6 research outputs found

    Characterization of cross-posting activity for professional users across Facebook, Twitter and Google+

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    Professional players in social media (e.g., big companies, politician, athletes, celebrities, etc) are intensively using Online Social Networks (OSNs) in order to interact with a huge amount of regular OSN users with different purposes (marketing campaigns, customer feedback, public reputation improvement, etc). Hence, due to the large catalog of existing OSNs, professional players usually count with OSN accounts in different systems. In this context, an interesting question is whether professional users publish the same information across their OSN accounts, or actually they use different OSNs in a different manner. We define as cross-posting activity the action of publishing the same information in two or more OSNs. This paper aims at characterizing the cross-posting activity of professional users across three major OSNs, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. To this end, we perform a large-scale measurement-based analysis across more than 2M posts collected from 616 professional users with active accounts in the three referred OSNs. Then we characterize the phenomenon of cross-posting and analyse the behavioural patterns based on the identified characteristics.This work is partially supported by the European Celtic-Plus project CONVINcE and ITEA3 CAP. as well as the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of SPAIN through the project BigDatAAM (FIS2013-47532-C3-3-P) and Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020-DS-2014-1) under Grant Agreement number 653449. We would like thank Reza Motamedi, Reza Rejaie, Roberto Gonzlez and Ruben Cuevas for providing Twitter and Google+ dataset to be used in this study

    Analisis Yuridis Cross Posting Pada Akun Media Sosial Meta Platforms, Inc. Yang Disita

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    Richard Lee ditangkap oleh penyidik dengan dasar akses ilegal yang diatur dalam Pasal 30 ayat (3) UU ITE 2008. Penangkapan tersebut didasari karena Richard Lee mengunggah postingan pada akun Instagram yang telah disita. Diketahui jika publikasi tersebut sebenarnya dilakukan menggunakan metode cross posting melalui akun Facebook miliknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah mengunggah melalui cross posting pada akun media sosial Meta Platforms, Inc. yang telah disita dapat dikatakan sebagai akses ilegal dan apa akibat hukum dari cross posting pada akun media sosial Meta Platforms, Inc. yang telah disita. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Bahan hukum yang digunakan berupa bahan hukum primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan dengan metode analisis deskriptif preskriptif. Hasil dari pembahasan menemukan bahwa Cross posting pada platform akun media sosial Meta Platforms, Inc. yang telah disita seharusnya tidak diklasifikasikan sebagai tindak pidana akses ilegal sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Pasal 30 ayat (3) UU ITE 2008. Lebih lanjut, kaidah hukum mengenai penyitaan akun media sosial sesungguhnya harus dikaji kembali. Kata Kunci: Akses Ilegal, cross posting, media sosia

    Exploring the Relationship Between Social Networking Site Usage and Participation in Protest Activities

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    A methodological approach is developed for exploring the relationship between the use of social networking sites and participation in protest activities. Although a recent meta-analysis study demonstrated that there is a positive association between the two, little work examining this association further appears to have been published. The methodology proposed here studies the patterns of the relationship between nine social media and five types of protest activity using the techniques of multiple correspondence analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and induction of decision rules. The results give insights into the relationship in different segments of individuals' profiles defined as non-activist, offline activist, social media user (two types) and online activist. Significantly, this last segment proves to be a small and heterogeneous group. The results also show that the proposed approach is useful for exploring the patterns of the relationship in a low-dimensional space. Limitations of the methodology and possible extensions are discussed

    Characterization of cross-posting activity for professional users across Facebook, Twitter and Google+

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    Professional players in social media (e.g., big companies, politician, athletes, celebrities, etc) are intensively using Online Social Networks (OSNs) in order to interact with a huge amount of regular OSN users with different purposes (marketing campaigns, customer feedback, public reputation improvement, etc). Hence, due to the large catalog of existing OSNs, professional players usually count with OSN accounts in different systems. In this context, an interesting question is whether professional users publish the same information across their OSN accounts, or actually they use different OSNs in a different manner. We define as cross-posting activity the action of publishing the same information in two or more OSNs. This paper aims at characterizing the cross-posting activity of professional users across three major OSNs, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. To this end, we perform a large-scale measurement-based analysis across more than 2M posts collected from 616 professional users with active accounts in the three referred OSNs. Then we characterize the phenomenon of cross-posting and analyse the behavioural patterns based on the identified characteristics.This work is partially supported by the European Celtic-Plus project CONVINcE and ITEA3 CAP. as well as the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of SPAIN through the project BigDatAAM (FIS2013-47532-C3-3-P) and Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020-DS-2014-1) under Grant Agreement number 653449. We would like thank Reza Motamedi, Reza Rejaie, Roberto Gonzlez and Ruben Cuevas for providing Twitter and Google+ dataset to be used in this study


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    Messaging systems have become a hugely popular new paradigm for sending and delivering text messages; however, online messaging platforms have also become an ideal place for criminals due to their anonymity, ease of use and low cost. Therefore, the ability to verify the identity of individuals involved in criminal activity is becoming increasingly important. The majority of research in this area has focused on traditional authorship problems that deal with single-domain datasets and large bodies of text. Few research studies have sought to explore multi-platform author verification as a possible solution to problems around forensics and security. Therefore, this research has investigated the ability to identify individuals on messaging systems, and has applied this to the modern messaging platforms of Email, Twitter, Facebook and Text messages, using different single-domain datasets for population-based and user-based verification approaches. Through a novel technique of cross-domain research using real scenarios, the domain incompatibilities of profiles from different distributions has been assessed, based on real-life corpora using data from 50 authors who use each of the aforementioned domains. The results show that the use of linguistics is likely be similar between platforms, on average, for a population-based approach. The best corpus experimental result achieved a low EER of 7.97% for Text messages, showing the usefulness of single-domain platforms where the use of linguistics is likely be similar, such as Text messages and Emails. For the user-based approach, there is very little evidence of a strong correlation of stylometry between platforms. It has been shown that linguistic features on some individual platforms have features in common with other platforms, and lexical features play a crucial role in the similarities between users’ modern platforms. Therefore, this research shows that the ability to identify individuals on messaging platforms may provide a viable solution to problems around forensics and security, and help against a range of criminal activities, such as sending spam texts, grooming children, and encouraging violence and terrorism.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Londo