for creating long-range short cuts between nodes. Using simulation results for randomized beamforming as a guideline, we identify crucial design issues for algorithm design. Our results show that, while significant path length reduction is achievable, this is accompanied by the problem of asymmetric paths between nodes. Subsequently, we propose a distributed algorithm for small world creation that achieves path length reduction while maintaining connectivity. We define a new centrality measure that estimates the structural importance of nodes based on traffic flow in the network, which is used to identify the optimum nodes for beamforming. We show, using simulations, that this leads to significant reduction in path length while maintaining connectivity.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog
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