1 research outputs found

    Characterization and recognition of Helly circular-arc clique-perfect graphs

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    A clique-transversal of a graph G is a subset of vertices that meets all the cliques of G. A clique-independent set is a collection of pairwise vertex-disjoint cliques. A graph G is clique-perfect if the sizes of a minimum clique-transversal and a maximum clique-independent set are equal for every induced subgraph of G. The list of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs for the class of clique-perfect graphs is not known. Another open question concerning clique-perfect graphs is the complexity of the recognition problem. In this work we characterize clique-perfect graphs by a restricted list of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs when the graph is a Helly circular-arc graph. This characterization leads to a polynomial time recognition algorithm for clique-perfect graphs inside this class of graphs