2 research outputs found

    Stochastic resonance and bifurcation of order parameter in a coupled system of underdamped Duffing oscillators

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    The long-term mean-field dynamics of coupled underdamped Duffing oscillators driven by an external periodic signal with Gaussian noise is investigated. A Boltzmann-type H-theorem is proved for the associated nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation to ensure that the system can always be relaxed to one of the stationary states as time is long enough. Based on a general framework of the linear response theory, the linear dynamical susceptibility of the system order parameter is explicitly deduced. With the spectral amplification factor as a quantifying index, calculation by the method of moments discloses that both mono-peak and double-peak resonance might appear, and that noise can greatly signify the peak of the resonance curve of the coupled underdamped system as compared with a single-element bistable system. Then, with the input signals taken from laboratory experiments, further observations show that the mean-field coupled stochastic resonance system can amplify the periodic input signal. Also, it reveals that for some driving frequencies, the optimal stochastic resonance parameter and the critical bifurcation parameter have a close relationship. Moreover, it is found that the damping coefficient can also give rise to nontrivial non-monotonic behaviors of the resonance curve, and the resultant resonant peak attains its maximal height if the noise intensity or the coupling strength takes the critical value. The new findings reveal the role of the order parameter in a coupled system of chaotic oscillators


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    We study the characteristics of stochastic resonance (SR) in the Duffing oscillator with three types of asymmetries in its double-well potential. The asymmetries controlled by a parameter α are introduced in the potential by varying (i) the depth of the left-well alone, (ii) the location of the minimum of the left-well alone and (iii) both depth and location of the minimum of the left-well alone. The characteristics of SR in the asymmetric cases are different from the symmetric case (α = 1). We find that asymmetry has a strong influence on the optimum noise intensity at which signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is maximum, mean residence time at resonance and the probability distribution of residence time in the left- and right-wells. For a range of values of α, α = 1, SNR is found to be relatively higher than for α =1