7 research outputs found

    Characteristic Kernels and Infinitely Divisible Distributions

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    We connect shift-invariant characteristic kernels to infinitely divisible distributions on Rd\mathbb{R}^{d}. Characteristic kernels play an important role in machine learning applications with their kernel means to distinguish any two probability measures. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we show, using the L\'evy-Khintchine formula, that any shift-invariant kernel given by a bounded, continuous and symmetric probability density function (pdf) of an infinitely divisible distribution on Rd\mathbb{R}^d is characteristic. We also present some closure property of such characteristic kernels under addition, pointwise product, and convolution. Second, in developing various kernel mean algorithms, it is fundamental to compute the following values: (i) kernel mean values mP(x)m_P(x), x∈Xx \in \mathcal{X}, and (ii) kernel mean RKHS inner products ⟹mP,mQ⟩H{\left\langle m_P, m_Q \right\rangle_{\mathcal{H}}}, for probability measures P,QP, Q. If P,QP, Q, and kernel kk are Gaussians, then computation (i) and (ii) results in Gaussian pdfs that is tractable. We generalize this Gaussian combination to more general cases in the class of infinitely divisible distributions. We then introduce a {\it conjugate} kernel and {\it convolution trick}, so that the above (i) and (ii) have the same pdf form, expecting tractable computation at least in some cases. As specific instances, we explore α\alpha-stable distributions and a rich class of generalized hyperbolic distributions, where the Laplace, Cauchy and Student-t distributions are included

    Matrix Infinitely Divisible Series: Tail Inequalities and Applications in Optimization

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    In this paper, we study tail inequalities of the largest eigenvalue of a matrix infinitely divisible (i.d.) series, which is a finite sum of fixed matrices weighted by i.d. random variables. We obtain several types of tail inequalities, including Bennett-type and Bernstein-type inequalities. This allows us to further bound the expectation of the spectral norm of a matrix i.d. series. Moreover, by developing a new lower-bound function for Q(s)=(s+1)log⁡(s+1)−sQ(s)=(s+1)\log(s+1)-s that appears in the Bennett-type inequality, we derive a tighter tail inequality of the largest eigenvalue of the matrix i.d. series than the Bernstein-type inequality when the matrix dimension is high. The resulting lower-bound function is of independent interest and can improve any Bennett-type concentration inequality that involves the function Q(s)Q(s). The class of i.d. probability distributions is large and includes Gaussian and Poisson distributions, among many others. Therefore, our results encompass the existing work \cite{tropp2012user} on matrix Gaussian series as a special case. Lastly, we show that the tail inequalities of a matrix i.d. series have applications in several optimization problems including the chance constrained optimization problem and the quadratic optimization problem with orthogonality constraints.Comment: Comments Welcome

    Random variate generation for exponential and gamma tilted stable distributions

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    We develop a new efficient simulation scheme for sampling two families of tilted stable distributions: exponential tilted stable (ETS) and gamma tilted stable (GTS) distributions. Our scheme is based on two-dimensional single rejection. For the ETS family, its complexity is uniformly bounded over all ranges of parameters. This new algorithm outperforms all existing schemes. In particular, it is more efficient than the well-known double rejection scheme, which is the only algorithm with uniformly bounded complexity that we can find in the current literature. Beside the ETS family, our scheme is also flexible to be further extended for generating the GTS family, which cannot easily be done by extending the double rejection scheme. Our algorithms are straightforward to implement, and numerical experiments and tests are conducted to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency

    Machine learning with kernels for portfolio valuation and risk management

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    We introduce a simulation method for dynamic portfolio valuation and risk management building on machine learning with kernels. We learn the dynamic value process of a portfolio from a finite sample of its cumulative cash flow. The learned value process is given in closed form thanks to a suitable choice of the kernel. We show asymptotic consistency and derive finite sample error bounds under conditions that are suitable for finance applications. Numerical experiments show good results in large dimensions for a moderate training sample size

    Model-based kernel sum rule: kernel Bayesian inference with probabilistic model

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    Kernel Bayesian inference is a principled approach to nonparametric inference in probabilistic graphical models, where probabilistic relationships between variables are learned from data in a nonparametric manner. Various algorithms of kernel Bayesian inference have been developed by combining kernelized basic probabilistic operations such as the kernel sum rule and kernel Bayes’ rule. However, the current framework is fully nonparametric, and it does not allow a user to flexibly combine nonparametric and model-based inferences. This is inefficient when there are good probabilistic models (or simulation models) available for some parts of a graphical model; this is in particular true in scientific fields where “models” are the central topic of study. Our contribution in this paper is to introduce a novel approach, termed the model-based kernel sum rule (Mb-KSR), to combine a probabilistic model and kernel Bayesian inference. By combining the Mb-KSR with the existing kernelized probabilistic rules, one can develop various algorithms for hybrid (i.e., nonparametric and model-based) inferences. As an illustrative example, we consider Bayesian filtering in a state space model, where typically there exists an accurate probabilistic model for the state transition process. We propose a novel filtering method that combines model-based inference for the state transition process and data-driven, nonparametric inference for the observation generating process. We empirically validate our approach with synthetic and real-data experiments, the latter being the problem of vision-based mobile robot localization in robotics, which illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid approach