42 research outputs found

    Understanding (Mis)Behavior on the EOSIO Blockchain

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    © 2020 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). EOSIO has become one of the most popular blockchain platforms since its mainnet launch in June 2018. In contrast to the traditional PoW-based systems (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum), which are limited by low throughput, EOSIO is the first high throughput Delegated Proof of Stake system that has been widely adopted by many decentralized applications. Although EOSIO has millions of accounts and billions of transactions, little is known about its ecosystem, especially related to security and fraud. In this paper, we perform a large-scale measurement study of the EOSIO blockchain and its associated DApps. We gather a large-scale dataset of EOSIO and characterize activities including money transfers, account creation and contract invocation. Using our insights, we then develop techniques to automatically detect bots and fraudulent activity. We discover thousands of bot accounts (over 30% of the accounts in the platform) and a number of real-world attacks (301 attack accounts). By the time of our study, 80 attack accounts we identified have been confirmed by DApp teams, causing 828,824 EOS tokens losses (roughly $2.6 million) in total

    A layered approach to improving Blockchain systems security

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    During the past several years, blockchain systems have gained a lot of traction and adoption, with during peak periods, the total capitalisation of these systems exceeding 2 trillion. Given the permissionless nature of blockchain systems and their large scope in terms of software - e.g. distributed consensus, untrusted program execution - numerous attack vectors need to be studied, understood and protected against for blockchain systems to be able to deliver their promises of a safer financial system. In this thesis, we study and contribute to improving the security of various parts of the blockchain stack, from the execution to the application layer. We start with one of the lowest layers of the Ethereum blockchain stack, the EVM, and study the resource metering mechanism that is used to limit the total amount of resources that can be consumed by a smart contract. We discover inconsistencies in the metering mechanism and show and responsibly disclose that it would have been possible to execute transactions that would result in a denial of service attack on the Ethereum blockchain. Our findings were part of the motivation of Ethereum for changing some of its gas metering mechanisms. We then broaden our analysis to other blockchain systems and study how different fee mechanisms affect the transactional throughput as well as the usage of the blockchain. We discover that low fees, which are in theory attractive to users, can lead to a lot of spam. We find that for two of the blockchain we analyse, EOS and Ripple, this type of spam leads to system outages where the blockchain is unable to process transactions. Finally, we find that a common motivation for spam transactions is to artificially inflate the activity of the application layer, through wash-trading for example. In the last main chapter of this thesis, we move to the application layer and turn our focus on decentralised finance (DeFi) ecosystem, which is one of the most prevalent types of application implemented on top of blockchain systems. We start by giving formal definitions of the different types of security, namely technical and economic security. With that definition in mind, in the first part of this chapter, we study technical security exploits and develop an automated tool to detect on-chain exploits. We find that the majority of the exploits found through techniques such as program analysis are not exploited in practice, either because of the lack of feasibility of the exploit or because of the lack of economic incentive to do so. In the second part of this chapter, we focus on economic security and study the liquidation mechanism that is used to protect the users of DeFi lending protocols. We highlight how the efficiency of the liquidations has increased over time, and how depegging events of stablecoin have caused very large amounts of liquidations because of the over-confidence in their stability.Open Acces

    How Hard is Takeover in DPoS Blockchains? Understanding the Security of Coin-based Voting Governance

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    Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) blockchains, such as EOSIO, Steem and TRON, are governed by a committee of block producers elected via a coin-based voting system. We recently witnessed the first de facto blockchain takeover that happened between Steem and TRON. Within one hour of this incident, TRON founder took over the entire Steem committee, forcing the original Steem community to leave the blockchain that they maintained for years. This is a historical event in the evolution of blockchains and Web 3.0. Despite its significant disruptive impact, little is known about how vulnerable DPoS blockchains are in general to takeovers and the ways in which we can improve their resistance to takeovers. In this paper, we demonstrate that the resistance of a DPoS blockchain to takeovers is governed by both the theoretical design and the actual use of its underlying coin-based voting governance system. When voters actively cooperate to resist potential takeovers, our theoretical analysis reveals that the current active resistance of DPoS blockchains is far below the theoretical upper bound. However in practice, voter preferences could be significantly different. This paper presents the first large-scale empirical study of the passive takeover resistance of EOSIO, Steem and TRON. Our study identifies the diversity in voter preferences and characterizes the impact of this diversity on takeover resistance. Through both theoretical and empirical analyses, our study provides novel insights into the security of coin-based voting governance and suggests potential ways to improve the takeover resistance of any blockchain that implements this governance model.Comment: This work has been accepted by ACM CCS 202